Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects, Volume II. Flemish and Dutch paintings - - 6d78bbe1a49e5e1d2419217697465709 (page 120)
Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects, Volume II. Flemish and Dutch paintings. Annotated by Hamilton Bell. Missing pages.Contents: Front Matter -- XV Century Flemish and Dutch Painters (Pages 1 - 24) -- XVI Century Flemish and Dutch Painters (Pages 25 - 62) -- XVII Century Flemish and Dutch Painters, A. Frans Hals Period 1610-1640 (Pages 63 - 82) -- XVII Century Flemish and Dutch Painters, B. Rembrandt Period 1640-1670 (Pages 83 - 156) -- XVII Century Flemish Painters (Pages 157 - 182) -- Appendix (Pages 183 - 184) -- Index of Painters (Pages 185 - 188) -- Illustrations (Pages 189 - 190) -- Illustrations, XV Century Flemish and Dutch Paintings (Pages 191 - 230) -- Illustrations, XVI Century Flemish and Dutch Paintings (Pages 231 - 296) -- Illustrations, XVII Century Dutch Painters, A. Frans Hals Period 1610-1640 (Pages 297 - 326) -- Illustrations, XVII Century Dutch Painters, B. Rembrandt Period 1640-1670 (Pages 327 - 446) -- Illustrations, XVII Century Flemish Painters (Pages 449 - 484) -- Flemish and Dutch paintings, Illustrations, Dutch Painters XVIII and Early XIX Centuries (Pages 487 - end).
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Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects. Volume II. Flemish and Dutch paintings
A page from a catalogue depicting a Flemish painting, likely from a private collection.
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