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Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer


Chas. E. Blaney's big extravaganza success, A female drummer



7586 U.S. Copyright Office
"Russell-Morgan Print."
Blaney and Vance, managers.
Caption: Some of the pretty things to be seen daily in our store: Corset Stave, the floor walker, Silky Stockings, Pettie Coat, Lacy Challes, Baby Blue, Rose Color, Kid Gloves, Pinky Ribbons, Reddy Made.
Created and "copyrighted 1898 by The U.S. Printing Co., Cin., U.S.A."
No. 3486.
Forms part of: Theatrical poster collection (Library of Congress)

American Theatrical Posters: Musicals, Dance, Extravaganza

The collection includes posters advertising individual plays and operettas, burlesque, vaudeville, and specialty acts, dance companies, extravaganzas produced by the Kiralfy Brothers, portraits of entertainers, and stock posters. Featured performers include Julia Arthur, De Wolfe Hopper, Joseph Hart Vaudeville Co., Thomas W. Keene, Andrew Mack, Robert B. Mantell, Mathews & Bulger, Lewis Morrison, Phil Sheridan's New City Sports Co., Royal Lilliputians, and Jennie Yeamans. Directors, managers, and producers include Edward J. Abraham, Blaney, and Vance, William A. Brady, Sidney R. Ellis, W.J. Fielding, Charles Frohman, Hoyt & McKee, the Kiralfy Brothers, Jacob Litt, Rice & Burton, Rich & Harris, A.Q. Scammon, Sam S. Schubert, Thall & Kennedy, Fred E. Wright, Charles H. Yale, and others. Playwrights include David Belasco, George H. Broadhurst, Bartley Campbell, Charles Turner Dazey, Gilbert & Sullivan, William Gillette, Seymour Hicks, David Higgins, Bronson Howard, Cecil Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Sutton Vane, and others. Plays include such popular titles as Arizona, At Piney Ridge, By the sad sea waves, Devil's auction, Evangeline, Faust, Female drummer, H.M.S. Pinafore, The hidden hand, The last of the Rohans, Ole Olson, The Queen of Chinatown, Shenandoah, Siberia, The sporting life, Uncle Tom's cabin, Venice, The war of wealth, Way down East, Yon Yonson, and others. Images depicted include scenes from plays, portraits of performers, and performers performing. Featured entertainers are not always depicted in the image. Some posters are mainly textual with peripheral images.


AI Findings

Chas. E. Blaney's Big Extravaganza Success: A Female Drummer

A vintage poster depicting a theatrical performance featuring a female drummer.





U.S. Printing Co.
Blaney, Charles E., -1944.
Blaney and Vance.


Library of Congress

Copyright info

No known restrictions on publication.

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