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uniforms of the united states marine corps

73 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Plate VIII, Marine Barracks Ceremonial Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate VIII, Marine Barracks Ceremonial Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Un...

Marine Dress White and Drum Corps Uniforms Source: http://www.marcorsyscom.usmc.mil/sites/mcub/PAGES/uniform_plates.htm and

United States Marines - USMC-04020
Plate X, Field Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate X, Field Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by D...

Green linen or cotton hunting shirts were worn by Continental Marines. Work or fatigue uniforms of the same material were worn by Marines as early as 1808, but such uniforms generally were not used as combat u... Mehr

Defense.gov photo essay 100219-M-0898S-142

Defense.gov photo essay 100219-M-0898S-142

Retired Lt. Gen. Larry Snowden, Chairman of the Iwo Jima Association of America, Inc., prepares to give Gen. James T. Conway, commandant of the Marine Corps, the original, top secret orders for his unit’s part... Mehr

SMMC John L. Estrada, USMC
Plate II, Enlisted Service Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate II, Enlisted Service Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 ...

Taken from Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (Color Prints PCN 19000316200). Public domain photograph - portrait of an officer in military uniform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description



Official Photo of Colonel A. J. Johnson

U.S. Marines in the Middle East, 1991 (1991), by Donna J. Neary

U.S. Marines in the Middle East, 1991 (1991), by Donna J. Neary

Shown in this plate are the various uniforms worn by Marines participating in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. These uniforms are current as of 16 January 1991, D-Day for Desert Storm. It should be n... Mehr

US Navy 060524-N-7365V-109 U.S. Navy Fleet Week New York 2006

US Navy 060524-N-7365V-109 U.S. Navy Fleet Week New York 2006

New York Harbor (May 24, 2006) - In the hangar bay aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, actor Hugh Jackman, poses for pictures with Marines assigned to the 10th Marine Division. Jackman who plays ... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-01577
US Marines at American Consulate, Tianjin, 1900 (CHANDLESS 0)

US Marines at American Consulate, Tianjin, 1900 (CHANDLESS 0)

On verso of image: U.S. Marine Guard at U.S. Consulate Tientsin before siege. Later left with Seymour expedition for Peking--were beaten back & managed to reach Tientsin with many wounded. Mr. James Ragsdale, ... Mehr

Uniform and decorations, Major General Marion Eugene Carl, USMC - Oregon Air and Space Museum - Eugene, Oregon - DSC09859

Uniform and decorations, Major General Marion Eugene Carl, USMC - Oreg...

Exhibit in the Oregon Air and Space Museum - Eugene, Oregon, USA.

Plate IV, Enlisted Blue Dress Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate IV, Enlisted Blue Dress Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 19...

From left to right: Blue Dress "B" (Male), Blue Dress "B" (Female), Blue Dress "A", Blue Dress "D", Blue Dress "C" Summary Marine Enlisted Dress Uniform Source: [1] and [2]

Plate IX, Aviation Clothing - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary


LtCol Presto

USMC Color Guard

USMC Color Guard

Members of a U. S. Marine Corps color guard present the colors as part of opening ceremonies during Military Appreciation Day at Petco Park, home to the San Diego Padres.

Colonel John Glenn official photo

Colonel John Glenn official photo

John Glenn Source: http://www.tecom.usmc.mil/HD/images/Whos_Who/Hi_Res/GlennJH.jpg from http://www.tecom.usmc.mil/HD/Whos_Who/Glenn_JH.htm License: Information presented on this site is considered public inf... Mehr

US Navy 081110-N-5549O-120 Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T. Conway speaks to guests during a wreath laying ceremony in honor of the 233rd Marine Corps birthday at the Marine Corps War Memorial

US Navy 081110-N-5549O-120 Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T...

WASHINGTON (Nov. 10, 2008) Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. James T. Conway speaks to guests during a wreath laying ceremony in honor of the 233rd Marine Corps birthday at the Marine Corps War Memorial. The... Mehr

Harry L. MacNeal - Public domain photograph

Harry L. MacNeal - Public domain photograph

Corporal Harry L. MacNeal, USMC Public domain photograph - portrait of an officer in military uniform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Plate XII, Marine Enlisted Uniform Accessories - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate XII, Marine Enlisted Uniform Accessories - U.S. Marine Corps Uni...

High resolution United States Marine Corps enlisted rank insignia and accessories.

Plate I, Officers' Service Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate I, Officers' Service Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 ...

Taken from Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (Color Prints PCN 19000316200). Public domain photograph - portrait of an officer in military uniform, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

United States Marines - USMC-100915-M-6457M-004

United States Marines - USMC-100915-M-6457M-004

The 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. James T. Conway walks alongside Marines, dressed in Korean War era uniforms, who carry a wreath to be placed in honor of the “Chosin Few" during a monument dedicat... Mehr

HuckRA MajGen USMC

HuckRA MajGen USMC

Major General Richard A. Huck, United States Marine Corps, in May 2006.

Gen James N. Mattis

Gen James N. Mattis

General James N. Mattis, USMC Commander U.S. Joint Forces Command and Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.

Desert Storm Uniforms

Desert Storm Uniforms

Shown in this plate are the various uniforms worn by Marines participating in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. These uniforms are current as of 16 January 1991, D-Day for Desert Storm. It should be n... Mehr

"Toys for Tots" bei der CIA - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency (1)

"Toys for Tots" bei der CIA - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency...

Der amtierende Direktor Morell und seine Frau Mary Beth überreichen Sergeant Jay Nicholas Baldino die "Toys for Tots" -Spende des CIA. Weitere Informationen über die CIA finden Sie unter www.cia.gov.

A U.S. Marine Corps ceremonial bugler, left, and Sgt. Maj. Eric J. Stockton, the sergeant major for Marine Barracks Washington, perform during the Evening Parade May 24, 2013, at the barracks in Washington, D.C 130524-M-MM982-101

A U.S. Marine Corps ceremonial bugler, left, and Sgt. Maj. Eric J. Sto...

A U.S. Marine Corps ceremonial bugler, left, and Sgt. Maj. Eric J. Stockton, the sergeant major for Marine Barracks Washington, perform during the Evening Parade May 24, 2013, at the barracks in Washington, D.... Mehr

Plate X, Field Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate X, Field Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by D...

A drawing of the United States Marine Corps' field uniforms, circa early 1980s.

Meritorious Unit Citation ceremony 131122-M-EL431-065

Meritorious Unit Citation ceremony 131122-M-EL431-065

The sergeant major of Marine Barracks Washington (MBW), Sgt. Maj. Angela M. Maness, participates in a Meritorious Unit Citation ceremony at MBW in Washington, D.C., Nov. 22, 2013. The commandant of the Marine ... Mehr

"Toys for Tots" bei der CIA - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency

"Toys for Tots" bei der CIA - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency

Marineinfanteristen der Marinebasis Quantico laden im Rahmen des Programms "Toys for Tots" CIA-Spenden auf Lastwagen. Weitere Informationen über die CIA finden Sie unter www.cia.gov.

Gaskin MajGenWalterE

Gaskin MajGenWalterE

Public domain photograph - military portrait, armed forces officer, leader, commander, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Sergeant Major (SGM) in his Dress Blue Uniform 030317-M-UF493-001

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Sergeant Major (SG...

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Sergeant Major (SGM) in his Dress Blue Uniform. Produced by USMC Lance Corporal (LCPL) James R. Arndt, Graphics Section, Combat Visual Information Center, Ma... Mehr

Sturmgewehr M16A2 mit Granatwerfer

Sturmgewehr M16A2 mit Granatwerfer

A 1st Platoon, Lima Company Marine uses his ski poles to steady his M-16A2 rifle during a live fire exercise at the Mountain Warfare Training Center, Bridgeport, Calif., on Feb. 8, 1997. Marines from the 2nd M... Mehr

UNIFORMES ET INSIGNES MILITAIRES 1950 Military uniforms and insignia 55 UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS Author and illustrator uncredited No known copyright restrictions Archive.org

UNIFORMES ET INSIGNES MILITAIRES 1950 Military uniforms and insignia 5...

Page from Uniformes et insignes militaires, a book on military uniforms, rank insignia, badges, caps, tunics, etc., published in 1950 by Librairie Payot, Lausanne and Hallwag, Bern, Switzerland. Author (write... Mehr

Thomas B. McGee

Thomas B. McGee

Maj. Thomas B. McGee, USMC

United States Marines - USMC-01874

United States Marines - USMC-01874

SGTMAJ Smith W_O border



1stSgt Darden

Marines on parade

Marines on parade

The drum major leads the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego Band at the Mother Goose Parade in El Cajon, CA, USA.

United States Marines - USMC-00121

United States Marines - USMC-00121

Commanding Officer Picture

US Marine Corps winter field uniform tunic - National World War I Museum - Kansas City, MO - DSC07738

US Marine Corps winter field uniform tunic - National World War I Muse...

Uniform exhibited in the National World War I Museum at the Liberty Memorial, 100 W. 26th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

Waldhauser Africom 2

Waldhauser Africom 2

Commander in A-Class

Lewis J. Fields

Lewis J. Fields

Lewis Jefferson Fields (October 1, 1909 - March 5, 1988) was an highly decorated officer of the United States Marine Corps with the rank of Lieutenant General. He is most noted for his service with 1st Marine ... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-01719

United States Marines - USMC-01719

Change of command bio photo.

United States Marines - USMC-01685

United States Marines - USMC-01685

LtCol Kolber Site CO for MAG-49

United States Marines - USMC-00117
Gunnery Sgt Camilla Lawson and Sgt of the USMC Carlton Kent, Washington DC

Gunnery Sgt Camilla Lawson and Sgt of the USMC Carlton Kent, Washingto...

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Camilla Lawson recently received the GEICO Military Service Award for her work in traffic safety. She is seen at left with Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps w:Carlton Kent at the awards ceremony... Mehr

Marine in Vietnam era uniform

Marine in Vietnam era uniform

In celebration of the 228th Marine Corps birthday, a US Marine Corps (USMC) marine wears a Vietnam War era uniform, holding a 7.62 mm M14 rifle, as part of the historical period uniform pageant, held aboard Ma... Mehr

Expedition 52 Press Conference (NHQ201707100010)

Expedition 52 Press Conference (NHQ201707100010)

Expedition 52 flight engineer Randy Bresnik of NASA is seen during a crew press conference at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC), Monday, July 10, 2017 in Star City, Russia.

Vintage Sunday (1912) (8103038775)

Vintage Sunday (1912) (8103038775)

If you enlisted when these uniforms were in service ... - Your Commandant: Maj. Gen. William P. Biddle. - New Mexico and Arizona were admitted as states. - Major Engagements: None. - First class stamp cost: $0.... Mehr

US-Marineinfanteristen in China 1900 HD-SN-99-01986

US-Marineinfanteristen in China 1900 HD-SN-99-01986

US-Marineinfanteristen bei einer Hilfsparty im chinesischen Peiping. ID: HD-SN-99-01986 NARA FILE #: 127-N-515634 WAR & CONFLICT BOOK #: 327

United States Marines - USMC-00200
United States Marines - USMC-01550

United States Marines - USMC-01550

Sgt. Maj. Eric C. Seward

Uniforms Of Seven Allies SEATO 1967 PAM 360-527 23 UNITED STATES MARINE OFFICERS OTHER RANKS Military insignia badges caps tunics shoulder straps chevrons US Dep of Defense No known copyright Archive.org Lowres booklet

Uniforms Of Seven Allies SEATO 1967 PAM 360-527 23 UNITED STATES MARIN...

Uniforms of Seven Allies, an official publication/booklet issued in 1967/1968 by the Armed Forces Information and Education of the United States Departement of Defense (U.S. Government Printing Office: 1967 O–... Mehr



SgtMaj Macias

United States Marines - USMC-02589
Plate III, Officers' Blue Dress Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary

Plate III, Officers' Blue Dress Uniforms - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms ...

From left to right: Blue Dress "C", Blue Dress "A" (Male), Blue Dress "A" (female), Blue Dress "B", Blue Dress "C" Marine Officer Dress Uniform.

Uniforms, left US Marine Enlisted Forest Green Tunic, right Army Enlisted Tunic Model 1918 - Wisconsin Veterans Museum - DSC03056

Uniforms, left US Marine Enlisted Forest Green Tunic, right Army Enlis...

Exhibit in the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. This item is old enough so that it is in the public domain. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.



SgtMaj Goss

Plate XI, Uniform Accessories and Officer Insignia - U.S. Marine Corps Uniforms 1983 (1984), by Donna J. Neary
Birthday Pageant 29Palms 081104-M-6603L-059

Birthday Pageant 29Palms 081104-M-6603L-059

2008 U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Pageant at Twentynine Palms: Lance Cpl. Daniel H. Ealy, Company B, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, dressed as a Marine from 1812 and stood at parade rest while a biography o... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-090524-M-1318S-456

United States Marines - USMC-090524-M-1318S-456

Staff Sgt. Tim Chambers salutes his makeshift memorial to honor the generation of service members who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Families of fallen service members donated personal effects of their l... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-03962


Official USMC photo

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, National Archives %

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, National Archives %

NH 72893-KN: Uniformen der US Navy-1899, die Gefreite, Trommler (Marinekorps), Unteroffizier, Musiker, Oberbefehlshaber (Master-at-Arms), Gefreiter (Marinekorps), Unteroffizier (Marinekorps) zeigen. Lithographi... Mehr

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Gunnery Sergeant (GYSGT) in her Dress Blue Uniform 030319-M-UF493-003

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Gunnery Sergeant (...

A computer drawing showing a US Marine Corps (USMC) Gunnery Sergeant (GYSGT) in her Dress Blue Uniform. Produced by USMC Lance Corporal (LCPL) James R. Arndt, Graphics Section, Combat Visual Information Center... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-01131
United States Marines - USMC-02290
United States Marines - USMC-05518

United States Marines - USMC-05518

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - The shop sells donated items that it receives from the local community and include house ware, clothing, uniform items and baby clothes. The thrift store has just recentl... Mehr

United States Marines - USMC-00097

United States Marines - USMC-00097

Brig. Gen. William Faulkner

M81 Woodland Camoflauge Pattern BDU

M81 Woodland Camoflauge Pattern BDU

M81 Woodland Camoflauge Pattern BDU

James E. Cartwright
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