Lamb's Artillery Program - National Parks Gallery
Freiwillige, die Oberst John Lambs zweites Regiment der kontinentalen Artillerie darstellen, demonstrieren den Abschuss einer 18-Pfünder-Belagerungskanone auf das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown.
Redoubt No. 10
Yorktown Redoubt No. 10
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Freiwillige mit Vogelbeobachtungsprogramm
Vogelbeobachtungsprogramm auf dem Yorktown Battlefield
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown, 1781 (27801598635)
The end of Revolutionary War depicted in Capitol's Cox Corridors. The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is the federal agency responsible for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the Unite... Mehr
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: B...
Standort: Yorktown Battlefield, Virginia (37.228 ° N 76.499 ° W) Status: Public Domain. Foto von National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park Digitale Fotografien in Bezug auf Amerikas Nebenwege Co... Mehr
HFCA 1607 _ Sonderveranstaltungen und VIPS Volume 2 _ 212.jpg
NPS-Mitarbeiter Walter T. Bruce bei der Berührung einer Kanone auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown im Colonial National Historical Park.
Mitarbeiter der Gemeinsamen Task Force für zivile Unterstützung posier...
Mitarbeiter der Joint Task Force Civil Support posieren am 21. März 2014 auf dem Hof des Nelson House für ein Gruppenfoto. Das historische Nelson House ist die ehemalige Residenz von Thomas Nelson, dem 4. Gouve... Mehr
Angier and Susie Team Bird - Public Domain image, National Parks Galle...
Bird monitoring at Yorktown Battlefield Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Golfer auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown
Ursprünglich in den 1920er Jahren als Yorktown Country Club eröffnet, wurden Teile des Yorktown Battlefield bis in die 1950er Jahre als Golfplatz genutzt. Hier nähert sich ein Golfer dem Grün vor dem Yorktown N... Mehr
HFCA 1607 _ People Volume 2 _ 198.jpg
Menschen, die hinter abgeseilten Bereichen an einem Gehweg in Yorktown Battlefield im Colonial National Historical Park stehen.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Surrender Road auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown
Die besiegten britischen Truppen marschierten auf dieser Straße zu dem Feld, das für ihre Kapitulation am 19. Oktober 1781 bestimmt war und markierten das Ende der Belagerung von Yorktown.
CCC-Besatzung montiert Kanone an der Grand French Battery
Eine Mannschaft des Civilian Conservation Corps montiert einen Mörser in der Grand French Battery auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown.
Joint Task Force Civil Support rekrutiert Personal komplett
Die Mitglieder der Joint Task Force Civil Support haben am 21. März 2014 während eines Freiwilligeneinsatzes im Nelson House die Arbeit auf dem Hof abgeschlossen. Das historische Nelson House ist die ehemalige ... Mehr
Shirley-Tempel im Moore House
Schauspielerin Shirley Temple besuchte am 1. Juli 1938 das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown und ließ sich vom amtierenden Chief Ranger Doust (links) und Parkleiter Floyd Flickinger das Moore House zeigen.
HFCA 1607 _ Sonderveranstaltungen und VIPS Volume 2 _ 207.jpg
NPS-Mitarbeiter auf der Bühne mit einem Marineoffizier während einer Zeremonie für das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown im Colonial National Historical Park.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Contractors Barge in Fels zur Stabilisierung verwendet werden
Am 6. Juni 2013 werden hier entlang des Colonial National Parkway Lastkähne in Fels gerammt, um die Uferlinie des York River zu stabilisieren. Das Gebiet ist Teil einer mehr als vier Meilen langen Küstenlinie, ... Mehr
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown wird vom National Park Service (NPS) verwaltet und ist Teil des Colonial National Historical Park, zu dem Jamestown gehört. Das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown ist der Schauplatz der let... Mehr
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK1...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Yorktown im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown wird vom National Park Service (NPS) verwaltet und ist Teil des Colonial National Historical Park, zu dem Jamestown gehört. Das Schlachtfeld von Yorktown ist der Schauplatz der let... Mehr
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
CCC-Besatzungen rekonstruieren Erdarbeiten
Eine Mannschaft des Civilian Conservation Corps installiert Frames als Teil des Wiederaufbaus von Befestigungsanlagen auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown.
U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Craig Beasley, Operationen
Craig Beasley, U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class, Einsatzspezialist, Joint Task Force Civil Support, und U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Franchesca Foxx, Einsatzspezialist, JTF-CS, entsorgen Laub während eine... Mehr
Surrender of Cornwallis. At York-town, VA Oct. 1781, Nathaniel Currier. D'Amour Museum of Fine Arts
Yorktown 1957
Yorktown Battlefield (Cover) - Handbook of the National Parks.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Hoover auf dem Schlachtfeld von Yorktown, 1931
Hoover at Yorktown Battlefield, 1931 Public domain photograph of people with a small paddle boat, or canoe, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps
Old Guard Fife and Drum CorpsEspañol: Cuerpo de Pífanos y Tambores de la Vieja Guardia.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Auserwählte, die an der Marinewaffenstation ...
YORKTOWN, Va. (Sep. 02, 2015) Auserwählte Mitglieder des Chief Petty Officer (CPO), die in der Marinewaffenstation Yorktown stationiert sind, laufen als Teil des CPO 365 um das Yorktown Battlefield herum. Währe... Mehr
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
U.S. Army Command Sgt.Maj. Richard Capps, Senior-Rekrut
U.S. Army Command Sgt.Maj. Richard Capps, leitender Angestellter der Joint Task Force Civil Support, trägt eine Schubkarre mit Säcken voller Laub während einer Freiwilligenveranstaltung für Wehrdienstleistende ... Mehr
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Colonial Parkway im Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia
Jamestown und Yorktown Battlefield liegen auf der Halbinsel Virginia und sind durch den 23 Meilen langen Colonial Parkway miteinander verbunden.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK2...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher - National Parks Gallery
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Public domain photograph of educational activity, National Park rangers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
204 of 'A School History of the United States ... Being a revision and...
View this map on the BL Georeferencer service. Image taken from: Title: "A School History of the United States ... Being a revision and rewriting of Swinton's "Condensed School History of the United States."" A... Mehr
Team Barnhart Bird Monitors - Public Domain image, National Parks Gall...
Bird monitoring at Yorktown Battlefield Public domain scan of print / book page depicting birds, ornithology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tourist Attraction - Teacher-Ranger-Teacher
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Public domain photograph of educational activity, National Park rangers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher - National Parks Gallery
Teacher-Ranger-Teacher Public domain photograph of educational activity, National Park rangers, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.
Yorktown Battlefield (Part of Colonial National Historical Park) YORK0...
This greatest single-peak glacial system in the United States radiates from the summit and slopes of an acient volvano, with dense forests and subalpine flowered meadows below.