Annual report (1901) (14563570278)
Identifier: annualreport891901021newy (find matches)
Title: Annual report
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: New York (State). Forest, Fish and Game Commission
Subjects: Forests and forestry Fisheries Game and game-birds
Publisher: (Albany, N.Y. : The Commission)
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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ds; with abundance of focd it will increase morerapidly in weight. The carp continues to add to its circumference till its thirty-fifth year, and in the southern parts of Europe Mr. Hessel has seen individualsweighing forty pounds and measuring three and one half feet in length and twoand three fourths feet in circumference. The carp lives principally on vegetable food, preferably the seeds of waterplants such as the water lilies, wild rice and water oats. It will eat lettuce,cabbage, soaked barley, wheat, rice, corn, insects and their larvae, worms andmeats of various kinds. It can readily be caught with dough, grains of barleyor wheat, worms, maggots, wasp larvae and sometimes with pieces of beef or fish. Large individuals are found in Prospect Park Lake, Brooklyn, where thespecies was introduced. The food of the fish in captivity includes hard clams,earthworms, wheat, corn, lettuce and cabbage. Its growth is remarkable; aleather carp has fully doubled its weight in one year. tfridi
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