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A manual of poisonous plants (Page 246) (6005308084)


A manual of poisonous plants (Page 246) (6005308084)



Fig. 74. PufT balls and their Allies. Gasteromycetes. 1. Geasicr funbrwtus, p Outer
peridium, /•! Inner pcridium. 2. Gaiitiera morchallacforinis. sectional view ot fruiting body.
3. Sccotium erythrocephalum. 4. Sectional view of the No. 3. 5. Bird's Nest Fungus
.Cyathus striates), p Peridia of .spore bearing body, the outer peridium open on top showing
attachment of fruiting bodies. 7. The same showing three fruiting bodies attached to wall.
8. Crucibulum vulgarc .showing hymenium and ?porcs. 9. Hymenog.islcr tcner, sectional
view of fruiting body x .3. 10. Same, natural size. 11. Rasidia with spores of No. 9. x
450. 12. Puff-ball .Lycoperdon sp.), natural size. 13. Part of hymenium of L. excxpuh-
forme with basidia and spherical spores. 14. Common Lead-color Puff-ball (Bovista
plumbca), natural size. 1 after Kcrner, 2 after Vittadini, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9,-11 after lulasne,

8 after Sachs, 12-14 after Wcttstein.





Biodiversity Heritage Library

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