Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

ursus maritimus illustrations

92 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600073

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600079

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Die Gartenlaube (1879) 833

Die Gartenlaube (1879) 833

Deutsch: Seite 833 aus "Die Gartenlaube".English: Page 833 from journal Die Gartenlaube for 1879.Extracted image (if any):    File:Die Gartenlaube (1879) b 833.jpg   - hi res, ~2.5 MB. Deutsch: keine Bildunt... Mehr

Andersch bros. hunters and trappers guide illustrating the fur bearing animals of North America the skins of which have a market value (1906) (18007474878)

Andersch bros. hunters and trappers guide illustrating the fur bearing...

Title: Andersch bros. hunters and trappers guide illustrating the fur bearing animals of North America the skins of which have a market value Identifier: anderschbroshunt00ande (find matches) Year: 1906 (1900... Mehr

Ursus maritimus par Louis Agassis Fuertes

Ursus maritimus par Louis Agassis Fuertes

Français : Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of drawing of animal, zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Brehm's Life of animals - a complete natural history for popular home instruction and for the use of schools. Mammalia (1896) (20226738119)

Brehm's Life of animals - a complete natural history for popular home ...

Title: Brehm's Life of animals : a complete natural history for popular home instruction and for the use of schools. Mammalia Identifier: brehmslifeofanim1896breh (find matches) Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Br... Mehr

146 of 'De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten. (Deel 4-9 by P. H. W.)' (11015533325)

146 of 'De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde .....

Image taken from: Title: "De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten. [Deel 4-9 by P. H. W.]" Contributor: WITKAMP, Pieter Harme. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 100... Mehr

Le monde de la mer (Pl. XXXV) (8202749633)

Le monde de la mer (Pl. XXXV) (8202749633)

File from The Biodiversity Heritage Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global re... Mehr

139 of 'Treasury of Travel and Adventure in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa ... With ... illustrations' (11050271293)

139 of 'Treasury of Travel and Adventure in North and South America, E...

Image taken from: Title: "Treasury of Travel and Adventure in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa ... With ... illustrations" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10026.ccc.22." Page: 139 Place of Pu... Mehr

Animal products; (1877) (14753816746)

Animal products; (1877) (14753816746)

Identifier: animalproducts00simm (find matches) Title: Animal products; Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Simmonds, Peter Lund, 1814-1897. (from old catalog) Subjects: Animal products. (from old catalog) Domestic... Mehr

Polar Bear 2 - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

Polar Bear 2 - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

Linienzeichnung eines Eisbären.

Four-footed Americans and their kin (Plate 22) BHL9418407

Four-footed Americans and their kin (Plate 22) BHL9418407

Four-footed Americans and their kin / by Mabel Osgood Wright ; edited by Frank M. Chapman ; illustrated by Ernest Seton Thompson.

Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14595945107)

Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14595945107)

The White King of the North Identifier: huntingtrappings00pric (find matches) Title: Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: (Price, J. P. Hyde), 1874- (from old catalog) Sub... Mehr

The polar world (microform) - a popular description of man and nature in the Arctic and Antarctic regions of the globe (1869) (20606241092)

The polar world (microform) - a popular description of man and nature ...

Title: The polar world (microform) : a popular description of man and nature in the Arctic and Antarctic regions of the globe Identifier: cihm_09758 (find matches) Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Hartwig, G. (Georg... Mehr

Die Gartenlaube (1883) 164

Die Gartenlaube (1883) 164

Deutsch: Seite 164 aus "Die Gartenlaube".English: Page 164 from journal Die Gartenlaube for 1883.Extracted image (if any):    File:Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 164.jpg   - hi res, ~2.5 MB. Deutsch: keine Bildunt... Mehr

Nature neighbors (Plate 440) (6276429739)

Nature neighbors (Plate 440) (6276429739)

Nature's Best Collection 2011 Nature neighbors. v.5.

The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization - forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy (1849) (14780969884)

The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization - forming a natura...

Identifier: animalkingdomarr00cuvier (find matches) Title: The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization : forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy Year: 1849 (18... Mehr

Isbjørn tegnet av Thorolf Holmboe - Polar bear by Thorolf Holmboe (36705591930)

Isbjørn tegnet av Thorolf Holmboe - Polar bear by Thorolf Holmboe (367...

Dato / Date: ca. 1930 (utgitt / published) Kunstner / Artist: Thorolf Holmboe (1866-1914) Utgiver / Publisher: Oppi Digital kopi av original / Digital copy of original: trykt postkort, farge Eier / Owner Insti... Mehr

Miger - Ours polaire - A polar bear standing on top of a snow covered ground

Miger - Ours polaire - A polar bear standing on top of a snow covered ...

"Ursus Maritumus / L'Ours Polaire". Plate by Simon Charles Miger after Nicolas Maréchal (1753-1803) from "La Ménagerie du Muséum national d'histoire baturelle" by Bernard-Germain-Étienne de Lacépède, Georges Cu... Mehr

The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals - and an introduction to comparative anatomy (Vol. 1) (1834) (18008821398)

The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization, serving as...

Title: The animal kingdom, arranged according to its organization, serving as a foundation for the natural history of animals : and an introduction to comparative anatomy (Vol. 1) Identifier: animalkingdo01cu... Mehr

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600083

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Animal products; (1877) (14590199759)

Animal products; (1877) (14590199759)

Identifier: animalproducts00simm (find matches) Title: Animal products; Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Simmonds, Peter Lund, 1814-1897. (from old catalog) Subjects: Animal products. (from old catalog) Domestic... Mehr

Polar Bear - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

Polar Bear - Pearson Scott Foresman Archives

Linienzeichnung eines Eisbären.

Brehm's Life of animals (Page 257) (6220163647)

Brehm's Life of animals (Page 257) (6220163647)

POLAR BEAR AND CUBS. - This presents a scene at sunrise in the frozen regions of the north. The mother Polar Bear and her Cubs are on ; great ice floe, above which the Sea Gulls hover, envious of the ursine fa... Mehr

Adolphe Millot mammiferes B-pour tous ours blanc
Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14759461706)

Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14759461706)

Polar bears fighting Identifier: huntingtrappings00pric (find matches) Title: Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: (Price, J. P. Hyde), 1874- (from old catalog) Subjects: ... Mehr

The American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (17973592109)

The American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (17973592109)

Title: The American Museum journal Identifier: americanmuseumjo09amer (find matches) Year: c1900-(1918) (c190s) Authors: American Museum of Natural History Subjects: Natural history Publisher: New York : Amer... Mehr

Dessin ursus maritimus ours polaire grand

Dessin ursus maritimus ours polaire grand

Français : Dessin d'un Ours blanc (Ursus maritimus). Ursus maritimus. L'ours polaire / dessiné par Maréchal, gravé par Miger. [cote : d11267]. Occitan  : Ors blanc (Ursus maritimus). Picard : Dessin d'un Our... Mehr

Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 1 page 181

Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 1 page 181


The animal kingdom (Plate XXII) (6129696795)

The animal kingdom (Plate XXII) (6129696795)

The animal kingdom; based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists, Audubon, Wallace, Brehm, Wood and others.

Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in the Year 1821, page 131

Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in the Year 1821, page 131

image from Journal of a Voyage to Greenland, in the Year 1821

Polar.bear.engraving - A black and white drawing of a bear eating a fish
Big game hunting for boys, North America and Asia (1907) (20181652990)

Big game hunting for boys, North America and Asia (1907) (20181652990)

Title: Big game hunting for boys, North America and Asia Identifier: biggamehuntingfo00hyde (find matches) Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Hyde, John, 1874- (from old catalog) Subjects: Hunting Publisher: New Yor... Mehr

Our big game; a book for sportsmen and nature lovers (1904) (14728649816)

Our big game; a book for sportsmen and nature lovers (1904) (147286498...

Identifier: ourbiggamebookfo00hunt (find matches) Title: Our big game; a book for sportsmen and nature lovers Year: 1904 (1900s) Authors: Huntington, Dwight Williams, 1851- Subjects: Game and game-birds Hun... Mehr

Outing (1885) (14579767149) - Public domain book illustration

Outing (1885) (14579767149) - Public domain book illustration

Identifier: outing55newy (find matches) Title: Outing Year: 1885 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Leisure Sports Travel Publisher: (New York : Outing Pub. Co.) Contributing Library: Tisch Library Digitizing Spo... Mehr

Œuvres complètes de M. le C(om)te de Buffon (1774) (14774034744)

Œuvres complètes de M. le C(om)te de Buffon (1774) (14774034744)

L'ours de mer (northern fur seal) Identifier: oeuvrescompltesd09buff (find matches) Title: Œuvres complètes de M. le C(om)te de Buffon .. Year: 1774 (1770s) Authors: Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1... Mehr

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600075

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Isbjørn tegnet av Thorolf Holmboe - Polar bear by Thorolf Holmboe (36705591930)

Isbjørn tegnet av Thorolf Holmboe - Polar bear by Thorolf Holmboe (367...

Dato / Date: ca. 1930 (utgitt / published) Kunstner / Artist: Thorolf Holmboe (1866-1914) Utgiver / Publisher: Oppi Digital kopi av original / Digital copy of original: trykt postkort, farge Eier / Owner Insti... Mehr

Mammaliatheirva00figu orig 0456

Mammaliatheirva00figu orig 0456

Fig. 176. — White or Polar Bears attacking Seamen.

Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 164

Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 164

Bild aus Seite 164 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 164 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1883. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Eisbären bei der Ausübung ihres Strandrechtes.Originalzeichnung von Ludwig Beckmann.“... Mehr

Our living world (Full Page Illustration) (6076442007)

Our living world (Full Page Illustration) (6076442007)

File from The Biodiversity Heritage Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global re... Mehr

136 of 'Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817' (11003980595)

136 of 'Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-West Passage to th...

Image taken from: Title: "Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-West Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during the summer of 1817" Author: O'REILLY, Bernard - Arctic ... Mehr

No-nb bldsa 4a053 - Public domain scenic drawing

No-nb bldsa 4a053 - Public domain scenic drawing

Norsk bokmål: Penne- og tusjtegning. Isbjørn angriper en klappmyss. English: Pen and ink drawing. Polar bear attacking a hooded seal. Deutsch: Feder- und Tuschzeichnung. Eisbär greift eine Klappmütze an. Españo... Mehr

Animals in menageries (1838) (14781775144)

Animals in menageries (1838) (14781775144)

Identifier: animalsinmenager00swai (find matches) Title: Animals in menageries Year: 1838 (1830s) Authors: Swainson, William, 1789-1855 Lardner, Dionysius, 1793-1859 Richmond, Charles Wallace, 1868-1932, for... Mehr

Brehm's Life of animals - a complete natural history for popular home instruction and for the use of schools (1895) (20386686656)

Brehm's Life of animals - a complete natural history for popular home ...

Title: Brehm's Life of animals : a complete natural history for popular home instruction and for the use of schools Identifier: brehmslifeofanim00breh (find matches) Year: 1895 (1890s) Authors: Brehm, Alfred ... Mehr

The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy (1854) (18170821476)

The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization, forming a natural...

Title: The animal kingdom, arranged after its organization, forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy Identifier: animalkingdom00cuvi (find matches) Year: 1854 (1850s) A... Mehr

A bear plunging into the sea - British Library

A bear plunging into the sea - British Library

A polar bear plunges into the sea from a very steep iceberg while fishermen look on from a nearby trawler. Coloured engraving by R. Havell after C. Ross. Keywords: Robert Havell; William Charles Ross

NSRW Polar Bear - A black and white drawing of a polar bear

NSRW Polar Bear - A black and white drawing of a polar bear

Student's Reference Book, Chicago, F. E. Compton and Company 1914

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600085

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Beytrag zur Naturgeschichte der vierfüßigen Thiere 2 Tafel 22

Beytrag zur Naturgeschichte der vierfüßigen Thiere 2 Tafel 22

Public domain scan of drawing, 18th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Barr's Buffon Fleuron T139142-33

Barr's Buffon Fleuron T139142-33

Fleuron from book: Barr's Buffon. Buffon's Natural history, containing a theory of the earth, a general history of man, of the brute creation, and of vegetables, minerals, &c. From the French. With notes by th... Mehr

Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere (Pl. XXX) BHL47498209

Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere (Pl. XXX) BHL47498209

Vergleichende Naturbeschreibung der Säugethiere /

Animal products; (1877) (14590176588)

Animal products; (1877) (14590176588)

Identifier: animalproducts00simm (find matches) Title: Animal products; Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Simmonds, Peter Lund, 1814-1897. (from old catalog) Subjects: Animal products. (from old catalog) Domestic... Mehr

Die Gartenlaube (1871) b 093

Die Gartenlaube (1871) b 093

Bild von Seite 093 der Zeitschrift Die Gartenlaube. Image from page 093 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1871. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Ein Diner im Eismeere.Nach einer Skizze von M. E. Plankenau.“ English: ca... Mehr

Die Gartenlaube (1883) 165

Die Gartenlaube (1883) 165

Deutsch: Seite 165 aus "Die Gartenlaube".English: Page 165 from journal Die Gartenlaube for 1883.Extracted image (if any):    File:Die Gartenlaube (1883) b 165.jpg   - hi res, ~2.5 MB. Deutsch: keine Bildunt... Mehr

The wild beasts of the world (Pl. 36) (6505650263)

The wild beasts of the world (Pl. 36) (6505650263)

Polar Bear and Cubs by Louis A. Sargent

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600068

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600081

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Lossy-page1-2518px-Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - (white background)
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b36 864-1

Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b36 864-1

Русский: Иллюстрация из энциклопедического словаря Брокгауза и Ефрона (1890—1907) English: Illustration from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890—1907)

81 of 'The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young readers' (11301378445)

81 of 'The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young r...

Image taken from: Title: "The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young readers" Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10027.ee." Volume: 04 Page: 81 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishing: ... Mehr

The wonders of the animal kingdom (Plate 59) (8073886184)

The wonders of the animal kingdom (Plate 59) (8073886184)

File from The Biodiversity Heritage Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL is revolutionizing global re... Mehr

Johann Orasch Jegesmedve-vadászat 1875-2

Johann Orasch Jegesmedve-vadászat 1875-2

Magyar: Az osztrák–magyar északi-sarki expedíció: jegesmedve vadászat. Deutsch: Die Österreichisch-Ungarische Nordpolarexpedition: Eisbärenjagd. English: The Austro-Hungarian North Pole Expedition: hunting ice bears.

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600069

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

34 of 'Primary Geography. (With illustrations.)' (11304821373)

34 of 'Primary Geography. (With illustrations.)' (11304821373)

Image taken from: Title: "Primary Geography. [With illustrations.]" Author: FRYE, Alexis Everett. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 10004.l.4." Page: 34 Place of Publishing: London Date of Publishing: 1894 Publ... Mehr

Four-footed Americans and their kin (1898) (14778485731)

Four-footed Americans and their kin (1898) (14778485731)

Polar Bear and Seal Identifier: fourfootedamericwrig (find matches) Title: Four-footed Americans and their kin Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: Wright, Mabel Osgood, 1859-1934 Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1... Mehr

Swiat zastosowany do pojecia mlodziezy 1852 (105586060)

Swiat zastosowany do pojecia mlodziezy 1852 (105586060)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Warszawa : J. Glücksberg, 1852Opis fizyczny: [4], III, [1], 568, [4] S., [2] k. tabl. : il. ; 27 cm

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600067

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Arctic animals Polar regions

Arctic animals Polar regions

Illustration of arctic animals from Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Regions (1830), by Sir John Lesley, Robert Jameson, and Hugh Murray.

Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14595917637)

Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) (14595917637)

A polar bear attacking an Esquimaux Identifier: huntingtrappings00pric (find matches) Title: Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: (Price, J. P. Hyde), 1874- (from old cata... Mehr

Polar bears coming through a snow field

Polar bears coming through a snow field

Polar bears coming through a snow field Identifier: huntingtrappings00pric (find matches) Title: Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: (Price, J. P. Hyde), 1874- (from old ... Mehr

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600071

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of 19th-century zoological illustration, free to use, no copyright restrictions image

Die Gartenlaube (1871) 093

Die Gartenlaube (1871) 093

Deutsch: Seite 93 der Zeitschrift Die Gartenlaube.English: Page 93 from journal Die Gartenlaube for 1871.Extracted image (if any):    File:Die Gartenlaube (1871) b 093.jpg   - hi res, ~2.5 MB. Deutsch: keine... Mehr

Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina BHL29568359

Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina BHL29568359

Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina / opera et studio Georgii Shaw ... ; adduntur figuræ, eleganter sculptæ et coloratæ.

Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities (1901) (14568755908)

Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; ...

Identifier: animalsinactions00broo (find matches) Title: Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities Year: 1901 (1900s) Authors: Br... Mehr

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sondersammlungen Universität Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ22600077

Ursus maritimus - 1700-1880 - Drucken - Iconographia Zoologica - Sonde...

Ursus maritimus Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Mammaliatheirva00figu orig 0010
Animal life and the world of nature (9444362680)

Animal life and the world of nature (9444362680)

Animal life and the world of nature : a magazine of natural history throughout the world v.2 (1903-1904)

The royal natural history (Page 7) (6103358139)

The royal natural history (Page 7) (6103358139)

rJgtfe POLAR BEARS AND THEIR PREY. Public domain scan - Mammal animal, 19th-century zoological illustration print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

642 of 'Beeton's Historical Romances, Daring Deeds, and Animal Stories. Illustrated, etc' (11094069365)

642 of 'Beeton's Historical Romances, Daring Deeds, and Animal Stories...

Image taken from: Title: "Beeton's Historical Romances, Daring Deeds, and Animal Stories. Illustrated, etc" Author: BEETON, Samuel Orchart. Shelfmark: "British Library HMNTS 12604.f.26." Page: 642 Place of Publ... Mehr

Image from page 433 of "Arctic explorations- the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, 1853, '54, '55" (1856) (14762207006)
Die Gartenlaube (1879) b 833

Die Gartenlaube (1879) b 833

Bild aus Seite 833 in "Die Gartenlaube". Image from page 833 of journal Die Gartenlaube, 1879. Deutsch: Bildunterschrift: „Auf der Eisbärenjagd.Originalzeichnung von Ludwig Beckmann.“ English: caption: "Auf ... Mehr

Richard Friese - IJsbeer en eidereenden aan de kust - 0226 - Rijksmuseum Twenthe

Richard Friese - IJsbeer en eidereenden aan de kust - 0226 - Rijksmuse...

Public domain scan of artwork in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

200 of 'Our North Land- being a full account of the Canadian North-West and Hudson's Bay Route, together with a narrative of the experiences of the Hudson's Bay Expedition of 1884 ... Illustrated, etc' (11175682543)

200 of 'Our North Land- being a full account of the Canadian North-Wes...

Image taken from: Title: "Our North Land: being a full account of the Canadian North-West and Hudson's Bay Route, together with a narrative of the experiences of the Hudson's Bay Expedition of 1884 ... Illustra... Mehr

Animal products; (1877) (14776878395)

Animal products; (1877) (14776878395)

Identifier: animalproducts00simm (find matches) Title: Animal products; Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Simmonds, Peter Lund, 1814-1897. (from old catalog) Subjects: Animal products. (from old catalog) Domestic... Mehr

Ssaki. Cz. 1 ca 1912 (102309533)

Ssaki. Cz. 1 ca 1912 (102309533)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Berlin ; Wiedeń : B. Harz, [ca 1912]Opis fizyczny: 312 s., 18 k. tabl. : il., rys. ; 24 cm

A polar bear plunges into the sea from a very steep iceberg Wellcome V0021940

A polar bear plunges into the sea from a very steep iceberg Wellcome V...

A polar bear plunges into the sea from a very steep iceberg while fishermen look on from a nearby trawler. Coloured engraving by R. Havell after C. Ross. Iconographic Collections Keywords: Robert Havell; Willi... Mehr

Johnson's household book of nature (Plate XXII) (7268647914)

Johnson's household book of nature (Plate XXII) (7268647914)

Johnson's household book of nature, containing full and interesting descriptions of the animal kingdom, based upon the writings of the eminent naturalists, Audubon, Wallace, Brehm, Wood and others.

The animal kingdom (6243495745)

The animal kingdom (6243495745)

ilAEl Arctic Bear . Public domain scan of zoological print or book illustration, zoology, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The larger North American mammals (Page 438) (6871385232)

The larger North American mammals (Page 438) (6871385232)

File from the Biodiversity Library. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open-access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives.

PSM V06 D305 Polar bear
Dra. A. Pokornego Zoologija 1872 (106652764)

Dra. A. Pokornego Zoologija 1872 (106652764)

Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Praga Czeska [etc.] : Fr. Tempski [et al.], 1872 (Praga Czeska : J. Fuchs)Współtwórcy: Rzepecki, Ludwik Władysław (1832-1894). OpracOpis fizyczny: XI, [1], 366 s. : il. ; 24 cm

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