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Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians; containing a full account of the great insurrection in China; atrocities of the "Boxers" together with the complete history of China down to the (14592438247)


Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians; containing a full account of the great insurrection in China; atrocities of the "Boxers" together with the complete history of China down to the (14592438247)



Identifier: chinesehorrorspe00nort (find matches)
Title: Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians; containing a full account of the great insurrection in China; atrocities of the "Boxers" ... together with the complete history of China down to the present time ..
Year: 1900 (1900s)
Authors: Northrop, Henry Davenport, 1836-1909
Publisher: Philadelphia, National Pub. Co
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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so, is to have a definite numberof blows with the bamboo. Every workman engaged within thepalace has a pass given to him, on whichis a detailed description of his figure andappearance, and which he is bound to giveup to the officer of the identical gate 182 CHINA: PAST AND PRESENT. through which he was admitted. To carrydrugs or weapons into the Forbidden City isto court a flogging in addition to perpetualbanishment, and any one who shall shootarrows or bullets, or fling bricks or stonestowards the Imperial temple, or towards anyImperial palace, shall suffer death by beingstrangled at the usual period, No convicted person or relative of a con- thereon while the Emperors retinue is pass-ing is to be strangled. If the Emperor ar-rives unexpectedly at a place, it shall besufficient for those who are unable to retirein time, to prostrate themselves humbly onthe roadside, But there are other and more insidiousdangers than these to be guarded against.Doctors and cooks have it readily within
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CHINESE MODES OF TORTURE. victed person is to be employed about theImperial city, and any one found disputingor quarrelling within the precincts of thepalace is to be punished with fifty blows. Ifthe quarrelling leads to a personal encounterthe penalty is doubled. Even the roadsalong which the Emperor travels and thebridges which he crosses are not to be pro-faned by vulgar use, and any one intruding their power to do all the evil that the daggeror club can accomplish, and it is, therefore,enacted that if a physician inadvertenlymixes medicines for the Emperor in anymanner that is not sanctioned by establishedpractice, or if a cook unwittingly introducesany prohibited ingredients into the dishesprepared for his Imperial master, they shalleach receive a hundred blows. The same THE PUNISHMENT OF CRIMINALS. 183 punishment is due to the cook, if he putsany unusual drug into an article of food,and, in addition, he is compelled to swallowthe compound. Marriage is regarded as an incentive to





Library of Congress

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chinese horrors and persecutions of the christians containing a full account of the great insurrection in china
chinese horrors and persecutions of the christians containing a full account of the great insurrection in china