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the ridpath library of universal literature 1899

32 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
The Chariot Race - Public domain book illustration

The Chariot Race - Public domain book illustration

The Chariot Race Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including... Mehr

Thomas Henry Huxley 02 - Public domain natural history illustration

Thomas Henry Huxley 02 - Public domain natural history illustration

Thomas Henry Huxley Identifier: ridpathlibraryof14ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, includ... Mehr

Portrait of James Whitcomb Riley 02

Portrait of James Whitcomb Riley 02

Portrait of James Whitcomb Riley Identifier: ridpathlibrary19ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent auth... Mehr

John Clark Ridpath, historian - Public domain book illustration

John Clark Ridpath, historian - Public domain book illustration

John Clark Ridpath Identifier: ridpathlibraryof01ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature. A biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors Year: 190... Mehr

Portrait of Henrik Ibsen - Public domain portrait print

Portrait of Henrik Ibsen - Public domain portrait print

Portrait of Henrik Ibsen Identifier: ridpathlibraryof14ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, i... Mehr

James Boswell 02 - Public domain book illustration

James Boswell 02 - Public domain book illustration

James Boswell Identifier: ridpathlibraryof03ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including th... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14802102583)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest ex... Mehr

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (The Ridpath Library)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (The Ridpath Library)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, in... Mehr

Edward Augustus Freeman, historian

Edward Augustus Freeman, historian

Edward Augustus Freeman Identifier: ridpathlibraryof10ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, in... Mehr

Rudyard Kipling 02 - Public domain book illustration

Rudyard Kipling 02 - Public domain book illustration

Rudyard Kipling Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including ... Mehr

Old Round Tower at Newport - Public domain book illustration

Old Round Tower at Newport - Public domain book illustration

Old Round Tower at Newport Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors,... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14598144329)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibrary19ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extr... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14772986525)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibraryof10ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest ex... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14598133899)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibrary19ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extr... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14578428200)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibraryof20ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest ex... Mehr

Lady of the Lake, Photogravure - Public domain  engraving

Lady of the Lake, Photogravure - Public domain engraving

Lady of the Lake. Photogravure Identifier: ridpathlibraryof20ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent auth... Mehr

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, a German poet

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, a German poet

Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, a German poet Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most... Mehr

Percy Bysshe Shelley 02 - Public domain book illustration

Percy Bysshe Shelley 02 - Public domain book illustration

Percy Bysshe Shelley Identifier: ridpathlibraryof20ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, inclu... Mehr

Death of Maximilien de Robespierre, by Frédéric Lix

Death of Maximilien de Robespierre, by Frédéric Lix

Death of Maximilien de Robespierre, by Frédéric Lix Identifier: ridpathlibraryof01ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature. A biographical and bibliographical summary of the world... Mehr

Alphonse de Lamartine 02 - Public domain book illustration

Alphonse de Lamartine 02 - Public domain book illustration

Alphonse de Lamartine Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, incl... Mehr

Lucy Larcom 02 - Public domain book illustration

Lucy Larcom 02 - Public domain book illustration

Lucy Larcom Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the ... Mehr

Lyman Beecher, Presbyterian clergyman

Lyman Beecher, Presbyterian clergyman

Lyman Beecher, Presbyterian clergyman

Elizabeth Cady Stanton 02 - Public domain book illustration

Elizabeth Cady Stanton 02 - Public domain book illustration

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, inc... Mehr

Portrait of Charles Lamb 02 - Public domain book illustration

Portrait of Charles Lamb 02 - Public domain book illustration

Charles Lamb Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the... Mehr

Victorien Sardou, French dramatist

Victorien Sardou, French dramatist

Victorien Sardou, French dramatist Identifier: ridpathlibraryof20ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent ... Mehr

Henrietta Stannard (John Strange Winter)

Henrietta Stannard (John Strange Winter)

Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard (1856–1911) writing under the pseudonym of John Strange Winter Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biograph... Mehr

Jacob Wrestling with the Angel 02

Jacob Wrestling with the Angel 02

Jacob Wrestling with the Angel Identifier: ridpathlibraryof03ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent auth... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14578428200) (cropped)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibraryof20ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest ex... Mehr

Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné)

Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné)

Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) Identifier: ridpathlibraryof15ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent a... Mehr

Sir Walter Raleigh 02 - Public domain book illustration

Sir Walter Raleigh 02 - Public domain book illustration

Sir Walter Raleigh Identifier: ridpathlibrary19ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including... Mehr

Sir Walter Besant 02 - Public domain zoological illustration

Sir Walter Besant 02 - Public domain zoological illustration

Sir Walter Besant Identifier: ridpathlibraryof03ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, includin... Mehr

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest extracts and masterpieces from their writings (14595555989)

The Ridpath library of universal literature - a biographical and bibli...

Identifier: ridpathlibraryof21ridp (find matches) Title: The Ridpath library of universal literature : a biographical and bibliographical summary of the world's most eminent authors, including the choicest ex... Mehr

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