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Ancient and historic landmarks in the Lebanon Valley (1895) (14759711516)


Ancient and historic landmarks in the Lebanon Valley (1895) (14759711516)



Identifier: ancienthistoricl00crol (find matches)
Title: Ancient and historic landmarks in the Lebanon Valley
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Croll, P. C. (Philip Columbus), 1852-1949
Subjects: Lebanon County (Pa.) -- History Berks County (Pa.) -- History
Publisher: Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

Text Appearing Before Image:
CONRAD WEISER S HOMESTEAD. in the possession and occupancy of Mr. John Marshall.This courteous gentleman wnll be glad to show us whatis of such intense interest here. First he will show usthe old stone dwelling, which Weiser built early in the 20 LANDMARKS IN THE LEBANON VALLEY. last century, but still kept intact. Although it is keptas a wash and slaughter-house, and for general storagepurposes, yet we wander through it with bated breath.Curiosity holds sway over us as we travel from garret tobasement, whither these early Tulpehocken settlers fled
Text Appearing After Image:
ANOTHER VIEW OF THE CONR.AD WEISER HOMESTEAD. for refuge, and where we find a huge Queen Annemantel-piece of solid oak, still as in the days when MariaWeiser (Conrads eldest daughter, who later became thewife of that patriarch of the American Lutheran Church,Heinrich Melchoir Muhlenberg), there kindled the fires.We look at the quaint old structure with its low^ door. CONRAD WEISERS HOMESTEAD AND GRAVE. 21 and almost imagine this illustrious pair coming forth asbride and groom on that day in 1745, when they wentto the Tulpehocken Lutheran parsonage, to be unitedin the sacred bonds of matrimony, by the pastor, Rev.Tobias Wagner. We repair to the present farm house, and are glad,among other relics, to look at a parchment deed or pat-ent of land given the original settler by tlie Penn heirsJohn, Richard and Thomas Penn. Then we walk tothe sacred spot that holds the dust of the illustrious andpious German pioneer of this valley. A plain sandstoneis the only marker this grave has, though we





New York Public Library

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ancient and historic landmarks in the lebanon valley 1895
ancient and historic landmarks in the lebanon valley 1895