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suffolk punch

19 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
A new family encyclopedia, or, Compendium of universal knowledge - comprehending a plain and practical view of those subjects most interesting to persons, in the ordinary professions of life - (14588795407)

A new family encyclopedia, or, Compendium of universal knowledge - com...

Cleveland Bays, Suffolk Punch Identifier: newfamilyencyclo00good (find matches) Title: A new family encyclopedia, or, Compendium of universal knowledge : comprehending a plain and practical view of those subje... Mehr

The new book of the horse (Pl. 22) (8536500167)

The new book of the horse (Pl. 22) (8536500167)

Q O O Q ..- w ~ u s Picryl description: Public domain artwork of horse, equestrian horse riding, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Brehm-Suffolk-Punch - A drawing of a horse with a harness

Brehm-Suffolk-Punch - A drawing of a horse with a harness

Français : Cheval Suffolk PunchEnglish: Suffolk Punch horse

The horse (Page 154) BHL21571881

The horse (Page 154) BHL21571881

The horse, by Isaac Phillips Roberts. Picryl description: Public domain artwork of horse, equestrian horse riding, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Animal husbandry (1920) (18169793266)

Animal husbandry (1920) (18169793266)

Title: Animal husbandry Identifier: animalhusbandry01torm (find matches) Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Tormey, John Lawless, 1881-; Lawry, Rolla Cecil, 1884- joint author; Hatch, K. L. (Kirk Lester), 1871- Subj... Mehr

Annual report of the California Stallion Registration Board for the year ending .. (1912) (19176414269)

Annual report of the California Stallion Registration Board for the ye...

Title: Annual report of the California Stallion Registration Board for the year ending .. Identifier: annualreportofca1519cali Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: California. Stallion Registration Board Subjects: Cali... Mehr

Farmer and stockbreeder (1920) (14797713543)

Farmer and stockbreeder (1920) (14797713543)

Identifier: farmerstockbreed3321unse (find matches) Title: Farmer and stockbreeder Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Subjects: Publisher: London Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Dig... Mehr

EB1911 Horse - suffolk stallion

EB1911 Horse - suffolk stallion

Photograph of a suffolk stallion.

Les races chevalines (Page 148) BHL22833212

Les races chevalines (Page 148) BHL22833212

Les races chevalines : avec une étude spéciale sur les chevaux russes /

The horse - its varieties and management in health and disease (1896) (14597553487)

The horse - its varieties and management in health and disease (1896) ...

Identifier: horseitsvarietie00arma (find matches) Title: The horse : its varieties and management in health and disease Year: 1896 (1890s) Authors: Armatage, George Ballantyne, Hanson and Co Frederick Warne ... Mehr

The horse book BHL18389186

The horse book BHL18389186

The horse book; a practical treatise on the American horse breeding industry as allied to the farm, by J. H. S. Johnstone.

Les races chevalines - avec une étude spéciale sur les chevaux russes (1894) (14796394563)

Les races chevalines - avec une étude spéciale sur les chevaux russes ...

Identifier: lesraceschevalin00simo (find matches) Title: Les races chevalines : avec une étude spéciale sur les chevaux russes Year: 1894 (1890s) Authors: Simonov, L. N. (Leonid Nikolaevich) Merder, Ivan Kar... Mehr

Types and breeds of farm animals (Page 141) BHL23742085

Types and breeds of farm animals (Page 141) BHL23742085

Types and breeds of farm animals / by Charles S. Plumb.

Mr MCR Bunburys champion Suffolk Punch stallion Ballistite 1905

Mr MCR Bunburys champion Suffolk Punch stallion Ballistite 1905

Black and white photograph of a Suffolk Punch breed of draught horse. Mervyn Corry Richardson Bunbury was the wife of the photographer Coyarre.

The horse (Page 152) BHL21571879

The horse (Page 152) BHL21571879

The horse, by Isaac Phillips Roberts.

Suffolk Punch Pferde warten auf ihr Urteil während der

Suffolk Punch Pferde warten auf ihr Urteil während der

Suffolk Punch Pferde warten darauf, am 12. Mai 2013 auf dem South Suffolk Showground in der Nähe von Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, gerichtet zu werden. Der Suffolk Punch ist ein Pferd der seltenen Rasse, das solid... Mehr

The new book of the horse (Pl. 23) (8536500707)

The new book of the horse (Pl. 23) (8536500707)

SUFFOLK HORSES. From a painting by Christopher Clark, R I

The horse BHL20321910

The horse BHL20321910

The horse : its selection and purchase, together with the law of warranty, sale, &c. / By Frank Townend Barton.

The horse BHL21573042

The horse BHL21573042

The horse, its varieties and management in health and disease.

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