Christian herald (1913) (14762301691)
Identifier: christianherald36unse (find matches)
Title: Christian herald
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Contributing Library: Christian Herald Association
Digitizing Sponsor: Tisch Library, Tufts University
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is love, and the cross of Christ is the climaxof divine compassion for sinful men. Such lovemelts the hardest hearts, and softens the most stub-born wills, and captivates the most bitter intellects.The cross of Christ draws and attracts us to God.It reveals the tender compassion of the divineFather. The apostles, in the first century, seemed likemen driven by a superluman dynamic force. In the twentieth century reformers, evangelists, teach-ers, missionaries, social and settlement workers,preachers, and thousands of laymen have becomecrusaders in the titanic battles to usher in the king-dom of heaven upon earth. Money is given toChrist and to his cause as never before witnessedin the world. Young men and women are offeringthemselves in larger numbers than ever before forhome and foreign missions. Tens of thousands aresaying every day, What can I do to-day, so that Ican follow in the steps of my sinless Lord? THE CHRISTIAN HERALD. May 28, 1913 Pa8» SIS ATLANTAS SUNDAY SCHOOL PARADE IN
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THE SECOND BAPTIST AND FIRST CHRISTIAN SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF ATLANTA. GA., ASSEMBLED AT THE STATE CAPITOL, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4 THERE were six thousand three hundred andnineteen enrolled Sunday school students ofall ages in the parade Sunday morning,May 4, when the Second Baptist Sundayschool of Atlanta, Ga., and the First Christian Sun-day school of that city marched through its streetsfrom the State capitol, on whose grounds they met,to the public auditorium, to hold their joint meetingand jubilation just before the end of the threemonths contest between them. Included in that number was the Sunday schoolwhich had set a new worlds record for attendance—the First Christian school, with 4,129 scholars,all regularly enrolled, and including 776 new oneswho had joined that morning. The previous worldsrecord wa.s said to have been 3,800, held by theChristian Sunday school of Canton, Ohio, championamong the schools of all denominations in the en-tire United States and Canada. The standing o
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