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Battles of the nineteenth century (1901) (14802215703)


Battles of the nineteenth century (1901) (14802215703)



Bringing up the five-inch siege guns
Identifier: battlesofninetee06forb (find matches)
Title: Battles of the nineteenth century
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Authors: Forbes, Archibald, 1838-1900 Atteridge, A. Hilliard (Andrew Hilliard)
Subjects: Battles Military history, Modern
Publisher: London New York : Cassell and Company
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive

Text Appearing Before Image:
Alvwoi Nor<-KC O L. O N Y THE OrERAflGNb IN HIE S.E. OK IHE FREE STATE. found they had been misled into prematurelytaking a hostile attitude towards their Boerneighbours. Pilcher had hardly entered thetown when he received a friendly warning thata Boer commando was approaching on theFicksburg road. It was the vanguard ofOliviers force. If he had remained with hishandful of men he would have been captured, the head of his burghers. The Union Jacks haddisappeared, the Vu-rkleur was hoisted again,and in his indignation at the carrying-off of theLandrost the Boer commandant ordered thearrest of the British inhabitants. About twenty\\ere made prisoners and marched off to Ficks-burg. The others escaped into Basutoland,s?me of them with the assistance of Boer
Text Appearing After Image:
2,S4 THE BOER WAR. neighbours. Olivier pursued Pilcher across theLeeuw River and captured a patrol of fourmounted men ; but the pursuit was checkedbj Pilchers rearguard with a Maxim, and themounted infantry rejoined Broadwood atThaba Xchu early on the morning of March2Qth, the day of the battle of Karree Siding.The Boers had followed up the retirement, andit was reported that their force amounted to8,000 men and co guns under Olivier andGrobler. Probably the numbers of both menand guns were exaggerated. Thaba Nchu village is almost surrounded bya great circle of flat-topped hills, and cannot beheld against an enemy coming from the east-ward unless those hills are occupied, and to dothis would require a much larger force thanBroadwood had with him. Broadwood thereforedecided to retire to the waterworks at SannasPost, where the Thaba Nchu road crosses theModder. The waterworks had been occupiedby a small force of infantry, and four miles nearerBloemfontein there was a brigade at Bosmans


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Battles of the Nineteenth Century

Illustration depicting a battle scene with soldiers and horses engaged in combat.





University of California

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battles of the nineteenth century 1901
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