1852 Levasseur Map of the Department Des Hautes Pyrenees, France - Geographicus - HautesPyrenees-levasseur-1852
This is a fascinating 1852 map of the French department of Hautes Pyrenees, France. This area is home to the wine producing region, Madiran. Madrian is best known for producing a powerful red wine made from the Tannat grape. This area also makes a number of cheeses, including Tomme Noire des Pyrenees and Roquefort cheese. The map proper is surrounded by elaborate decorative engravings designed to illustrate both the natural beauty and trade richness of the land. There is a short textual history of the regions depicted on both the left and right sides of the map. Published by V. Levasseur in the 1852 edition of his Atlas National de la France Illustree.
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1852 Levasseur Map of the Department des Hautes-Pyrenees, France
Hautes-Pyrenees, France
A detailed map of the Hautes-Pyrenees department in France, created by Victor Levasseur in 1852.
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