Die Skizze eines Mandalas mit dem Titel "Inviting Rain"
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, classical or archaic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Mandala von Wakamiya des Kasuga-Schreines (Kasuga wakamiya mandara)
Public domain reproduction of artwork, medieval, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Initiationskarte (Tsakalis): Samanthabhadri (Gemahlin)
Public domain reproduction of artwork, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Chinese Hevajra Mandala, 14th century
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Chinese Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Samanthabhandra
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, medieval or early renaissance, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Chinese Vajrabhairava, 14th century, Ming dynasty
Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Chinese Offerings to Wrathful Deities
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Tangka met een vorostelling van Hayagriva
Picryl description: Public domain photograph of apron, dress, part of the costume, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Chinese Roundel with Karma Lineage
Public domain photo of Chinese sculpture, 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Gold-Covered Vajra, bronze, China, Tang dynasty
Accession Number: 1994.605.43 Tang dynasty (618–907) Public domain photograph of gold metal object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
A blue and white background with a circular design. Background mandala...
Blue background with a pattern of circles / A blue and white background with a circular design / Public domain stock illustration.
A black and white abstract pattern. Mandala pattern line art, backgrou...
Seamless pattern with black and white ornamental elements on a white background / A black and white abstract pattern / Public domain stock illustration.
A bunch of flags that are flying in the air. Prayer flags himalayan ne...
Tourism: A bunch of colorful flags blowing in the wind. A line of colorful prayer flags hanging from a rope. Public domain stock photo. A bunch of colorful flags blowing in the wind. A line of colorful prayer ... Mehr
A gold ornament hanging from a christmas tree. Mandala christmas tree ...
A gold ornament hanging from a christmas tree / A christmas ornament hanging from a christmas tree public domain photo.
A group of monks standing next to a waterfall. Tibetan monks india.
Tourism: Monks in the mountains by a waterfall. A group of monks sitting on rocks near a waterfall. Public domain stock photo. Monks in the mountains by a waterfall. A group of monks sitting on rocks near a wa... Mehr
A kalei pattern made of bananas and other fruits. Mandala fruit yantra...
A circular pattern of mangoes and mangoes / A kalei pattern made of bananas and other fruits / Public domain stock illustration.
A green background with a picture of a flower. Mandala district orname...
A colorful mandala with a colorful pattern / A green background with a picture of a flower / Public domain stock illustration.
A computer generated image of a flower. Fractal floral mandala, backgr...
The art of fractal art / A computer generated image of a flower / Public domain stock illustration.
A blue and green circular with yellow stars. Mandala lilac healing.
The eye of the beholder / A blue and green circular with yellow stars / Public domain stock illustration.
A coloring page with stars in a circle. Mandala star christmas.
Star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt pattern - star quilt / A colori... Mehr
A close up of a metal door with decorative designs. Buddhism mandala k...
A metal door with a floral pattern / A close up of a metal door with a flower pattern / Public domain stock photo.
A blue circular pattern with a black background. Background mandala ba...
Public domain texture / The circle of light in the center / A blue circle with a white center and a black center. Public domain textures and patterns: The circle of light in the center / A blue circle with a w... Mehr
A circular pattern of orange and brown colors. Pizza mandala yantra, b...
A kaleidoscope of autumn leaves and flowers / A circular pattern of orange and brown colors / Public domain stock illustration.
A view of a town with a mountain in the background. Labrang is tibetan...
The view from the top of the building / View of the city from the top of the hill / Public domain stock photo.
A red and yellow star with arrows in the center. Mandala zen meditatio...
The art of the red and yellow mandala / A red and yellow star with arrows in the center / Public domain stock illustration.
A drawing of a wreath of fruit and flowers. Mandala background colorfu...
A mandala made of flowers and leaves / A drawing of a wreath of fruit and flowers / Public domain stock illustration.
A black and white drawing of a circular object. Mandala line art black...
Black and white mandala with a pattern of stars. black and white mandala with a pattern of stars stock illustration / A black and white drawing of a circular object / Public domain stock illustration.
Vajrasattva - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication
Public domain photograph of artwork in the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Vasudhara - Rijksmuseum public domain dedication
Picryl description: Public domain photo of a monument or sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Peggy Staley und Mandala Kunstbuch, Saunderstown, Rhode Island
Indexdaten: 1-4, Mandala-Gemälde, bevor Peg bewusst von ihrem Krebs erfuhr; 5-6, Mandala-Gemälde, nur wenige Tage bevor der Krebs erkannt und diagnostiziert wurde - präkognitiv; 7-8, Gemälde, die das Problem de... Mehr
Peggy Staley Haus und Kunstwerk, Saunderstown, Rhode Island
Indexdaten: 1-4, Außenaufnahmen des Hauses; 5-6, Vogelfutterautomat am Esstisch; 7-9, Gemüsegarten; 10-12, Peg Staley auf der Vordertreppe, Poncho-Hemd von Peg gewebt; 13-15, Innenausstattung eines Scheunenanba... Mehr
Peggy Staley Haus und Kunstwerk, Saunderstown, Rhode Island
Indexdaten: 1-4, Außenaufnahmen des Hauses; 5-6, Vogelfutterautomat am Esstisch; 7-9, Gemüsegarten; 10-12, Peg Staley auf der Vordertreppe, Poncho-Hemd von Peg gewebt; 13-15, Innenausstattung eines Scheunenanba... Mehr
Buddha mit Bodhisattvas Padmapani und Vajrapani
A close up of a statue of a person, China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Das Mandala der Gottheiten des Sannō-Schreins
Public domain photo of a golden object, Japan, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Chinese Brahmarupa Mahakala, copper alloy
A bronze figure of deity, China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Das Mandala von Vajradhara, Manjushri und Sadakshari -Lokeshvara
Public domain photo of a golden object, China, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Vasudhara Mandala, Buddhist painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Chinese Base for a Mandala, Ming dynasty
Public domain photograph of Asain artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Die Schriftrolle der Gottheiten des Diamantenen Welt-Mandalas
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, classical or archaic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Deity from a Set of Five Pancharaksha Goddesses, Himalayan (Nepal, Tib...
Picryl description: Public domain photo of Chinese sculpture, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Sharmapa Lama, Chodag Yeshe Palzang, der 4. Shamar Rinpoche (1453-1554...
Google Cultural Institute Public domain photograph of 16th-century painting, renaissance or mannerist, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Brooklyn Museum - Seite 51 aus einem Manuskript des Kalpasutra recto t...
Picryl description: Public domain image related to Tibetan Buddhism, sculpture, art, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Om mani padme hum (Unsplash)
Gokyo Lakes, Khumjung, Nepal A group of flags flying in the wind in front of a mountain. This image is from Unsplash and was published prior to 5 June 2017 under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public ... Mehr
Lama Temple (9868095266)
Tibetan Buddhist Temple, Beijing. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Tibetan Buddhism Gilt Bronze Statue (9952259784)
Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu, Buddhism Gallery, 2010. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Tibetan Buddhism Gilt Bronze Statue (9952273394)
Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu, Buddhism Gallery, 2010. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Tibetan Buddhism Gilt Bronze Statue (9952274344)
Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu, Buddhism Gallery, 2010. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Tibetan Buddhism Gilt Bronze Statue (9952286946)
Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu, Buddhism Gallery, 2010. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Tibetan Buddhism Paintings (9952318644)
Sichuan Provincial Museum, Chengdu, Buddhism Gallery, 2010. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Doors TAIMA Mandara Frame. 1920s Japan, public domain image.
Türen TAIMA Mandara Rahmen Türverkleidungen des Taima Mandala Schreins (Gehäuserahmen des Wandteppichs), Lack auf Holz, Höhe ca. 340cm. Türen und die meisten Oberflächenverzierungen werden der Kamakura-Zeit zug... Mehr
Kundeling Dzasa Woser Gyaltsen
Kundeling Dzasa Woser Gyaltsen
Ansicht des Sakya-Klosters in Tibet 1948 vor seiner Zerstörung - BMH.M...
Blick auf das Sakya-Kloster in Tibet 1948 vor seiner Zerstörung
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne ...
Dictionnaire raisonné du mobilier français de l'époque carlovingienne à la Renaissance - illustration Tome 6
Kasugamandala detail - A group of people standing in front of a painti...
A Detail of a Kasuga Mandala showing some "kami" and their Buddha equivalents (honji suijaku)
Taima Mandala - A painting of a group of people in a room
Taima Mandala (綴織当麻曼荼羅図, tsuzureori taima mandarazu) reproduction of the 8th century original
Alexandra David-Néel et le Lama Aphur Yongden au Tibet
Français : Alexandra David Néel et le Lama Aphur Yongden au Tibet
Лама в костюме для религиозного танца
Public domain reproduction of artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Acala, Tibet, 1644-1911 AD, gilt copper - Sichuan Provincial Museum - ...
Exhibit in the Sichuan Provincial Museum (四川省博物院), also known as the Sichuan Museum, 251 Huanhua S Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This work is old e... Mehr
Four-armed Palden Lhamo, Tibet, 1644-1911 AD, gilt copper - Sichuan Pr...
Exhibit in the Sichuan Provincial Museum (四川省博物院), also known as the Sichuan Museum, 251 Huanhua S Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This work is old e... Mehr
Mandala Depicting Kalachakra and Vishvamata, Tibet
Mandala Depicting Kalachakra and Vishvamata, Tibet, first half 16th Century, 54.6 x 49.5 cm.
Manjushri, Tibet, 1700s-1800s AD, gilt bronze and semiprecious stones,...
Exhibit in the Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, USA. Public domain photograph of Asian sculpture, Buddhist art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Nagarjuna, Tibet, 1644-1911 AD - Sichuan Provincial Museum - Chengdu, ...
Exhibit in the Sichuan Provincial Museum (四川省博物院), also known as the Sichuan Museum, 251 Huanhua S Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This work is old e... Mehr
Stupa, Central Tibet, late 1200s AD, gilt copper alloy - Arthur M. Sac...
Exhibit in the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Washington, D.C., USA.
Tsongkhapa, Tibet, 1368-1644 AD, gilt copper - Sichuan Provincial Muse...
Exhibit in the Sichuan Provincial Museum (四川省博物院), also known as the Sichuan Museum, 251 Huanhua S Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction. This work is old e... Mehr
Diamond Realm Mandala (Daiko-in Shibata)
Mandala of the Two Realms (Diamond Realm), Daiko-in, Shibata, Miyagi, Japan 日本語: 金剛界曼茶羅図
Kasuga Shrine Mandala (Nara Prefecture)
Kasuga Shrine Mandala, Nara Prefecture, Japan 日本語: 春日宮曼荼羅図
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama with Under Secretary Uzra Zeya on visit...
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama with Under Secretary Uzra Zeya on visit New Delhi, July 2023
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama with Under Secretary Uzra Zeya on visit...
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama with Under Secretary Uzra Zeya on visit New Delhi, July 2023
Milarepa (1040-1123) LACMA M.82.165.2 (cropped)
Tibet or Nepal, 19th century Paintings Mineral pigments and gold on cotton cloth; silk borders 25 1/2 x 16 1/4 in. (64.8 x 41.3 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips (M.82.165.2) South and Southeast Asian Art
Mandala of the Bodhisattva Shadakshari Lokeshvara LACMA M.91.349.1
Tibet, 17th-18th century Drawings; watercolors Opaque watercolor and gold on wood Gift of Paul F. Walter (M.91.349.1) South and Southeast Asian Art
Samdhong Rinpoche (50) (15069546865)
Samdhong Rinpoche (50)
Yonghegong prayer wheel
Prayer wheel at the Yonghe lama temple in Beijing, China. Svenska: En bönekvarn i det lamaistiska Yonghe-templet i Peking i Kina.
Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolei 1900 (150607657)
Polski: Adres wydawniczy: Leipizg : F. A. Brockhaus, 1900Współtwórcy: Uhtomskij, Esper Esperovič (1861-1921) PrzedmowaOpis fizyczny: XXXV, [1], 244 s., [1] k. tabl. : il. ; 30 cm
Yuan Gilt Bronze Buddha, Mongolia (10196086916)
Mongolia Exhibit, Chinese Writing Museum, Anyang. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Deutsch: Potala in Lhasa.
Drawing based on a wall-painting of Gurdwara Guru Sar, Bargarhi, distr...
A drawing based on a wall-painting of Gurdwara Guru Sar, Bargarhi, district Faridkot. Depicting Guru Gobind Singh playing passa with Rai Jagga, the chief of Kot-Kapura.
Toreutics on the roof of Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet in 2005.
Temple in Eskdalemuir 06
Kagyu Samyé Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre at Eskdalemuir, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Temple in Eskdalemuir 14
Kagyu Samyé Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre at Eskdalemuir, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Palaces, avenues, buildings, parks, and scenery around China's Capital A temple, pavilion, and some worshippers at Lama Temple
Belgian stained-glass windows donated by Lady Elgin (Mary Louisa Lambton), wife of Lord Elgin at St. John in the Wilderness, near McLeod Ganj
Group photo of TYC leaders (Centrex and Dharamshala branch) with membe...
Lodi Gyari, second from left, with the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) founders English: Group photo of TYC leaders (Centrex and Dharamshala branch) with members of Parliament elected on Dec 25, 1972. From front... Mehr
Longmen Boddhi
Massive lokapala in the Longmen Grottoes near Luoyang, China
Français : Tsongkapa
NH-45-16 Chiang-Tzu, China, India, Bhutan
NH-45-16 Chiang-Tzu, China, India, Bhutan
Bai Ta (White Pagoda) - 9869290446
Qionghua Island, Beihai Park, 2007. Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
S Rinpoche 243 (14853055608)
S Rinpoche 243
S Rinpoche 214 (15039664365)
S Rinpoche 214
Stakna Monastery, view from Thiksey-crop
Stakna Monastery near Leh in Ladakh, Photograph (c) Ian A. Inman (Beefy SAFC)
S Rinpoche 50 (14853149420)
Lobsang Tenzin, the 5th Samdhong Rinpoche
S Rinpoche 167 (14853048140)
Lobsang Tenzin, the 5th Samdhong Rinpoche
Potala Palace - 19988428638
Seat of the Dalai Lamas, Lhasa, Xizang (Tibet). Complete indexed photo collection at WorldHistoryPics.com.
Vajra, bronze, 9th century - Public domain museum image. A close up of...
Central Javanese period Public domain photograph of archaeological object, copper alloy metal, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Schriftrolle der Gottheiten der Diamantenwelt Mandala
Public domain photo of Japanese scroll painting, classical or archaic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Grüne Tara, Blatt aus einem verstreuten Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita ...
Picryl description: Public domain image related to Tibetan Buddhism, sculpture, monument, painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Grüne Tara, Blatt aus einem verstreuten Ashtasahasrika Prajnaparamita ...
Public domain photo of Asian art painting, classical or archaic, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.