Christen Købke - Portræt af Niels Schryth - 1830
Niels Schryth (1800-1833) was engaged to Christen Købke's older sister, Christiane Marie Købke (1803-1879), but - possibly because he fell ill - they never married. The drawing was a gift from Christen to Christiane with the text on the verso Til min kjære Søster Christiane fra din Broder Christen Købke (To my dear sister Christiane from your brother Christen Købke). Later the drawing was framed and had an inscription added below the drawing, Ei Livets Færd Dig skænked Roe - Du fandt den først i Gravens Boe ("The path through life no rest you gave - You found it only in your grave"). Christen Købke was just 20 when he made this drawing, and it counts as one of his first thoroughly done portraits.
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