Biographies and stories of Abraham Lincoln (1865) (14761810461)
Identifier: biographiesstor00linc (find matches)
Title: Biographies and stories of Abraham Lincoln
Year: 1886 (1880s)
Authors: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Subjects: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Presidents
Contributing Library: Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection
Digitizing Sponsor: Friends of The Lincoln Collection of Indiana, Inc.
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ssesand bed-springs, overalls and shirts, is largeand developing rapidly. A large butter andcreamery station is located at Lincoln. It re-ceives cream from some 200 sub-stations, andmakes two car-loads of butter per day. Thejobbing and wholesaling industry is well underway, and in a few lines has reached creditableproportions. Lincoln, with 22 branch houses,is the largest distributing centre for farm ma-chinery in the West. The jobbers in butter andeggs, fruits and groceries, are doing a goodbusiness. There is also a fair beginning in hats,hardware, drugs, furniture, coffins, paper, sashand doors, iron for plumbing, jewelry, crockeryand queensware, lumber and coal. Two> fair-sized grain elevators have recently been con-structed. Total estimated business of jobbersand wholesalers for 1902, $18,000,000. Lincolnis also becoming quite a centre for insurancebusiness. Two strong life insurance companies,two fire insurance, three fraternal companies,including the Modern Woodmen with head-
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ANDREW JOHNSON, 17TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE NEW STUDENTS REFERENCE WORK FOR TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND FAMILIES EDITED BYCHANDLER B. BEACH. A.M. ASSOCIATE EDITORFRANK MORTON MCMURRY, Ph.D. VOLUME III CHICAGOF. E. COMPTON AND COMPANY The Students Cyclopaedia Copyright, 1893, by C. B. Beach The Students Reference Work Copyright, 1901, by C. B. Beach The New Students Reference Work Copyright, 1909, by C B. BeachCopyright, 1911, by C. B. BeachCopyright, 1912, by C. B. Beach The New Students Reference Work Copyright, 1912, by F. E. Compton and CompanyCopyright, 1913, by F. E. Compton and CompanyCopyright, 1914, by F. E. Compton and CompanyCopyright, 1915, by F. E. Compton and CompanyCopyright, 1917, by F. E. Compton and Company JWNCOLN io73 Lincoln (llnkun), a city of England, onthe Witham,~42 miles from Mull and 130from London. There are important found-ries and other manufactories and an activetrade in flour. The horse-fair held everyspring is one of the largest in the world,but
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