James Johnson, survivor of the wreck of the Dunbar, Sydney, 1857 / [ha...
Format: Photograph in Huon pine frame. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: 442154 ( http://442154 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .F... Mehr
Henry Squires, American tenor in the Lyster Opera Company, repertoire,...
Squires sang in one of Australia's earliest opera companies. His repertoire of 44 roles by 20 composers would be impossible today with specialisation, higher standards of performance and completeness. Without g... Mehr
Pferd und Wagen steckten in einer ursprünglich von der American & Aust...
Format: Quarter plate glass negative. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: 62686 ( http://62686 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the co... Mehr
George Rignold, Schauspieler, [ca. 1887] / Bradley & Rulofson, ca. 188...
George Rignold was the stage name of George Richard Rignall. For a biography of George Rignold, go to adb.anu.edu.au/biography/rignall-george-richard-4478 ( http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/rignall-george-richar... Mehr
Mitchell Street, Bourke, 1890, New South Wales
Format: Photograph. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: 421796 ( http://421796 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the collection of the ... Mehr
Flood, Bourke, 1890 - Victorian era public domain image
Format: Photograph. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: 421796 ( http://421796 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the collection of the ... Mehr
Lands Office, Sydney, from Fred Hardie - Photographs of Sydney, Newcas...
Format: Albumen photoprint..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 152951 ( http://152951 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Market St, Sydney from Fred Hardie - Photographs of Sydney, Newcastle,...
Format: Albumen photoprint.....Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 152951 ( http://152951 ) .....From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Mädchen liest auf der Veranda der Station "Sandilands" mit ihrer franz...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 394868 ( http://394868 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Ada Ferrar als Josephine in einer königlichen Scheidung, 1899 / Talma,...
Format: Photograph. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: 447797 ( http://447797 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the collection ... Mehr
Streetscenes, from Frederick Danvers Power : photonegatives, 1898 - 19...
Streetscenes including pedestrians on King Street, George Street, Pitt Street, plus horsedrawn vehicles and activities on York and Castlereagh Streets, including the delivery of ice, bottle and gas cylinders...... Mehr
Sutton Forest Butchery. No. 761 George street from Views taken during ...
When bubonic plague struck Sydney in 1900, George McCredie was appointed by the Government to take charge of all quarantine activities in the Sydney area, beginning work on March 23, 1900. At the time of his ap... Mehr
Waratah Rovers Bicycle Club (WRBC) on tour. Sydney - Campbelltown - Ap...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 394100 ( http://394100 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the St... Mehr
No. 50 Wexford-street (rear), Chinese bedroom from Views taken during ...
When bubonic plague struck Sydney in 1900, George McCredie was appointed by the Government to take charge of all quarantine activities in the Sydney area, beginning work on March 23, 1900. At the time of his ap... Mehr
Ein frühes Motosacoche-Motorrad aus Familie und Urlaubsalbum, 1899-190...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 431585 ( http://431585 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the St... Mehr
Cecile Lorraine, American soprano, as Marguerite in Faust (or as Leono...
Note: In 1901, two opera companies sang 169 performances over 10 months in Sydney, a city of half a million people, as part of the Federation celebrations. Cecile Lorraine was one of the sopranos...Format: Pari... Mehr
Town Hall at night, Inauguration of the Australian Commonwealth, Sydne...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153248 ( http://153248 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collect... Mehr
Mosmans Bay [zeigt eine Straßenbahn, mit Fähre am Kai und Fußgängerbrü...
Call no.: PXE 711 / 116..Format: albumen photoprint. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?i... ( http://www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/sea... Mehr
Lady Honor and Lady Morvyth Ward reading, Government House, Sydney, by...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 14875 ( http://14875 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Pferdegespeiste Weizendreschmaschine auf "Woodville" - Junee, NSW, n.d...
Format: Photograph. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: 389290 ( http://389290 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the collection ... Mehr
Hotel Australia, Sydney, ca. 1900-1910 / photographer Star Photo Co.
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 413705 ( http://413705 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( ) .....846093 ( http://846093 )
Maori-Mutter und Kinder mit Mädchen in europäischer Kleidung, Maori-Do...
The Maori Village was a temporary tourist attraction which was erected at Clontarf, near Manly, in 1909-1910. The attraction later toured to London. manlylocalstudies.blogspot.com/2009/06/war-canoes-at-clon... ... Mehr
Cycle races, including a six days race, at a Sydney velodrome, Moore P...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153705 ( http://153705 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collect... Mehr
Chemiker im Labor mit Krokodilhäuten, n.d., von Sam Hood
Format: Photograph. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153437 ( http://153437 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From th... Mehr
Weihnachten in "Ollera" - Guyra, NSW, 25. Dezember 1913, Familien Ever...
Format: Photograph.Find more detailed information about this photograph:http://acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?itemID=392942..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections:... Mehr
Grundsteinlegung der Anfangssäule, Canberra, 12. März 1913 / Fotograf ...
Happy 100th Birthday to our capital Canberra from the State Library of New South Wales and all Australians..Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 457326 ( http:/... Mehr
The deck of the Emden, Australia in World War One
Format: Hand-coloured photograph from an exhibition of war photographs in natural colour produced by Colart's Studios, Melbourne, in the 1920s...Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic col... Mehr
Arthur William Curtis - Public domain portrait print
Geburtsdatum: 30.3.1880. Aufnahmedatum: 25.5.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Elektrischer Straßenbahnfahrer. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Sydney. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: Francis St, Garfield, Goulburn. ... Mehr
James Munro Matheson, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Geburtsdatum: 1894. Aufnahmedatum: 24.3.1917. Handel oder Anruf: Aktieninspektor. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Charleville Qld. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: Clermont Farm Mt Gravatt Brisbane.Rang, Nu... Mehr
Martin Abel, Sydney, NSW, Australia, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 16. Mai 1877.Aufnahmed... Mehr
J. Shaw, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsjahr: 1895. Einberufung: 20.5... Mehr
Raymond Theo Seabrook, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 12.3.1899. Aufnahmedatum: 9.5.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Buchhalter. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Narrabri. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: 41 Tudor St. Hamilton Newcastle. Rang, Nummer, Bata... Mehr
Richard Charles McCarthy - Public domain portrait print
Geburtsdatum: 23.6.1899. Aufnahmedatum: 17.6.1918. Handel oder Anruf: Händler. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Sydney. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: & quot; Dumaule & quot; New St. Annandale. Rang, Numme... Mehr
Norman Fargher Cubbins, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 16.10.1898. Aufnahmedatum: 30.4.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Bankangestellter. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Kew. Anschrift vor der Aufnahme: 32 Molesworth St, Kew, Melb. Rang, Anzahl, Bat... Mehr
Hugh Leslie Osborne - Public domain portrait print
Geburtsdatum:.Aufnahmedatum: 19.1.1918.Handel oder Anruf: Grazier.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt:.Adresse vor der Aufnahme: H.L. Osborne & quot; Wynston & quot; Gum Flat Inverell.Rank, Number, Battal... Mehr
Reggie Nathaniel - Public domain portrait print
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 26.10.1895.Aufnahmedat... Mehr
Stanley Laurance Bennett Kent, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 31.7.1899. Aufnahmedatum: 8.5.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Junior-Sekretär. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Paddington. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: & quot; Myrora & quot; Cuthbert St. Waverley... Mehr
Raymond Harold Northey, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 24.12.1899.Aufnahmedat... Mehr
William John Brown, Military Medal, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 23. Jan 1885. Einberufungsdatum: Juni 1916 [d.h. 22. Juli 1916], Einschiffung: 8. November 1916.Handel oder Berufung:.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Balmain.Adresse vor der Einberufung... Mehr
Claude Thompson, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 14.5.1899.Aufnahmedatu... Mehr
William Robert Goulding, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 25.9.1873.Aufnahmedatu... Mehr
Louis Albert Bromham, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 9.8.1899.Einberufungsdatum: 2.2.1918.Beruf oder Berufung: Schullehrer.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Coolamon.Adresse vor der Einberufung: Tooyal Nth, Coolamon.Rang, Nummer, Bataillon,... Mehr
Nathaniel Frederick Cohen, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Geburtsdatum: 26.4.1898. Aufnahmedatum: 21.5.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Experte. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Sydney. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: 136 Alfred St, Nth Sydney. Rang, Nummer, Bataillon, Unt... Mehr
Hugh Emil Ernst, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 8.3.1882. Aufnahmedatum: 11.5.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Hersteller künstlicher Gliedmaßen. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: London. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: 17 Bloomfield St. Surry Hills.... Mehr
George Albert Hair, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 26.3.1899.Aufnahmedatum:.Handel oder Anruf: Reinigungskraft.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Ryde.Adresse vor der Aufnahme: King St Penrith.Rang, Anzahl, Bataillon, Unterscheidungen: D C... Mehr
Selwyn Frederic Betts, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 6.2.1879.Einschreibedatum: 14.3.1916 [d.h. 17.7.1918].Handel oder Berufung: Barrister.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Goulburn.Adresse vor der Einschreibung: University Chambers, Philli... Mehr
James Alfred Smith, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 4.10.1899. Aufnahmedatum: 13.5. [kein Jahr].Trade or Calling: Farmarbeit. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Buckily Cross Vic. .Adresse vor der Anmeldung: Bemboka.Rang, Nummer, Bataillon,... Mehr
James Patrick Hickey, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 24.7.1878. Aufnahmedatum: 9.10.1917. Handel oder Anruf: Farrier. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Coopernook Manning River. Adresse vor der Aufnahme: & quot; Fernmount & quot; Bellinger ... Mehr
George James Kelly - Public domain portrait print
Geburtsdatum: 22.6.1898.Aufnahmedatum: 17.3. [no year].Trade or Calling: Cordial maker.Born in or near what Town: Bethungra.Address before Entries: Berry St Nowra.Rank, Number, Battalion, Distinctions:.Casualti... Mehr
"Knitting for our soldiers" - Kambala School, Sydney, NSW, between 191...
Format: Photograph..Notes: Find more detailed information about this photograph: 389452 ( http://389452 ) . .From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Michael James Clancy, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 20.4.1891. Aufnahmedatum: 25.1.1918. Beruf oder Anruf: Straßenbahnschaffner. Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Walbundrie, in der Nähe von Albury. Anschrift vor der Aufnahme: 10 Garden St... Mehr
Joseph Henry Simpson, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: 13.4.1885.Migration nach Australien: Alter 21.Aufnahmedatum: 25.5.1918.Handel oder Anruf: Shunter.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Shap Westmorland England.Adresse vor der Aufnahme: Laid... Mehr
Andrew Popplewell, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 17.12.1888.Einberufung... Mehr
Roy Williams, Australia in World War One
Aus: Crown Studios 'New South Wales Offiziere und Männer der australischen Kaiserlichen Streitkräfte (A.I.F.) und die australischen Seestreitkräfte: Porträtsammlung, 1919... Geburtsdatum: 10.5. [no year].Aufnah... Mehr
Spencer Gordon Tucker, Australia in World War One
Geburtsdatum: ca. Dez 1894.Einschreibedatum: 14.1.1916.Schule: Carcoar Public.Handel oder Anruf: Arbeiter.Geboren in oder in der Nähe welcher Stadt: Carcoar NSW.Adresse vor der Einschreibung: [Carcoar?] .Gesege... Mehr
Studentinnen bauen Heuhaufen, Cowra Experiment Farm 1919
Call Number: Slides 113.Format: lantern slides ; 8.5 x 8.5 cm. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: .acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?itemI... ( http://acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov... Mehr
Frauen genießen Teepause auf der Koppel, Cowra Experiment Farm 1919
Call Number: Slides 113.Format: lantern slides ; 8.5 x 8.5 cm. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: .acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?itemI... ( http://acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov... Mehr
Italian opera singer Madame Elsa Stralia as Australia, ca. 1919 [signe...
Elsa Stralia, born Elsie Mary Fischer, studied singing with Elise Wiedermann and Lily Slapoffski at the Marshall-Hall Conservatorium, Melbourne, before leaving for Europe in 1910. She was a dramatic soprano wit... Mehr
Remington Buchhaltungsmaschinen van Stott & Hoare & Chartres Ltd., Rei...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 421743 ( http://421743 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collect... Mehr
Britische Marine H.Q. auf dem Rhein
Format: Hand-coloured photograph from an exhibition of war photographs in natural colour produced by Colart's Studios, Melbourne, in the 1920s...Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic col... Mehr
Deutscher Pranger im Bau
Format: Hand-coloured photograph from an exhibition of war photographs in natural colour produced by Colart's Studios, Melbourne, in the 1920s..Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic coll... Mehr
Gruppe australischer Soldaten und Krankenschwester
Format: Hand-coloured photograph from an exhibition of war photographs in natural colour produced by Colart's Studios, Melbourne, in the 1920s...Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic col... Mehr
Den Waffenstillstand feiern [Offizier & zwei Frauen]
Format: Hand-coloured photograph from an exhibition of war photographs in natural colour produced by Colart's Studios, Melbourne, in the 1920s...Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic col... Mehr
Blick von der Moonee Street nach einem Regenschauer nach Westen - Coff...
Format: Photograph. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: 389653 ( http://389653 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the collection of the ... Mehr
Blockierung der Macquarie Street mit Holzschnitten und Teer, gegenüber...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 876998 ( http://876998 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the St... Mehr
Martha Taylor, 80 Jahre alt, Gewinnerin des Bright Methodist Duchess C...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 392933 ( http://392933 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the St... Mehr
Front of the Lyceum Theatre at night, Sydney [late 1928] with Jaquelin...
Format: Film photonegative..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 8875 ( http://8875 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Reserve and beach, Cronulla, Sydney, ca. 1928 / Samuel Wood
Format: Negative. .Find more detailed information about this photograph: 411345 ( http://411345 ) ..Information about photographic collections of the State Library of New South Wales: ( http:// ) . .From the c... Mehr
HMAS Australia (II) arrives in Sydney and is open to the public, berth...
Format: Glass negative..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 50971 ( http://50971 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ...From the collection of the State Librar... Mehr
V Harding, ca. 1930 / Fotograf Sam Hood
Format: Photograph: 1 glass photonegative..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 43561 ( http://43561 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
The Roxy, Parramatta, 1930er Jahre / Sam Hood
Format: Photograph..From the collections of the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales 153778 ( http://153778 )
Skifahren und Schneefelder, ca. 1930er Jahre, von Sam Hood
Format: Photograph. .Notes: Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153764 ( http://153764 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From th... Mehr
Boxers in a posed series, Dunlevy Gym, Sydney, between 1925-1940 / pho...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153679&... ( http://153679&itemID=823943 ) .From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Helen Twelvetrees at Taronga Park Zoo
Call Number: PXE 789 (v.56).Format: photoprint.Find more detailed information about this photograph: acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?itemI... ( http://acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDet... Mehr
Ein Mitarbeiter der United Charities verkauft einen Knopf zum Rosenfes...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 42875 ( http://42875 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the Stat... Mehr
Kipppferd für den Manly Harbour Pool in Kurraba Point, 193-
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 845476 ( http://845476 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collect... Mehr
Eine Ausstellerin mit ihrem Sonder- und Hauptpreis Pekinese, ca. 1930e...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 9610 ( http://9610 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the State ... Mehr
Women tennis players, ca.1930s, Sydney, NSW, Sam Hood
Call number: Home & Away 29664 .Format: Photonegative.Find more detailed information about this photograph: www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?i... ( http://www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/sea... Mehr
advertising street scene, New South Wales
Advertising "Street scene" ..Call Number: PXE 789 (v.56)..Format: photoprint..Find more detailed information about this photograph: www.acmssearch.sl.nsw.gov.au/search/itemDetailPaged.cgi?i... ( http://www.acms... Mehr
Treffen der National Rifle Association auf dem Anzac Rifle Range (dama...
Format: Photograph: 1 glass photonegative..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 10598 ( http://10598 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Die Menge, die für Sam Hoods Nachrichtenfotodienste aufgenommen wurde....
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 8998 ( http://8998 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the State ... Mehr
Martin Place and Castlereagh Street; Hotel Australia, Sydney, ca. 1935...
The original Hotel Australia is the tall building on the left; the later extension can be seen right right with the tall arches..Format: Negative..Find more detailed information about this photographic collecti... Mehr
Wahlen, 13. Mai 1935 von Sam Hood
Format: Photograph.Find more detailed information about this photograph: 85578 ( http://85578 ) .From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Film actor Helen Twelvetrees and her 1935 Pontiac, Cinesound Studios, ...
Format: Silver gelatin photograph..Notes: One of the first American women to star in an Australian film..From the collections of the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales 153778 ( http://153778 )
Qantas flying boat 'Coolangatta', Rose Bay, Sydney, 20 June 1936 / Sam...
Format: Black & white photoprint..From the collections of the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales ( ) ..Information about photographic collections of the State Library of New South Wales:. ( ht... Mehr
Royal Agricultural Show, 1937, von Sam Hood
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 36042 ( http://36042 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collection of the Stat... Mehr
"Snooks" auf einer Trommel, Wilcannia, NSW, zwischen 1935-1937 / Fotog...
Format: Glass slide..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 937270 ( http://937270 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) ..From the collec... Mehr
Arrival of Coronation Contingent, Sydney, 30/6/1937, by Sam Hood
Light Horseman returned by sea from London..Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 20753 ( http://20753 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: (... Mehr
[Film "Lost horizon" kommt aus den USA auf dem Linienschiff Mariposa a...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153778 ( http://153778 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
A.P.A. Bauen. Der Erfinder demonstriert das Detail eines neuen abnehmb...
Format: Negative..Find more detailed information about this photograph:11479 ( http://11479 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Decima Norman, Jean Coleman and Eileen Wearne win gold, silver and bro...
A little over two weeks after Australia's Sesqui-Centenary Day, the extraordinary Decima Norman, winner of five gold medals at the 1938 Empire Games, on the winner's dais after the 220 yard sprint event. With h... Mehr
Tatjana Riabouchinska, Ballerina, ca. 1938 / Fotograf Maurice Seymour,...
Format: Silver gelatin photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 421962 ( http://421962 ) ..Format: Photograph..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:/... Mehr
Tatjana Riabouchinska, Ballerina, ca. 1938 / Fotograf Maurice Seymour,...
One of he three "Baby Ballernas" Riabouchinska toured Australia to great acclaim with De Basil's Ballets Russes around the start of World War II..Format: Silver gelatin photograph..Find more detailed informatio... Mehr
Tatiana Riabouchinska and Roman Jasinsky in Les Dieux mendiants (The G...
Note: From 1936-1941, three tours by the beautful young dancers of the Russian Ballet astonished Australian audiences with modern dance. Box office records were broken as the theatre was filled every night for ... Mehr
Spectators of the Australian Sesquicentenary parade stand on trams for...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 950189 ( http://950189 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
St. Patrick's Day Pageant, Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Soc...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photograph: 24619 ( http://24619 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
Unbekannter Radrennfahrer aus NSW, zwischen 1925 -1940 / Fotograf Sam ...
Format: Photograph..Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153705 ( http://153705 ) ..From the collection of the State Library of New South Wales ( )
6th Division boards the troopships, Pyrmont, Sydney, 9-10 January 1940...
This photo is from a collection depicting the wartime departure of the 6th Division for the Middle East, 9-10 January 1940. These were the troops who defeated the Italians in Northern Africa, forcing the German... Mehr
Douglas Grant, Zeichner und Soldat, mit seinem Zierteich und der Harbo...
Douglas Grant was orphaned in a tribal battle or some say, in punitive action. He had a good education and became a clever draughtsman. After working at Mort's dock he enlisted twice, because of bureaucratic ru... Mehr
Kinder trinken Erfrischungsgetränke bei einem Picknick, 1940-1953, von...
Format: Photograph. .Find more detailed information about this photographic collection: 153407 ( http://153407 ) ..Search for more great images in the State Library's collections: ( http:// ) . .From the colle... Mehr