Collections and researches made by the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan
This volume is a collection of several different kinds of important historical documents published by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Volume 10 combines approximately two hundred pages of articles written about local, territorial, and state history with a second installment of materials from the Haldimand Papers, continued from Volume 9. The Haldimand Papers are materials culled from Canadian archives in Ottawa by the Society's representative, B.W. Shoemaker, to illuminate British influence and activities in the Great Lakes region during the era of the American Revolution and its aftermath. Articles in the first part of the volume range from the presidential campaign of 1840 to the early history of Michigan horticulture. They cover early Michigan surveys; town histories and recollections of Detroit, Flint, Green, and Watertown; religious institutions such as the Freewill Baptist Church of Cook's Prairie, the old Moravian mission at Mount Clemons, and the Methodist Episcopal Church of Galesburg; and Native American customs, lore, and history. Excerpts from the White Pigeon Republican report the proceedings of a council held at Notawassippi (St. Joseph County) in 1839 between the Potawatomi [Pottawattomies] remaining in Michigan and Indiana and Isaac S. Ketchum. Two chiefs, Red Bird and Muckmote, speak in detail about why their people rejected a proposal to move west of the Mississippi. Two poems, both printed in the White Pigeon Republican, 1839, meditate upon the graves and forest life-style of vanished Indians. There are also several short biographies and testimonials. The volume's installment of the Haldimand papers continues the correspondence by frontier-based British officers with each other and with their commanding officer, General Frederick Haldimand, at Quebec. The excerpts here emphasize European, Native American, and American relations from the 1760s through the early 1780s and provide documentation about Native American councils and court proceedings, civil and military life, corn contracts, movements in the Ohio Country, ceremonies, inventories and supplies, census figures for Detroit and St. Joseph, indemnification, Native American oratory, trade, medical care, and military intelligence. A general index and name index appear at the end of the volume.
"Henry S. Bartholomew, editor of second edition"--p. ii.
"Pioneer Collections"--at head of title.
Also available in digital form on the Library of Congress Web site.
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