Beginnings in animal husbandry (1912) (20353361662)
Title: Beginnings in animal husbandry
Identifier: beginningsinanim01plum (find matches)
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Plumb, Charles S. (Charles Sumner), 1860-1939
Subjects: Livestock; Poultry
Publisher: St. Paul, Minn. , Webb Publishing Co.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
Text Appearing Before Image:
THE BREEDS OF SWINE 111 in the Mississippi Valley, but not enough to attract atten- tion at present. The Cheshire is a medium-sized, white breed of the lard type, mostly bred in New York State, the place of its origin. The breed originated about 1855, with, the Large Yorkshire as an important blood line in the parentage. The Cheshire resembles to quite an extent what the Englishman calls the Middle White, which is really a more compact, broader-
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. Gl. A Tamvvorth sow. A first-prize wiimer at Ohio State Fair. Photo- graph by the author, backed, heavier hamnuHl, lardier type than th(* Large Yorkshire. The Cheshire has a fair size, w(Mghs w(41, matures early, and feeds and fattens to a(lvantagt\ Th(* sows farrow good-sized litters in comparison with other breeds. This is one of the least known of American hogs. The Victoria is a wliite breed of swine, of wliich tli(^re have been two families, one of New York and tiie oth(»r of Indiana origin. The latter, (((^veloped l)y a Mr. Dy(M\ is the only ouo at all known today, and but v( ry few luM'ds of this family are in existence. It is a l)reed (luite comparal)le in appearance
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