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the picture of dorian gray

8 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
Lippincott doriangray - A book with a picture of dorian gray on it

Lippincott doriangray - A book with a picture of dorian gray on it

A picture of the cover of the July, 1890 edition of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, where "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was first published (also simultaneously published in London). Lippincott's Magazine (New ... Mehr

Engraving Portrait of Dorian Gray by F. Siméon 1922

Engraving Portrait of Dorian Gray by F. Siméon 1922

Wood engravings from The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in Paris by Mornay.

From The Picture of Dorian Gray by Eugène Dété after Thiriat

From The Picture of Dorian Gray by Eugène Dété after Thiriat

One of the 7 engravings by Eugène Dété after Paul Thiriat, from The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in Paris by Charles Carrington.

The title card of an 1891 print of The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde

The title card of an 1891 print of The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Osca...

This is the title card of the original 1891 print of The Picture of Dorian Gray

Three Sirens Press - Dorian Gray

Three Sirens Press - Dorian Gray

Inside the cover of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray as published by Three Sirens Press in 1931. Español: Una fotografía de The Picture of Dorian Gray de Oscar Wilde que fue publicado por Three Sirens P... Mehr

Doriangray - Public domain  engraving

Doriangray - Public domain engraving

frontispiece to Oscar Wilde's “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, wood-engraved illustration

Houghton HEW 12.10.15 - Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray, 1891 (Titelbild)

Houghton HEW 12.10.15 - Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray, 1891 (Titelbild)

Cover der ersten Buchausgabe von Das Bild des Dorian Gray von Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). London; New York: Ward, Lock, 1891. HEW 12.10.15, Houghton Library, Harvard University

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1917)

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1917)

Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (1917) German postcard by Hermann Leiser Verlag, Berlin, no. 3152. Photo: Richard-Oswald-Produktion. Bernd Aldor in Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Richard Oswald, 1917), an adaptation... Mehr

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