1855 Colton Map of North Carolina - Geographicus - NorthCarolina-colton-1855
A beautiful 1855 first edition example of Colton's map of North Carolina. Covers the entire state as well as adjacent parts of South Carolina and Virginia. Map is hand colored in pink, green, yellow and blue pastels to identify counties. Identifies towns, cities, railroads, roads and some topographical features. Features an inset of Beaufort Harbor in the lower left quadrant. Names Cape Fear, Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras. Names the Blue Ridge and Great Smokey Mountains. Surrounded by Colton's typical spiral motif border. This is one of the few mid 19th century atlas maps to depict North Carolina independently. It is more commonly mapped in conjunction with South Carolina. Dated and copyrighted to J. H. Colton, 1855. Published from Colton's 172 William Street Office in New York City. Issued as page no. 26 in volume 1 of the first edition of George Washington Colton's 1855 Atlas of the World .
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