Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

women in the 1920 s

39 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Suzanne Lenglen 1920 Cannes (beschnitten)

Suzanne Lenglen 1920 Cannes (beschnitten)

Français: Miss Lenglen, Cannes 21-1-20 [au tournoi de lawn-tennis du Carlton-Club de Cannes] English: Französische Tennisspielerin Suzanne Lenglen beim Turnier in Cannes 1920 im Carlton Club

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1941

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1941

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1941 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1941 Subjec... Mehr

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150 06

Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150 06

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 06 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 101-150: 06 Subject (top... Mehr

Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07 001

Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a crying child, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: 001 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: ... Mehr

Suzanne Lenglen 1920 Cannes

Suzanne Lenglen 1920 Cannes

Français: Miss Lenglen, Cannes 21-1-20 [au tournoi de lawn-tennis du Carlton-Club de Cannes] English: Französische Tennisspielerin Suzanne Lenglen beim Turnier in Cannes 1920 im Carlton Club

Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 083

Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sar...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child while sitting in the street, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 083 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 083 Subjec... Mehr

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 087

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 08...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 087 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 087... Mehr

Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 0872

Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten ph...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman carrying a child. Building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 0872 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photog... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 101

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 101 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 101 ... Mehr

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 104

Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 10...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women weighing an infant, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 104 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 104... Mehr

Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 484

Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographi...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman breastfeeding, two women behind her, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 484 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic pri... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 103

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 103 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 103 ... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 52

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 52

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 52 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 52 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Münzfunkgerät in Pariser Café 1923

Münzfunkgerät in Pariser Café 1923

Eine Frau, die um 1923 in einem Pariser Café ein münzbetriebenes Radio hörte. Radioübertragungen begannen in den frühen 1920er Jahren und entwickelten sich zu einer äußerst populären High-Tech-Neuheit, der "Rad... Mehr

Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 38

Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Saron...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman and a child lying in a bed, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 38 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 1... Mehr

Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 712

Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scho...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child, girl on the left side of the woman, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 712 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... Mehr

Woman in Pongee clothes 1920s - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體
Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 028

Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 028

Extent electronic resource Title Woman sitting beside a crying infant, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 028 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 028 Subject (topi... Mehr

Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06 008

Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa ...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women sewing, child crying in between them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 008 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 008 Subje... Mehr

Bigoudènes à Quimper - A group of people standing around a table filled with pots and pans

Bigoudènes à Quimper - A group of people standing around a table fille...

Français : Bigoudènes sur le marché de la place de la cathédrale Saint-Corentin à Quimper (Finistère, France)

Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 068

Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 0...

Extent electronic resource Title Two women and a child sitting in a doorway, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 068 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 068 Subject (topi... Mehr

Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1942

Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photo...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding a child and a man holding flowers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1942 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photograp... Mehr

Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0301

Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO ...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman sitting on a chair holding a baby. Man standing over them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0301 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Sc... Mehr

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 51

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 51

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 51 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 51 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14 24

Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholt...

Extent electronic resource Title Woman with a child on her lap. Man sitting next to them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 14: 24 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... Mehr

1924 Yang Kahui and children - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

1924 Yang Kahui and children - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

1924 Yang Kahui and children. 毛澤東的第二任妻子楊開慧,與他們的孩子,­兩歲的岸英(右)、一歲的岸青,攝於一九二­四年上海。被毛稱作他最愛的女人的開慧,後­來被毛遺棄,又因毛的緣故於一九三○年被國­民黨槍殺。

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 55

Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 55

Extent electronic resource Title Bedouin woman holding a child, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 55 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 55 Subject (topical) Cellulose... Mehr

Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 096

Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 096

Extent electronic resource Title Woman holding child, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 096 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 096 Subjec... Mehr

Huaisu, "Faszination". Shanghai manhua 8 (9. Juni 1928)

Huaisu, "Faszination". Shanghai manhua 8 (9. Juni 1928)

"Fascination", cover of Shanghai Manhua issue 8 (June 9, 1928) Public domain photograph - Chinese people, China history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Frau auf dem Feld (Andrejew)

Frau auf dem Feld (Andrejew)

No Title / Field deals (28.3 x 18.8 cm) Русский: Без названия / Полевые заботы (28,3 x 18,8 см)

Ye Qianyu, "Sommermode". Shanghai manhua 6 (26. Mai 1928)

Ye Qianyu, "Sommermode". Shanghai manhua 6 (26. Mai 1928)

"Summer Fashions" aus Shanghai Manhua Heft 6 (26. Mai 1928), Seite 4

Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0300

Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Man and woman posing with a baby, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0300 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0... Mehr

Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 211

Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic pri...

Extent electronic resource Title Women and child. Laundry behind them, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 211 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print... Mehr

Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 2 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 2 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體

Der Kontext des Fotos ergibt sich aus Isabel Ingrams Tagebucheintrag vom 11. Juni 1924: Einlass ist wie immer um 10: 30 Uhr. Bild von Reginald Johnston, Kaiserin Wan Rong und Isabel Ingram in der Verbotenen St... Mehr

Waiting (Andreyev) - A black and white photo of a woman sitting on a bench

Waiting (Andreyev) - A black and white photo of a woman sitting on a b...

Waiting Русский: Ожидание Public domain photograph related to the history of Russia, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 1920s Japan, public domain image.

Taitai Wan Rong Johnston 1920s Japan, public domain image.

Der Kontext des Fotos ergibt sich aus Isabel Ingrams Tagebucheintrag vom 11. Juni 1924: Einlass ist wie immer um 10: 30 Uhr. Bild von Reginald Johnston, Kaiserin Wan Rong und Isabel Ingram in der Verbotenen St... Mehr

Isabel Ingram

Isabel Ingram

Picture of Isabel Ingram in the Forbidden City, Beijing, China. The context of the photo is given by Isabel Ingram's diary entry for June 11, 1924: Went in at 10:30 as usual. Surprised the Emperor playing th... Mehr

Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 029

Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 029

Extent electronic resource Title Woman and three children, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 029 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 029 Subject (topical) Cellulose ni... Mehr

In een park staat een echtpaar bij een kinderwagen met hoge wielen, waar een kind inzit, SFA002006989

In een park staat een echtpaar bij een kinderwagen met hoge wielen, wa...

Nederlands: Omschrijving: In een park staat een echtpaar bij een kinderwagen met hoge wielen, waar een kind inzit. De vrouw in een lang gewaad met hoed op staat samen met een man met een hoed en pak. Op de ach... Mehr

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