Brown Bess Short Musket East India Company-NMAH-AHB2009q07030
This short musket was manufactured by Griffin and Tow in 1779 for the British East India Company. Started in 1600, the publicly-owned firm traded with the East Indies, China and India until the late 19th century. EIC merchant vessels were prime targets for American privateers, because of the large and valuable cargoes they transported worldwide.
This musket is an 80-cal. Brown Bess flintlock, with a short 39-in. barrel instead of the standard 46- or 42-in. barrels. Bearing the East India Company emblem, it was a perfect short-range firearm for a fighting privateer. Guns fired at close quarters, like on the decks of an enemy vessel, did not require the accuracy provided by longer barrels. Short-barreled guns also were quicker and easier to point in hand-to-hand combat.
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