21 cm Morser 16 in Stanley Park right side 1923
German 21 cm Morser 16 at the Georgia Street entrance to Stanley Park, Vancouver. Right side view. Captured by the 78th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Comment : the barrel is in the recoil position.
The dedication on the howitzer reads 'This twenty-one centimeter German howitzer is one of the two such guns captured by the 72nd Battalion, Seaforth Highlanders of Canada during the operations in France of November 1st to November 4th, 1918. These operations resulted in the passage of the Canal de l'Escaut and the taking of the City of Valenciennes and several smaller towns. The forward movement initiated by this attack never slackened for one moment until Mons was captured and the Armistice declared on November 11th, 1918.'
See also :
File:21 cm Morser 16 in Stanley Park front view 1923.jpg
File:21 cm Morser 16 in Stanley Park left side circa 1920.jpg
A very large dataset of various big guns, howitzers, mortars, columbiads, all types of canon-like things - everything besides machine guns and rockets. This collection as well as all massive collections on required two steps: First, we picked a set to train AI vision to recognize cannon artillery, and after that, ran all 25M+ images in our database through our image recognition network. All media in the collection is in the public domain. There is no limitation on the dataset usage - educational, scientific, or commercial.
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