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A new and complete illustration of the occult sciences- or Fleuron T196383-48

A new and complete illustration of the occult sciences- or Fleuron T196383-48



Fleuron from book:
A new and complete illustration of the occult sciences: or, the art of foretelling future events and Contingencies, by the Aspects, Positions, and Influences, of the heavenly bodies. Founded on Natural Philosophy, Scripture, Reason, and the Mathematics. In four parts. Part I. An Enquiry into, and Defence of, Astrology; with an interesting Discourse on Natural and Occult Philosophy-in which the Wisdom and Omnipotence of God; the intellectual Faculties of Angels, Spirits, and Men; the Order, Harmony, Sympathy, and wonderful Properties, of the Celestial and Terrestrial Worlds; the Signs, Influences, and Effects, of the Heavenly Bodies upon all animal, vegetable, and mineral, Substances; the Number of the Spheres; the Method of erecting the Horoscope to cast Nativities; and the Doctrine of Horary Questions; are clearly exemplified and explained. Part II. Examples for acquiring a Practical Knowledge of Astrology, with Rules for calculating, rectifying, and judging, Nativities; by which the Reader is enabled to discover, with Precision and Accuracy, every material Incident of his future Life and Fortune. Illustrated by a Variety of new, entertaining, and curious, Questions, lately resolved, upon every material Occurrence in public and private Life. With a Collection of the most remarkable Nativities that have been cast for Kings, Princes, and other eminent Men, by the most celebrated Professors of this Science, in all Ages of the World; with astonishing Instances of their exact Completion. Part III. Meteorological Astrology defined and explained: Wherein certain Rules are laid down for prejudging the Revolutions, Vicissitudes, and Misfortunes, with which every Part of the habitable World may be occasionally threatened. General Effects produced by great Conjunctions, Eclipses, Transits, Comets, Blazing Stars, and other extraordinary Phaenomena; with the Art of calculating Eclipses, Tides, and Weather, for any Number of Years to come. To-Which is added, A Collection of improved Tables, contrived to answer all the Purposes of Astronomical Calculations. Part IV. The Distinction between Astrology and the Diabolical Practice of Exorcism; in which the Methods used for raising up and consulting Spirits are laid open, with various instances of their Compacts with wicked Men. Account of Apparitions and Spirits; including a general Display of the Mysteries of Witchcraft, Divination, Charms, and Necromancy. Compiled from a Series of intense Study and Application, and founded on real Examples and Experience. By Ebenezer Sibly, Fellow of the Harmonic Philosophical Society at Paris. Embellished with curious copper-plates.

John Dee, 1527 - 1608, was an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, and occultist who is often associated with magic and the occult. He served as an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I and is best known for his work as a mathematician and astronomer, but he also had a deep interest in occult and esoteric knowledge. Dee believed that the universe was governed by mathematical principles and that understanding these principles would lead to a deeper understanding of the natural world and its relationship to the divine. He saw magic as a way to unlock these hidden truths and communicate with spiritual beings. Dee's magical practices involved various rituals, scrying, and communication with angels. He developed a system of angelic communication known as Enochian magic, which he claimed was revealed to him through his scrying sessions with his assistant, Edward Kelley. According to Dee, the Enochian language was the language of angels, and he believed that by communicating with these angelic entities, he could gain insights into divine knowledge and uncover hidden mysteries. Dee's magical work and involvement in the occult were controversial during his time. While he had influential patrons and supporters, he also faced criticism and accusations of sorcery. His reputation as a magician and occultist has persisted throughout history, and he is often considered one of the most famous figures in Western esotericism. It's important to note that magic, as understood by Dee and other occultists of his time, was not the same as stage magic or illusion. It was a belief system and a practice that sought to tap into supernatural forces and gain access to hidden knowledge and power. "The character of Dee, our English Faust, as he is not inaptly called, has both been misrepresented and misunderstood. An enthusiast he undoubtedly was, but not the driveling dotard that some of his biographers imagined. A man of profound learning, distinguished for attainments far beyond the general range of his contemporaries, he, like Faustus, and the wisest of humankind, had found out how little he knew; had perceived that the great ocean of truth yet lay unexplored before him. Pursuing his enquiries to the bound and limit, as he thought, of human knowledge, and finding it together vanity, he had recourse to forbidden practices, to experiments through which the occult and hidden qualities of nature and spirit should be unveiled and subdued to his own will. " - Jonh Roby, Traditions of Lancashire, 1829







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