Blacksmith crew, Lester Logging Company, ca 1915 (KINSEY 198)
Caption on image: Lester Logging Co. C. Kinsey Photo, Seattle. No. 10 PH Coll 516.1725The E H Lester Logging Company was in business in the Montesano area from ca. 1910 to 1919, when it was merged into the Saginaw Timber Company. The E.H. Lester Logging Company had a two-mile logging railroad. Montesano, the county seat of Grays Harbor County, is eight miles east of Aberdeen on the Chehalis River near the mouth of Wynooche River in central Grays Harbor County. In 1862, the name Mount Zion was suggested by the wife of the first settler, J. L. Scammon. Another pioneer, Samuel James, suggested the present name from the Spanish monte or mountain, and sano or health. Local authorities thought Sam's name had more meaning.
Subjects (LCTGM): Blacksmiths--Washington (State); Forge shops--Washington (State); Lumber industry--Washington (State); Railroad tracks--Washington (State); E. H. Lester Logging Company--People--Washington (State); E. H. Lester Logging Company--Facilities--Washington (State); Grays Harbor County (Wash.)
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