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stained glass windows in the mausoleum of the cathedral of our lady of the angels los angeles

30 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
LA Cathedral Mausoleum Good Shepherd

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Good Shepherd

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles The Good Shepherd

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Flight into Egypt

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Flight into Egypt

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Flight into E... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Immaculate Heart

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Immaculate Heart

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lunette windo... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Garden of Gethsemane detail

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Garden of Gethsemane detail

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Garden of Get... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children detail2

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children detail2

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Jesus and the... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Matthew

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Matthew

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Angel of Matt... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Chalice

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Chalice

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lunette windo... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children detail1

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children detail1

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Jesus and the... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Nativity detail

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Nativity detail

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Nativity, detail

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus in Temple

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus in Temple

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Twelve-year-o... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Nativity

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Nativity

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Nativity

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Commission to Peter detail

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Commission to Peter detail

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Commission to... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Mark

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Mark

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lion of Mark ... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Saint Cecilia

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Saint Cecilia

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Saint Cecilia

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Commission to Peter

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Commission to Peter

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Commission of Peter

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Jesus and the children

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Jesus and the children

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Annunciation

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Annunciation

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Annunciation

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette IHS

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette IHS

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lunette windo... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Mitre

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Mitre

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lunette windo... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Luke

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist Luke

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Bull of Luke ... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lamb of God

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lamb of God

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Resurrection

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Resurrection

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Resurrection of Christ

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Coronation of Mary

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Coronation of Mary

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Coronation of Mary

LA Cathedral Mausoleum glass detail

LA Cathedral Mausoleum glass detail

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Detail: signature

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Annunciation detail 1

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Annunciation detail 1

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Paintings of ... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist John

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Evangelist John

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Eagle of John... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Garden of Gethsemane

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Garden of Gethsemane

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Garden of Get... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Presentation in the Temple

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Presentation in the Temple

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Presentation ... Mehr

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Ascension

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Ascension

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Ascension of Christ

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Mary

LA Cathedral Mausoleum Lunette Mary

Stained glass windows in the Mausoleum of the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles, California; originally created in the 1920s for Saint Vibiana Cathedral, Los Angeles Lunette windo... Mehr

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