Electric Institute of Washington. Frau staubt Schrank
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington. Frau entleert Staubsaugerbeutel
Public domain photograph of a woman, female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Frau staubt ab und benutzt einen Staubsauger
Public domain photograph of US government agency meeting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electric Institute of Washington. Frau staubt Schrank
Public domain photograph of 1920s American woman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
S117E06664 - STS-117 - Sturckow betrachtet die Crew-Prozeduren auf dem...
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Ansicht des Astronauten Rick Sturckow, STS-117 Commander, der auf dem Mitteldeck (MDDK) des Space Shuttle Atlantis Crew Procedures bet... Mehr
[Staubsauger im Geschäft von J.C. Harding & Co., wahrscheinlich in Was...
National Photo Company Collection. Public domain photograph of historic place in Washington DC, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electric Institute of Washington. Bühnen- und Staubsaugerdisplay
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
STS055-28-028 - STS-055 - Besatzungsmitglieder erfüllen Hausaufgabenau...
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Missionsspezialist Jerry Ross und Missionspilot Terrence Henricks (nur teilweise sichtbar in den Szenen 26 bis 29), die im Mitteldeck ... Mehr
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Eureka, elektrischer Staubsa...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a sports competition, gymnast, athlete, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Electric Institute of Washington. Frau arbeitet an Staubsauger
Public domain photograph of 1920s American woman, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...
Betreff: STS-55, MIDDECK, STOWAGE (ONBOARD EQUIPMENT), RÄUMERWARTUNG, Vakuumreiniger, REINIGUNG, ONBOARD ACTIVITIES, COLUMBIA (ORBITER) Aufgenommen am: 5 / 6 / 1993 Kategorien: Aktivitäten der Besatzung Inte... Mehr
Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, ...
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, Jasper van der Linden, Jasperina de J... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power Co. Staubsaug...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Hoshide mit Staubsaugern in JPM
ISS032-E-020520 (28. Juli 2012) --- Aki Hoshide, Flugingenieur der Expedition 32 der Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, verwendet im Kibo-Labor der Internationalen Raumstation einen Staubsauger.
Washington, D.C. Staubmischungen, mit denen man mit beiden Händen Stau...
Public domain photograph of US government agency official, administrative meeting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Geografische Abdeckung: Vereinigte Staaten Themen (LCTGM): Staubsauge...
Home Staubsauger (1910) (ADVERT 376)
61e Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Ruton stofzuiger, Bestanddeelnr 905-9213
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : 61e Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Ruton stofzuiger Datum : 1 september 1953 Locatie : Utrecht, Utrecht Trefwoorden : ... Mehr
Wildlife Forensics Lab (16165334703)
Wildlife Forensics Lab
S117E07180 - STS-117 - Sturckow und Archambault im MDDK des STS-117 Sp...
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Ansicht der Astronauten Rick Sturckow (links) (mit Nass- / Trockensauger), STS-117 Commander und Lee Archambault, STS-117 Pilot in der... Mehr
Thurman Vacuum Cleaner - A metal object with a wheel on it
Thurman Staubsauger von General Compressed Air and Vacuum Machinery Company, St. Louis.Title: Thurman Staubsauger
Gebäude des Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power C...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Electric Institute of Washington. Weihnachtsfenster II
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Toolkraft Corp, Chicopee, Mass.
Supermotorisiertes, riesiges 12-Gallonen-Vakuum macht schwere Aufträge, die ein gewöhnliches Vakuum zerstören würden, kurzlebig. Komplett mit leicht abrollbaren, weißen Wandreifen und Rollen, 2 1 / 4 "Schlauch ... Mehr
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...
Betreff: STS-55, MIDDECK, STOWAGE (ONBOARD EQUIPMENT), RÄUMERWARTUNG, Vakuumreiniger, REINIGUNG, ONBOARD ACTIVITIES, COLUMBIA (ORBITER) Aufgenommen am: 5 / 6 / 1993 Kategorien: Aktivitäten der Besatzung Inte... Mehr
Patent drawing - US1420665 - . Public domain image
Patent US1420665, vacuum cleaner with separator without water Deutsch: Patent US1420665, Staubsauger mit Separator ohne Wasser
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1917) ...
Identifier: architectenginee5017sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building ... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington. Schaufenster von Staubsaugern I
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Mehr
Gebäude des Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power C...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...
Betreff: STS-55, MIDDECK, STOWAGE (ONBOARD EQUIPMENT), RÄUMERWARTUNG, Vakuumreiniger, REINIGUNG, ONBOARD ACTIVITIES, COLUMBIA (ORBITER) Aufgenommen am: 5 / 6 / 1993 Kategorien: Aktivitäten der Besatzung Inte... Mehr
Staubsaugerservice (1915) (ADVERT 229)
Geografische Abdeckung: Vereinigte Staaten --Washington (Bundesstaat) --Seattle Themen (LCTGM): Staubsauger; Reinigungspersonal Themen (LCSH): Hausreinigung Kategorien: Gewerbliche und freiberufliche Dienstleis... Mehr
Demonstratie stofzuigen, Bestanddeelnr 934-4305
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : Huishoudbeurs in de RAI Beschrijving : Demonstratie stofzuigen Datum : 30 maart 1989 Locatie : Amsterdam, Noord-Holland Trefwoorden : b... Mehr
Identifikator: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (Streichhölzer finden) Tite...
Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches) Title: The Ladies' home journal Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945 Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longo... Mehr
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1916) ...
Identifier: architectenginee4416sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building ... Mehr
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Staubsauger
Public domain photograph of midcentury American industry, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Eureka Staubsauger
Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) is a publicly traded utility company that provides electric service to customers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, including the District of Columbia and parts of ... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington. Innenraum des Ladens, Weihnachten 19...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Frauen in der Industrie. Gasmaskenproduktion. Blume im Haar verleiht B...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a factory worker, plant, manufacture, assembly line, industrial facility, early 20th-century industrial architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions. show less
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...
Betreff: STS-55, MIDDECK, STOWAGE (ONBOARD EQUIPMENT), RÄUMERWARTUNG, Vakuumreiniger, REINIGUNG, ONBOARD ACTIVITIES, COLUMBIA (ORBITER) Aufgenommen am: 5 / 6 / 1993 Kategorien: Aktivitäten der Besatzung Inte... Mehr
Format: Silbergelatine Foto Aus den Sammlungen der Mitchell Library, ...
Format: Silver gelatin photograph From the collections of the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales Information about photographic collections of the State Library of New South Wales: Persist... Mehr
The Architect and engineer of California and the Pacific Coast (1917) ...
Identifier: architectenginee5017sanf (find matches) Title: The Architect & engineer of California and the Pacific Coast Year: 1905 (1900s) Authors: Subjects: Architecture Architecture Architecture Building ... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power Co. Staubsaug...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Elektrolux Staubsauger und Teile
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, ...
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, Jasper van der Linden, Jasperina de J... Mehr
Identifikator: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (Streichhölzer finden) Tite...
Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches) Title: The Ladies' home journal Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945 Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longo... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power Co. Gebäude. ...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electric Institute of Washington. Preisausschreiben, wie viel Schmutz
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Museum of New Zealand collection
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Eureka Staubsauger
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Mehr
Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...
Betreff: STS-55, MIDDECK, STOWAGE (ONBOARD EQUIPMENT), RÄUMERWARTUNG, Vakuumreiniger, REINIGUNG, ONBOARD ACTIVITIES, COLUMBIA (ORBITER) Aufgenommen am: 5 / 6 / 1993 Kategorien: Aktivitäten der Besatzung Inte... Mehr
Identifikator: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (Streichhölzer finden) Tite...
Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches) Title: The Ladies' home journal Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945 Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longo... Mehr
Gebäude des Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power C...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Thurman Tragbarer Staubsauger (1910) (ADVERT 97)
Geografische Abdeckung: Vereinigte Staaten --Washington (Bundesstaat) --Seattle Themen (LCTGM): Staubsauger Kategorien: Hauswirtschaft, Haushaltswaren und Haushaltsgeräte; Lebenshaltungskosten und -standard; Ge... Mehr
Identifikator: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (Streichhölzer finden) Tite...
Identifier: ladieshomejourna65janwyet (find matches) Title: The Ladies' home journal Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945 Subjects: Women's periodicals Janice Bluestein Longo... Mehr
Torrington Electric Vacuum Cleaner, 1920
Torrington Electric Vacuum Cleaner, 1920 Identifier: saturdayeveningp1933unse (find matches) Title: The Saturday evening post Year: 1839 (1830s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: Philadelphia : G. Graham Contri... Mehr
UNIVERSAL Vacuum Cleaner, 1919 - Landers, Frary and Clark
UNIVERSAL Vacuum Cleaner, 1919 - Landers, Frary and Clark Identifier: hardmerchmarjun1921toro (find matches) Title: Hardware merchandising March-June 1921 Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Subjects: Hardware indus... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington. Frau arbeitet an Staubsauger
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Mehr
Electric Institute of Washington. Schaufenster Staubsauger II
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jaren 60 2007-119-111 (15640865725)
Electric Institute of Washington. Bühnen- und Staubsaugerdisplay
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Electric Institute of Washington. Innenraum des Ladens, Weihnachten 19...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Peugeot Vacuum cleaner
Photographed at the Musée de l'Aventure Peugeot-Sochaux, France.
Escalator vacuum - 01
Escalator vacuum attached to a shopvac type of thing in Haikou, Hainan, China
Electric Institute of Washington. Frau entleert Staubsaugerbeutel
Item title devised. The Theodor Horydczak Collection is a collection of photographs taken by Theodor Horydczak (1890-1971) a Polish-born American photographer who worked in Washington D.C. from the 1910s to th... Mehr
Gebäude des Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power C...
Public domain photograph of commerce and advertising, 1920s-1930s America, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ohne Titel (Leopardenteppich und Staubsauger)
Public domain vintage photo from New Zealand archive, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Hoover Merkelbach
Nederlands: Stofzuiger van Hoover gefotografeerd door atelier Merkelbach voor reclamebureau Prad
Panasonic MCE8013 vacuum cleaner
Panasonic MCE8013 bagless vacuum cleaner.
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Eureka, elektrischer Staubsa...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a sports competition, gymnast, athlete, 20th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Toolkraft Corp, Chicopee, Mass.
Supermotorisiertes, riesiges 12-Gallonen-Vakuum macht schwere Aufträge, die ein gewöhnliches Vakuum zerstören würden, kurzlebig. Komplett mit leicht abrollbaren, weißen Wandreifen und Rollen, 2 1 / 4 "Schlauch ... Mehr
Compact Electra vacuum cleaner (model C6EPB) by Harold S. Ryden, Inter...
Exhibit in the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts - Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The design of this object is not eligible for trademark protection. Rather it might have been eligible for Industrial Design protection, ... Mehr
Vacuum cleaner, Musée EDF Electropolis photo 2
Photographed in Mulhouse, France.
Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power Co. Gebäude. ...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Gebäude des Electric Institute of Washington, Potomac Electric Power C...
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Portrait of a mistreated vacuum cleaner 8e10759v
Title: Portrait of a mistreated vacuum cleaner. It's in the repair shop because it inhaled bits of metal, pieces of wire, hairpins,and other harmful objects. Keep the machine away from such things, clean the br... Mehr
Escalator vacuum - 02
Escalator vacuum attached to a shopvac type of thing in Haikou, Hainan, China
Electric Institute of Washington. Weihnachtsfenster II
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Frauen im Ersten Weltkrieg Industrie, Transport und Landwirtschaft: Ei...
Frauen im Ersten Weltkrieg Q109879 Durch eine geöffnete Tür mit ihrer Maschine auf dem Bahnsteig nach draußen gesehen, saugt der Reiniger den Sitz ab.
Los 50 Hoover Vacuum RP adv für die elektrische Saugkehrmaschine Hoove...
Los 50 Hoover Vacuum RP adv für die elektrische Saugkehrmaschine Hoover. u-1909, Neues Berlin, OH., Sepia, Fein
Elektrische Küche im Wohnhaus Stavis, um 1914 (MOHAI 7234)
Themen (LCTGM): Haushaltsgeräte; Interieur; Küchen; Herde; Staubsauger; Warmwasserbereiter Leute: Familie Stavis Um 1914 testete das Seattle Lighting Department verschiedene Elektrogeräte in Privathäusern. Die ... Mehr
Opening voorjaarsbeurs te Utrecht, demonstratie met nieuwe stofzuiger,...
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Opening voorjaarsbeurs te Utrecht, demonstratie met nieuwe (Ruton) stofzuiger Datum : 29 februari 1960 Loca... Mehr
Hausgenossen der Frau 1919 - Königlicher elektrischer Reiniger
"Hausgenossin der Frau" -Werbung von 1919
Patent drawing - US2102353 - . Public domain image
Patent US2102353, vacuum cleaner with separator and water Deutsch: Patent US2102353, Staubsauger mit Separator und Wasser
Electric Institute of Washington. Schaufenster von Staubsaugern I
Picryl description: Public domain image of a church, crypt, chamber, underground vault architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, ...
Nederlands: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo Reportage / Serie : [ onbekend ] Beschrijving : Kolderconcert in de Doelen te Rotterdam, repetitie, v.l.n Albert Mol, Jasper van der Linden, Jasperina de J... Mehr
Hausgenossin der Frau 1919 - Hoover
"Hausgenossin der Frau" -Werbung von 1919
; Pictures of other random objects A small vacuum cleaner
Potomac Electric Power Co. Elektrogeräte. Staubsauger
The Theodor Horydczak Collection documents the architecture and social life of the Washington DC metropolitan area in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s.
Toolkraft Corp, Chicopee, Mass.
Supermotorisiertes, riesiges 12-Gallonen-Vakuum macht schwere Aufträge, die ein gewöhnliches Vakuum zerstören würden, kurzlebig. Komplett mit leicht abrollbaren, weißen Wandreifen und Rollen, 2 1 / 4 "Schlauch ... Mehr
Staubsaugerfirma (1909) (ADVERT 112)
Geografische Abdeckung: Vereinigte Staaten --Washington (Bundesstaat) --Seattle Themen (LCTGM): Staubsauger; Reinigungspersonal Themen (LCSH): Hausreinigung Kategorien: Gewerbliche und freiberufliche Dienstleis... Mehr
Vacuum cleaner, Model VC 6017, President, Landers, Frary & Clark, New ...
Exhibit in the Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln - Cologne, Germany. As a utilitarian object, this work is NOT subject to US copyright laws. Instead, it is covered by a U.S. design patent, which covers the orna... Mehr
Panasonic MCE8013 vacuum cleaner close
Closeup of Panasonic MCE8013 bagless vacuum cleaner.