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Annual report (1906) (14745654011)


Annual report (1906) (14745654011)



Identifier: annualreport131415190newy (find matches)
Title: Annual report
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: New York (State). Forest, Fish and Game Commission
Subjects: Forests and forestry Fisheries Game and game-birds
Publisher: (Albany, N.Y. : The Commission)
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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aroused in this direction hasbeen very gratifying. In the spring of 1909 about one million youngforest trees were distributed to private owners from the State nurseriesand large quantities were imported for use as well. This Tine of work isvery profitable from every point of view and the State nurseries, it is believed,should be extended so as to take care of the full demand. The plantingof young softwood trees is more necessary in New York than in some othereastern States, because the natural reproduction of the forests in NewYork is more largely of a decidious nature. There is, too, no means ofinteresting people in their own forest property and in the forestry move-ment at large so effective as to have them plant and watch the develop-ment of young forest trees. Mr. Pettis contributes an extensive article to this report on the broadsubject of nurseries and reforestation. It is also worthy of note that withinthe year the United States Forest Service has published a bulletin prepared
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THE OLD HUNTER FOREST, FISH AND GAME COMMISSIONER. 193 by him and based largely on New York experience, entitled How to Growand Plant Conifers in the Northeastern States. We are fortunate in thepossession of perhaps the best scientific and practical tree grower in thiscountry. Outside this line, comparatively little has been done in New YorkState in the way of co-operation, yet it is work which we should be extend-ing and preparing for. There is quite as much to be gained in the intelli-gent care and utilization of existing forests as in the starting of new ones,and in this line, as indicated above, in other States public agencies haveled the way. In a State as large as New York, with its diversities of countryand of forest growth, several highly trained men would find ample employ-ment for their time in work of this nature. It will, too, take men severalyears to get thoroughly acquainted with the regions in which they are toexercise this office, before they can do it in the most effe





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annual reports of the forest fish and game commissioner of the state of new york 1907 1909
annual reports of the forest fish and game commissioner of the state of new york 1907 1909
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