Anne Marie Carl Nielsen, Et frysende føl, 1887, kms5941, Statens Museum for Kunst
Dansk: Et frysende føl
Her preferred themes were domestic animals and people, with an intense, naturalistic portrayal of movements and sentiments. She also depicted themes from Nordic mythology. She was "one of the first women to be taken seriously as a sculptor," a trend-setter in Danish art for most of her life. She was married to the Danish composer Carl Nielsen.
AI Findings
Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen - et frysende føl
Copenhagen, Denmark
A painting depicting a horse foal in a winter landscape.
Statens Museum for Kunst, SMK API: entry kms5941
Copyright info
Foto: SMK Foto.Statens Museum for Kunst.Sølvgade 48-50.1307 København K DANMARK.e-mail: [email protected]