American art and American art collections; essays on artistic subjects (1889) (14596477520)
Identifier: americanartamer01mont (find matches)
Title: American art and American art collections; essays on artistic subjects
Year: 1889 (1880s)
Authors: Montgomery, Walter
Subjects: Art Artists Art
Publisher: Boston, E.W. Walker & co
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries
Text Appearing Before Image:
o H 00 O pq &H o CD H W W P^ H Q r>o rt 4 h-1 O £ D O Ph Dh £ Fh (5 <J c3 &q R Pi W W <^ Id g? o s Ph Cu AMERICAN ART 429
Text Appearing After Image:
Engraving by J. A. Adams. — Heading to Matthew.From Harpers Illuminated Bible. to the first chapters of Genesis and Matthew, the ornamen-tal page borders (except those of the Family Records),and Chapmans borders to the square transfers beforespoken of. Through the courtesy of Messrs. Harper, Iam able to give specimens of the Master, as well as ofthe general character of the fourteen hundred small cuts.Of these I can but regretfully say that the electrotypesare only an insufficient and unfair representation. Yetmore have I to regret the impossibility of proving byeven any reproduction of the engravings the justice ofsuch praise as I have rendered to his other works. The firm, honest exactness and clearness of Adamsswork, executed with thorough knowledge of and as thor-ough adaptation to the needs of printing, is plain here asin the engravings I have previously described; and if wemiss somewhat of the variety of line and richness of color and tone which I have claimed asbelonging to h
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