A historical catalogue of the pictures, herse-cloths and tapestry at Merchant taylors' hall with a list of the sculptures and engravings (1907) (14577011049)
Identifier: historicalcatalo00fryf (find matches)
Title: A historical catalogue of the pictures, herse-cloths & tapestry at Merchant taylors' hall with a list of the sculptures & engravings
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Authors: Fry, Frederick Morris Merchant Taylors' Company
Subjects: Merchant Taylors' Company
Publisher: London, Chapman and Hall
Contributing Library: Getty Research Institute
Digitizing Sponsor: Getty Research Institute
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ings; right hand on arm of chair, leftelbow on the other arm of chair; dog lying on the floor to hisright; peers robes on table to his left. Canvas, 94 inches high x 58 inches. Painted for the Company in 1832. At a Court held on December 20, 1831, it was resolved that the Right Hon. John Earl of Eldon, Citizen and MerchantTailor, be requested to sit for his Portrait in order that, in additionto the high honour the Company enjoys of numbering among itsMembers so distinguished an individual as his Lordship, thisCourt may have the satisfaction of transmitting to their successorsthe likeness of a man who as a Judge was as learned and upright,as a Minister as zealous and faithful, and as a Statesman as ableand consistent as any who ever adorned the eminent station ofLord High Chancellor of Great Britain. At a Court held August 7, 1833, it was reported to the Courtthat the portrait of the Right Hon. the Earl of Eldon had beenreceived from Mr. Pickersgill, whereupon it was resolved 4 that 12
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the receipt thereof be acknowledged to his Lordship in a formto be approved by the Master and Wardens. At a Court held October 24, 1833, it was resolved 44 that theMaster and Wardens be authorised to pay Mr. Pickersgill 300guineas for painting the portrait of the Right Hon. the Earl ofEldon, and Mr. Bates the sum of £35 for the picture frame. The dog Pincher lying to the right of Lord Eldons chairwas a great favourite with him, and is even mentioned in hiswill. Horace Twiss, in his Life of the Lord Chancellor, quotesEldon as stating that when 44 Pincher was being painted44 Chantrey attended to see that they preserved a proper atti-tude. Eldon also says that his bookseller had described thedog as 44 very like old Eldon, particularly in his wig. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1833, and there num-bered 88. The Freedom of the Company was conferred on Lord Eldonin 1814. At a Court held June 1, it was unanimously resolved44 that the Freedom of the Merchant Tailors Company bepresented to
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