Antiquities of the Orient unveiled, containing a concise description of the remarkable ruins of King Solomon's temple, and store cities ,together with those of all the most ancient and renowned cities (14782350255)
Identifier: antiquitiesofori00reddrich (find matches)
Title: Antiquities of the Orient unveiled, containing a concise description of the remarkable ruins of King Solomon's temple, and store cities ,together with those of all the most ancient and renowned cities of the East, including Babylon, Nineveh, Damascus, and Shushan
Year: 1875 (1870s)
Authors: Redding, M. W. (Moses Wolcott) Guide to Mount Moriah, Author of
Subjects: Bible Middle East -- Antiquities
Publisher: New York, Temple Publishing Union
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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r i ii Oriental Khan, being a vast qnadrangular structureaiound an interior court, the chambers opening onthe galleries. There are marks found on the walls, andniany curious ornaments sculptured in the cornice. The Great Hospital of St. John is described asstanding a.d. 1322, by Sir John Mandeville, as a pal-ace supported and ornamented by 178 stone pillars.The order of Knights Templar was gathered fromthe nobles of all Europe, and M^as at first chari-table,for the relief of pilgrims, but afterwards becamereligious and military. They were recognized as anoider as late as 1800, at which time Malta was restoredto them by England and France, when Paul, the Em-peror of Russia, was the Grand Master. But Englandnow holds the island, and the knights have lost alldominion and power. The gateway of the ruined hospital in Jerusalemis still standing, though very ruinous. It presents aflattened pointed arch, which is succeeded by around arch behind, ornamented with rich historicaland emblematical
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