Annual report (1906) (14562217409)
Identifier: annualreport131415190newy (find matches)
Title: Annual report
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: New York (State). Forest, Fish and Game Commission
Subjects: Forests and forestry Fisheries Game and game-birds
Publisher: (Albany, N.Y. : The Commission)
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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are still pending. This work has been performed at a cost to the State of certainly lessthan 50 per cent, than it would have been under the local counsel system,and a greater degree of care and precaution has been exercised in the approvalof titles. Upward of a hundred and fifty opinions have been rendered by thisDepartment to the Commissioner, Superintendent of Forests, Chief GameProtector and others construing the various sections of the statute andupon matters relating to their official powers and procedure. In the prosecution of the legal work of the Department, our experiencehas demonstrated that the law, in order to be effective, must receive sub-stantial and not too technical enforcement; that the protective measurestaken must be fair and reasonable in the scope of their operation and mustbe consistent and consonant with the intent of the Legislature in orderto receive the support of moral sentiment and public opinion in favor ofits enforcement. Albany, N. Y., October 1, 1909.
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