婚後的問題1934Adv02. Silent film movie advertisement
中文(香港): 廣州『華藝影片公司(Chinese Artistic Film Company)』香港分廠,出品的第三齣默片《婚後的問題(Married Life)》在香港中央戲院公映時的英文廣告。
中文:廣州『華藝影片公司(Chinese Artistic Film Company)』香港分廠,出品的第三齣默片《婚後的問題(Married Life)》在香港中央戲院公映時的英文廣告。
English: advertisement of 1934 silent movie "Married Life (婚後的問題)", it is the third production from Hong Kong branch of Canton "Chinese Artistic Film Company (華藝影片公司)", Kwangtung province, Republic of China.
British English: advertisement of 1934 silent movie "Married Life (婚後的問題)", it is the third production from Hong Kong branch of Canton "Chinese Artistic Film Company (華藝影片公司)", Kwangtung province, Republic of China.
中文(台灣): 廣州『華藝影片公司(Chinese Artistic Film Company)』香港分廠,出品的第三齣默片《婚後的問題(Married Life)》在香港中央戲院公映時的英文廣告。
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