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Annual report (1909) (14589914269)


Annual report (1909) (14589914269)



Identifier: annualreport6331909newy (find matches)
Title: Annual report
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: New York State Museum
Subjects: New York State Museum Science Science
Publisher: Albany : University of the State of New York
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

Text Appearing Before Image:
BLACK GUILLEMOT Cepplius arylle (Linnaeus) WINTER SUMMER BRUNNICH MURRE RAZOR-BILLED AUK Uria lorn via (Linnaeus) Alca tonin Linnaeus WINTER SUMMER EGG PUFFIN SUMMER Fratercula aretica (Linnaeus) SUMMER All inat. size DOVEKIE Alle alU (Linnaeus) Plate 4 POMARINE JAEGERPage 114 LONG-TAILED JAEGERPage 117 PARASITIC JAEGERPage 116 SKUAPage 113 BIRDS OF NKM Y O R Iv Memoir 12. N. Y. State Museum Plate 4
Text Appearing After Image:
POMARINE JAEGEH SI-efcorariii.S OF Nl^AV^ VOl^Iv Memoir 12. N. Y State Museum Plate 5





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