Christian Cynosure (1918) (14596573398)
Identifier: christiancynosurv51phil (find matches)
Title: Christian Cynosure
Year: 1918 (1910s)
Authors: Phillips, William Irving
Subjects: Secret societies - Religious aspects - Christianity.
Publisher: Chicago, IL: National Christian Association
Contributing Library: Buswell Memorial Library, Wheaton College (IL)
Digitizing Sponsor: CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois
Text Appearing Before Image:
t interesting-, contribution yetwritten on the question of Washingtons relation to Freemasonry. ADDRESS NATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION850 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO, <LL. Knights of Columbus ILLUSTRATED A COMPLETE RITUAL AND HISTORY OF THE FIRSTTHREE DEGREES, INCLUDING ALL SECRETWORK, FULLY ILLUSTRATED BY A FORMERMEMBER OF THE ORDER. This work gives the proper position of tach officer during themeetings, the proper manner of conducting the business ofthe Knights of Columbus, order of opening and closingof the Lodge, dress of candidates, ceremony of initiation; givingthe signs, grips, pass words, etc. Convenient pocket size. Paper Covers - - - $ .75Cloth - 1.00 National Christian Association 850 W. Madison Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS iuA»iM »a R.,H»r«i Wh«n vou rtm»». reading thia magazine place a 1-cent stamp on this notice, hand earn* tc any p£2i «5kSSTin-dMt ^Fb^ pla^d^Tttfe hand.^ our soldiers or sailors at the front. No wrapping. Noaddress. A. S. BURLESON, Postmaster General.
Text Appearing After Image:
VOL. LI. CHICAGO, DECEMBER, 1918. Number 8
AI Findings
Christian Cynosure, 1918
An illustration from the Christian Cynosure publication, dated 1918.
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