Arthur Holmes Merry Generator House, Signal Lake North of Range Road, Fort Gordon, Richmond County, GA
Significance: The Arthur Holmes Merry Generator House at Signal (Scout) Lake, Fort Gordon is among the oldest private water-powered structures in Georgia. The Generator House was constructed in 1935. By 1938, the generator supplied electricity to a nearby private home and pavilion owned by Arthur Holmes Merry. Merry was the founder of Merry Brick Company, one of the largest brick manufacturers in the United States and an integral part of the local Augusta economy. The overshot wheel at the Generator House was typical of hydraulic systems used in the Richmond and Columbia county areas to provide the power to scores of grist and saw-mills since the mid-1700s. The Generator House is not currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Unprocessed Field note material exists for this structure: N1103
Survey number: HAER GA-92
Building/structure dates: 1935 Initial Construction
Building/structure dates: 1995 Demolished
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