Christian herald (1913) (14765202815)
Identifier: christianherald36unse (find matches)
Title: Christian herald
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Contributing Library: Christian Herald Association
Digitizing Sponsor: Tisch Library, Tufts University
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ections which were worstaffected. The rescuers worked all Wednesday nightand on Thursday their numbers were increased byhundreds of volunteers. Rowboats were rushedinto the flooded streets as early as possible, carry-ing food and drinking water to the survivors in thehalf-submerged houses. These boats, because ofthe urgency of their work, took away to the reliefstations only the women and children, who wouldhave had to remain standing in the icy-cold waterif they had been left for boats which were to comelater. One of the first moves necessary on the part ofthe military authorities was to guard the desertedproperty in the business district and prevent loot-ing. Shortly after noon on Thursday martial lawwas established and the militiamen patrolled thestreets and guarded the approaches to that part ofthe flooded district where the receding waters werebaring all the horror they had wrought. Thieveshad begun to pillage the abandoned homes andstores and to rob men and women in the streets.
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.>>Tiirht. ArtWrtcwi lrt-i«» AMMM-iati* WORKING TO SAVE THE DIKE THAT GUARDED A TOWN IN THE FLOODED DISTRICT This situation had become so serious when thetroops arrived that Colonel Charles Zimmerman, ofthe Fifth Regiment of Cleveland, the oflScer in com-mand, gave orders to his men to shoot the looters atsight. The same press repie.sentative who wasquoted above gives the following account of scenesin Dayton the first morning that real investigationand final search for the dead was possible: A woman with haggard face stood in the debrisof a wrecked porch and screamed excitedly to thecrowd at the corner. They surrounded a coatlessman who had been caught running, who, some onesaid, had tried to loot the house where the womanstood in the wreckage of her front porch. A ropewas about the prisoners neck, when a policemanshoved his way through and turned the mans as-sailants back with drawn revolver. The policemanwas turning the man over to a militiaman who ranup gun in hand when ano
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