Bulletin of Elon College (Special Series), 1916-1919 (1916) (14589850257) (2)
Identifier: bulletinofelonc112155elon (find matches)
Title: Bulletin of Elon College (Special Series), 1916-1919
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Elon College
Subjects: Elon College -- Periodicals Elon College -- History -- Periodicals Elon College -- Buildings -- Periodials Elon College --Alumni and alumnae -- Periodicals
Publisher: Elon College
Contributing Library: Elon University, Carol Grotnes Belk Library
Digitizing Sponsor: LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation
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More Kodak Revelations
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Holiday Scenes Amid Uplifting Social Intercourse Commencement Number 17 6. The catalogue will reveal the careful anxietyof the Faculty to adapt the curriculum to the de-mands of the age. The B. Mus. course will readilycommend itself to all who desire real culture and in-tellectual development at the same time. The Schoolof Education will match for efficiency and compre-hensiveness the curriculum of any Teachers Col-lege and has been pronounced by State Superintend-ent Joyner as more than meeting the professionalrequirements for teacher-training in this State. TheCommercial Department has been enriched in scopeand standardized. It has steadily gained in favorunder the present head and will continue to winpatronage and prestige for us. 7. The Southern Christian Convention on May5th, coming up from Burlington in a body andspending the day with us by its visit inspired wswonderfully. THE FACULTY The Faculty has this year, as in former years,been characterized by its co-operative spirit of
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