Christian herald (1913) (14762754664)
Identifier: christianherald36unse (find matches)
Title: Christian herald
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Contributing Library: Christian Herald Association
Digitizing Sponsor: Tisch Library, Tufts University
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JACOB AND ESAU SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON BY DR. AND MRS. WILBUR F. CRAFTS Ml As WE of the twentieth century A.D. studyto-day people of the twentieth century B.C.,how much like us we find them down under^ the superficial differences! The Bible isnot only a revelation of divine nature but also ofhuman nature. And everybody needs to know both.It was said by Dr. Henry Clay Trumbull that aSunday school teacher should know (1) Christ,(2) the Bible, (3) human nature, (4) how to teach.The preacher needs still more to know human na-ture in order to bring it into saving contact withthe divine nature. Hardly less is a knowledge ofhuman nature of value to parents; and this knowl-edge is also essential to the success of the businessman and the statesman. Genesis pictures human nature wild, in its natu-ral beginnings. Almost everj type of human na-ture is pictured in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob andEsau. In ever> nation there are at the top of thehuman pyramid a few heroicAbrahams, men of initiative,that br
AI Findings
Christian Herald 1913
A vintage magazine cover depicting a woman and child in a snowy landscape, with a church visible in the background.
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