Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine


860 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 9
Coptic Palette, 7th century, Egypt

Coptic Palette, 7th century, Egypt

Made in Kharga Oasis, Byzantine Egypt Public domain photograph of stone archaeological object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Chinese Inkstone with Su Wu, Qing Dynasty

Chinese Inkstone with Su Wu, Qing Dynasty

Public domain image of 16th century art, landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Archaic Bannerstone - Public domain dedication photo

Archaic Bannerstone - Public domain dedication photo

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

William p Chappel - Chimney Sweeps, New York

William p Chappel - Chimney Sweeps, New York

Public domain photo of American art painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Ungarische Bergarbeiterfrau, die Kohle für den Ofen vom Schieferhaufen nach Hause bringt. Kohlelager Chaplin, West Virginia

Ungarische Bergarbeiterfrau, die Kohle für den Ofen vom Schieferhaufen...

Picryl description: Public domain image of industrial or agricultural worker, 1930s, 20th-century, free to use, no copyright restrictions. show less

Bergmann, der sich die täglichen Berichte (Arbeitsblätter des Unternehmens) ansieht und die Anzahl der Tonnen Schiefer überprüft, die er während der Schicht geladen hat. Auch, um herauszufinden, ob sie am nächsten Tag arbeiten oder nicht. Caples, West Virginia

Bergmann, der sich die täglichen Berichte (Arbeitsblätter des Unterneh...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of worker, marketplace, vendor, 1930s, Great Depression, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Grythyttans skifferverk 6 april 1968.Tre stenhuggare arbetar med skifferbearbetning.

Grythyttans skifferverk 6 april 1968.Tre stenhuggare arbetar med skiff...

Grythyttans skifferverk 6 april 1968.Tre stenhuggare arbetar med skifferbearbetning.

STS065-72-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

STS065-72-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Title slate for mag 72 Aufgenommen am: 7 / 9 / 1994 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf d... Mehr

STS065-102-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

STS065-102-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Title slate for mag 102 Aufgenommen am: 15 / 7 / 1994 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf... Mehr

A chalkboard with the words knowledge written on it. Board learn note, education.

A chalkboard with the words knowledge written on it. Board learn note,...

A blackboard with the words knowledge written in blue and white chalk / A chalkboard with the words knowledge written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A blackboard with the word math written on it. Mathematics board school, education.

A blackboard with the word math written on it. Mathematics board schoo...

A blackboard with a chalk writing that says, mathilda / A blackboard with the word math written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A chalkboard with the words learn to think written on it. Board think structure, education.

A chalkboard with the words learn to think written on it. Board think ...

Learn to think on a blackboard / A chalkboard with the words learn to think written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

Dormer slate roof building. A small window on the side of a building

Dormer slate roof building. A small window on the side of a building

Architecture stock photograph: A window on a roof with a shingle roof / A small window on the side of a building.

Public domain stock image. Texture weathered wood, backgrounds textures.
A body of water surrounded by rocks and trees. Lake trees slate.

A body of water surrounded by rocks and trees. Lake trees slate.

The river is a deep gorge with a small waterfall / A lake surrounded by a rock face - public domain stock photo.

Dormer window sloping roof gable building. A bird is perched on the top of a building

Dormer window sloping roof gable building. A bird is perched on the to...

Architecture stock photograph: A window on a house with a roof / A bird is perched on the top of a building.

A blackboard with some writing on it. Mathematics board school, education.

A blackboard with some writing on it. Mathematics board school, educat...

A blackboard with a maths written on it / A blackboard with some writing on it / Public domain stock illustration.

Public domain stock image. Tiles roof slate, backgrounds textures.
A couple of kids with backpacks walking in front of a rainbow. School back to school students, education.

A couple of kids with backpacks walking in front of a rainbow. School ...

Contest entry # 9 for design a logo for a school / A couple of kids with backpacks walking in front of a rainbow / Public domain stock illustration.

A man in a hoodie looking at a computer screen. Man face hood.

A man in a hoodie looking at a computer screen. Man face hood.

A man with a hood in front of a computer / A man in a hoodie looking at a computer screen / Public domain stock illustration.

A picture frame with snowflakes on a wooden background. Frame board snowflakes, backgrounds textures.

A picture frame with snowflakes on a wooden background. Frame board sn...

A picture of snowflakes on a frame / A picture frame with snowflakes on a wooden background / Public domain stock illustration.

A pile of money with the word costs written on it. Cost dollar finance, business finance.

A pile of money with the word costs written on it. Cost dollar finance...

A sign that says costs on a pile of dollar bills / A pile of money with the word costs written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A pile of money with the word costs written on it. Cost dollar finance, business finance.

A pile of money with the word costs written on it. Cost dollar finance...

A pile of dollar bills with the text costs written on it / A pile of money with the word costs written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A cube with pictures of a garden on it. Cube flowers slate.

A cube with pictures of a garden on it. Cube flowers slate.

A cube with a garden in the middle / A cube made of cubes with a garden scene public domain stock photo.

A person holding a hammer in their hand. Quarry visitors quarry search for fossils.

A person holding a hammer in their hand. Quarry visitors quarry search...

A man's hand holding a hammer to a piece of wood. A person using a hammer to hammer a piece of wood. Public domain stock photo.

A green chalkboard with the word a bitur written on it. Graduation conclusion board, education.

A green chalkboard with the word a bitur written on it. Graduation con...

Graduierung. Kostenlose Bilder von der Graduierung. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos von Menschen ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.

A chalk board sitting on top of a table. Blackboard easel table decoration.

A chalk board sitting on top of a table. Blackboard easel table decora...

A small chalkboard with a small plant on it / A small chalkboard on a table / Public domain stock photo of a candle light.

Public domain stock image. Vineyard slaty ground slate.
An aerial view of a field of crops. Vineyard winegrowing wine.

An aerial view of a field of crops. Vineyard winegrowing wine.

Aerial view of a field with rows of crops / An aerial view of a field with rows of crops / Public domain stock photo of a nature.

A park with a lot of plants and trees Botanical garden castle park münster.

A park with a lot of plants and trees Botanical garden castle park mün...

A park with a lot of trees and a building / A garden with a building in the background public domain stock photo.

A roof that has some tools on top of it. Roofing carpenter roofer.

A roof that has some tools on top of it. Roofing carpenter roofer.

Roofing is a great way to add a roofing element to your home / A roof with a tile roof and a metal tool public domain stock photo.

A blackboard with the word technology written on it. Blackboard technology board, science technology.

A blackboard with the word technology written on it. Blackboard techno...

A blackboard with the words technology written on it / A blackboard with the word technology written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

Wohnsitz von W. H. Wood. Slate Hill, Orange Co., N.Y. Depot.

Wohnsitz von W. H. Wood. Slate Hill, Orange Co., N.Y. Depot.

Public domain scan of 19th-19th century print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Upper Bridge at Slate Run, Spanning Pine Creek at State Route 414, Slate Run, Lycoming County, PA

Upper Bridge at Slate Run, Spanning Pine Creek at State Route 414, Sla...

Upper Bridge at Slate Run, Spanning Pine Creek at State Route 414, Slate Run, Lycoming County, PA Siehe auch HAER PA-478 für zugehörige Dokumentation. Beinhaltet schriftliche Daten. Bedeutung: Die Brücke ist ei... Mehr

Für diese Struktur existiert unbearbeitetes Feldnotenmaterial: FN-73
Erhebungsnummer: HABS CA-38-7

Für diese Struktur existiert unbearbeitetes Feldnotenmaterial: FN-73 E...

Grabsteine, jüdischer Friedhof, Yaney Avenue, Sonora, Tuolumne County, CA

Schiefersammler, Anthrazit-Kohlebergbau, Scranton, PA, USA

Schiefersammler, Anthrazit-Kohlebergbau, Scranton, PA, USA

Picryl description: Public domain image of a coal mine, mining, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Architektonisches Relief mit floralem Design

Architektonisches Relief mit floralem Design

Picryl description: Public domain image of a relief sculpture, panel, monument, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Photo of Study for "Flying Victory" - Public domain dedication

Photo of Study for "Flying Victory" - Public domain dedication

Public domain photo of a 3d object, United Kingdom, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kalkbrott vid Gössäters Skiffer- och Kalkbruk, Västergötland.Med fotografiet vann fotografen 5:e pris i Svenska Turistföreningens Fotografiska Pristäflan 1902

Kalkbrott vid Gössäters Skiffer- och Kalkbruk, Västergötland.Med fotog...

Kalkbrott vid Gössäters Skiffer- och Kalkbruk, Västergötland.Med fotografiet vann fotografen 5:e pris i Svenska Turistföreningens Fotografiska Pristäflan 1902

An der Spitze des Titels: Oriel Theatre, Glencoe, Di., 14. Mai, 1 Mitternachtsshow, nur 23: 15 Uhr "
Erstellt von "Triangle Poster & Printing Co., Chicago".

An der Spitze des Titels: Oriel Theatre, Glencoe, Di., 14. Mai, 1 Mitt...

Bildet einen Teil von: Magische Plakatsammlung (Library of Congress) Bildet einen Teil von: McManus-Young Sammlung von Bildmaterial zum Thema Magie. Mel Roy auf der Bühne mitten in der Nacht, Gespensterparty mi... Mehr

Gesamtansicht von der Spitze des Kohlebergwerks Tressle, mit brennenden Halden und Schieferlöchern, Maidsville, West Virginia

Gesamtansicht von der Spitze des Kohlebergwerks Tressle, mit brennende...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a quarry, excavation or mining site, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Nähe). Montour nein. 4 Mine der Pittsburgh Coal Company. Schiefer wird in getrennte Autos in der Mine verladen und wenn die "Ausflüge" in das Tripple gelangen, wird der Schiefer auf ein Förderband geworfen, das ihn in fahrende Overhead-Autos kippt, die den Müll eine Meile den Hügel hinauf transportieren, wo er deponiert wird.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Nähe). Montour nein. 4 Mine der Pittsburgh C...

Picryl description: Public domain image of a quarry, mine, excavation, or mining site, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Et fotografi av en mann som muligens kan være Alf Larsen. Alf var arbeider på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Her er han kledd i lue, jakke, bukse og slips. Han står foran noen trær.

Et fotografi av en mann som muligens kan være Alf Larsen. Alf var arbe...

Et fotografi av en mann som muligens kan være Alf Larsen. Alf var arbeider på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Her er han kledd i lue, jakke, bukse og slips. Han står foran noen trær.

Kvarntorp 6 mars 1965Skifferoljeaktiebolaget.

Kvarntorp 6 mars 1965Skifferoljeaktiebolaget.

Kvarntorp 6 mars 1965Skifferoljeaktiebolaget. Public domain image of Industry in 20th-century Sweden, historical photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description Public domain ima... Mehr

STS065-110-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

STS065-110-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Title slate for mag 110 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf der Umlaufbahn Original: Film - 70M... Mehr

STS065-99-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

STS065-99-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Title slate for mag 99 Aufgenommen am: 13 / 7 / 1994 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf ... Mehr

A clock on top of a building with a sky background. Roofing slate round.

A clock on top of a building with a sky background. Roofing slate roun...

The roof of the building is made of slate / The roof of the building public domain stock photo.

A single red rose with water droplets on it. Black botany closeup, emotions.

A single red rose with water droplets on it. Black botany closeup, emo...

Schöne rote Rosen: Kostenlose Bilder von roten Rosen, zur kommerziellen Verwendung und zum kostenlosen Download verfügbar. Urheberrechtsfrei, keine Nennung erforderlich.

A chalkboard with the words think learn and love written on it. Board think learn, education.

A chalkboard with the words think learn and love written on it. Board ...

A blackboard with white chalk writing / A chalkboard with the words think learn and love written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A chalk board with a sign that says stop the stigma mental health problem. Board chalk psychology, education.

A chalk board with a sign that says stop the stigma mental health prob...

A blackboard with a white and red sign that says stop the stigma mental - health problem / A chalk board with a sign that says stop the stigma mental health problem / Public domain stock illustration.

A chalkboard with the word learning written on it. Board school thumb, education.

A chalkboard with the word learning written on it. Board school thumb,...

A person with a thumb up pointing at the word learning written on a blackboard / A chalkboard with the word learning written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A close up of a wooden wall with a bird on it. Background pattern wood, backgrounds textures.

A close up of a wooden wall with a bird on it. Background pattern wood...

The roof of the building is made of wood / The wood is painted with a variety of colors public domain stock photo.

A chalkboard with a drawing of a head and a dollar sign on it. Head heads exclamation point, education.

A chalkboard with a drawing of a head and a dollar sign on it. Head he...

A chalkboard with a group of heads with a speech bubble / A chalkboard with a drawing of a head and a dollar sign on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A close up of a metal surface with scratches. Slate structure fund, backgrounds textures.

A close up of a metal surface with scratches. Slate structure fund, ba...

Public domain texture / A close up of a gray wall with a pattern of water droplets / A close up of a metal surface with a rough texture.

A sign that is outside of a building. Menu slate bar.

A sign that is outside of a building. Menu slate bar.

A sign on an easel outside a restaurant / A sign on a wooden easel with a menu written on it public domain stock photo.

A close up view of a rock wall. Rock slate priorat, backgrounds textures.

A close up view of a rock wall. Rock slate priorat, backgrounds textur...

Public domain texture / A close up of a rock face / A rock wall with a pattern of different colors.

A man riding a horse down a dirt road next to a lush green hillside. Vineyard steep slope winegrowing.

A man riding a horse down a dirt road next to a lush green hillside. V...

A vineyard in the mountains with a dirt path / A man riding a horse down a dirt road next to a lush green hillside / Public domain stock photography.

A blackboard with the words solution and problem written on it. Board font problem, education.

A blackboard with the words solution and problem written on it. Board ...

A blackboard with the words solution problem written on it / A blackboard with the words solution and problem written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

Public domain stock image. Texas slate tower.

Public domain stock image. Texas slate tower.

Kostenlose Fotos von Texas: Kostenlose Bilder von Texas, zur kommerziellen Verwendung und zum kostenlosen Herunterladen verfügbar. Urheberrechtsfrei, keine Nennung erforderlich.

A basket full of oranges sitting on a sidewalk. Oranges basket display.

A basket full of oranges sitting on a sidewalk. Oranges basket display...

A basket of oranges sitting on a table / A basket of oranges sitting on a table / Public domain stock photo of a food.

A blackboard with a chalk board with the words sorry closed written on it. Board chalk slate.

A blackboard with a chalk board with the words sorry closed written on...

The font geek's go - to bundle exploration tutorial / A blackboard with a chalk board with the words sorry closed written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A blackboard with the word yes written on it. Yes board school, education.

A blackboard with the word yes written on it. Yes board school, educat...

The word yes written on a blackboard / A blackboard with the word yes written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A table topped with cookies and orange slices. Cookie cookies small cakes.

A table topped with cookies and orange slices. Cookie cookies small ca...

A table topped with cookies, nuts, and nuts / A table with cookies, nuts, and oranges / Public domain stock photo of a food.

Tandem automatischer Schieferpflücker, Scranton, PA, USA

Tandem automatischer Schieferpflücker, Scranton, PA, USA

Pennsylvania stereoscopic card. Robert Dennis's stereographs collection includes more than 72,000 stereoscopic views organized primarily by geography. The collection bears the name of the native New Yorker who... Mehr

Fragment eines kubistischen Messstabs

Fragment eines kubistischen Messstabs

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Schiefersammler, Anthrazit-Kohlebergbau, Scranton, PA, USA

Schiefersammler, Anthrazit-Kohlebergbau, Scranton, PA, USA

Pennsylvania stereoscopic card. Robert Dennis's stereographs collection includes more than 72,000 stereoscopic views organized primarily by geography. The collection bears the name of the native New Yorker who... Mehr

Ink saucer, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2040 – 1640 BC

Ink saucer, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2040 – 1640 BC

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Egypt, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

William p Chappel - Old Ferry Stairs, New York

William p Chappel - Old Ferry Stairs, New York

Public domain photo of American art painting, 18th-19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Barberini Cabinet, 17th century, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Barberini Cabinet, 17th century, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Public domain photo of a 3d object, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Für diese Struktur existiert unbearbeitetes Feldnotenmaterial: FN-73
Erhebungsnummer: HABS CA-38-7

Für diese Struktur existiert unbearbeitetes Feldnotenmaterial: FN-73 E...

Grabsteine, jüdischer Friedhof, Yaney Avenue, Sonora, Tuolumne County, CA

James Minano Cabin, Slate Creek at Koyukuk River, Bettles Vicinity, Coldfoot, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, AK

James Minano Cabin, Slate Creek at Koyukuk River, Bettles Vicinity, Co...

Bedeutung: Obwohl die Schürfer Mitte der 1880er Jahre begonnen hatten, sich den Koyukuk-Fluss hinauf zu wagen, ereignete sich die erste Siedlungswelle in der Region mit dem Überlaufen der Klondike-Stammeskämpfe... Mehr

Slate quarry. Maine, Stereoscope Card, NYPL.

Slate quarry. Maine, Stereoscope Card, NYPL.

Maine stereoscopic card. Robert Dennis's stereographs collection includes more than 72,000 stereoscopic views organized primarily by geography. The collection bears the name of the native New Yorker who assemb... Mehr

Inkstone with Pine Tree and Bird, Ming dynasty

Inkstone with Pine Tree and Bird, Ming dynasty

Public domain photograph of 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl Description.

Barbara (of Bologna or of Rome?)

Barbara (of Bologna or of Rome?)

A silver coin with a portrait of a woman, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Family group portrait medal - Public domain portrait engraving

Family group portrait medal - Public domain portrait engraving

Public domain photo of French sculpture, 3d object, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Modell für eine Porträtmedaille von Francesco Redi

Modell für eine Porträtmedaille von Francesco Redi

A coin with a portrait of a man on it, Italy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

William p Chappel - Tea water pump, New York

William p Chappel - Tea water pump, New York

Public domain photo of American art painting, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.

Boys picking slate in a great coal breaker, anthracite mines, Pennsylvania

Boys picking slate in a great coal breaker, anthracite mines, Pennsylv...

Photograph shows boys picking slate in coal breaker at anthracite mine in Pennsylvania. J179897 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 11258. U-145483. Copyright 1913 by Underwood & Underwood. Published in: Viewpoints; a ... Mehr

Stand for toilet jar, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2040 – 1640 BC

Stand for toilet jar, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2040 – 1640 BC

Aus Ägypten, Memphite Region, Lisht North, Cemetery, MMA Ausgrabungen, 1920-22 Reich der Mitte

New officers of young democrats. Washington, D.C., Aug. 24. The new slate of officers of the Young Democrats of America, who were elected at the annual convention in Indianapolis last week, assumed their duties at national headquarters here today. They are, left to right: Mrs. Ocie Heady of Oklahoma, Vice President; Pitt Tyson Maner of Alabama, President; and Paul Williams of Missouri, Secretary. Standing is Judge John Bailey of Connecticut, Treasurer, 8/24/37

New officers of young democrats. Washington, D.C., Aug. 24. The new sl...

A black and white photo of three men and a woman sitting at a desk. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Kohlebergmannshäuser, Firmengebäude, mit Haufen von Schlacke und Schiefer. "The Patch", Cassville, West Virginia

Kohlebergmannshäuser, Firmengebäude, mit Haufen von Schlacke und Schie...

Picryl description: Public domain historical photograph of 1930s America during the Great Depression, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.

Wäscheleine im Vorgarten aus Kohle und Schiefer. Verlassene Bergbaustadt, Jere, West Virginia

Wäscheleine im Vorgarten aus Kohle und Schiefer. Verlassene Bergbausta...

Picryl description: Public domain photograph of coal miners, workers, 1930s, Great Depression, economic conditions, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Utenfor Oppdal turisthotel, Sør Trøndelag, Norge

Utenfor Oppdal turisthotel, Sør Trøndelag, Norge

Utenfor Oppdal turisthotel Public domain photograph of bicycle, Norway, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Nähe). Meister nein. 1 Kohlereinigungsanlage. Schieferpflücken aus Kohle

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Nähe). Meister nein. 1 Kohlereinigungsanlage...

Public domain photograph of Pennsylvania in 1930s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Tre arbeidende menn graver noe som muligens kan være grunnmur på kantinen på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Mennene er kledd i arbeidsklær: skjorte, bukse og sko. Mannen i midten holder på en spade. Mannen t.v. har en pipe i munnen. På bakken over mennene kan man se en trillebår og en stablet haug av mursteiner. I bakgrunnen kan man se et trehus med grunnmur.

Tre arbeidende menn graver noe som muligens kan være grunnmur på kanti...

Tre arbeidende menn graver noe som muligens kan være grunnmur på kantinen på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Mennene er kledd i arbeidsklær: skjorte, bukse og sko. Mannen i midten holder på en spade. Mannen t.v. ha... Mehr

Konstruksjon av bygninger på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Byggematerialet er blitt stablet opp. Bak haugene med trematerialet ble det senere bygget en kantine for arbeiderne på skiferbruddet. I forgrunnen kan man se noe som ligner en ved ovn med en stol foran. I bakgrunnen kan man se havet og fjell.

Konstruksjon av bygninger på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Byggematerial...

Konstruksjon av bygninger på skiferbruddet i Friarfjord. Byggematerialet er blitt stablet opp. Bak haugene med trematerialet ble det senere bygget en kantine for arbeiderne på skiferbruddet. I forgrunnen kan ma... Mehr

STS065-87-000 - STS-065 - Starting slate

STS065-87-000 - STS-065 - Starting slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Beginning slate for mag 87. Aufgenommen am: 20 / 7 / 1984 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: ... Mehr

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt:

Beschreibung: Fotodokumentation mit Titelblatt für 33. Magnitude.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...

Betreff: SPACE SHUTTLE MISSION 41-G Aufgenommen am: 10 / 9 / 1984 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Interieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf der Umlaufbahn Original: Film - 70MM CT Preservation File For... Mehr

41G-38-001 - STS-41G - Title Slate

41G-38-001 - STS-41G - Title Slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Fotodokumentation mit Titelblatt für 38 mag. Betreff: SPACE SHUTTLE MISSION 41-G Aufgenommen am: 10 / 7 / 1984 0: 00 Kategorien: Bla... Mehr

STS065-94-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

STS065-94-000 - STS-065 - Title slate

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Title slate for mag 94 Aufgenommen am: 13 / 7 / 1994 0: 00 Kategorien: Blank Interieur _ Exterieur: Exterieur Ground _ Orbit: Auf ... Mehr

Public domain stock image. Tic tac toe empty fields puzzles, emotions.
Public domain stock image. Vine grape garnatxa.
A chalkboard with the words upgrade thinking written on it. Board think structure, education.

A chalkboard with the words upgrade thinking written on it. Board thin...

An image of a chalkboard with the words upgrade thinking / A chalkboard with the words upgrade thinking written on it / Public domain stock illustration.

A person writing the word mentor on a blackboard. Board mentor hand, education.

A person writing the word mentor on a blackboard. Board mentor hand, e...

A chalkboard with the word mentor written on it / A person writing the word mentor on a blackboard / Public domain stock illustration.

A group of people standing in front of a chalk board. Science slate chalk, science technology.

A group of people standing in front of a chalk board. Science slate ch...

Graduierung. Kostenlose Bilder von der Graduierung. Verwenden Sie kostenlose Fotos von Menschen ohne irgendwelche Urheberrechtsbeschränkungen.

A person writing the word coach on a blackboard. Board training coach, education.

A person writing the word coach on a blackboard. Board training coach,...

A person writing coach on a blackboard / A person writing the word coach on a blackboard / Public domain stock illustration.

A group of people standing in front of a blackboard with the words natural history written on it. School board natural history, education.

A group of people standing in front of a blackboard with the words nat...

A group of people pointing at a chalkboard with the words natural history written on it / A group of people standing in front of a blackboard with the words natural history written on it / Public domain stock i... Mehr

A white spoon filled with granola sitting on top of a black plate. Ginger dried black.

A white spoon filled with granola sitting on top of a black plate. Gin...

A spoon with a white spoon on a black slate / A spoonful of chopped wood on a black slate / Public domain stock photo of a food.

A table topped with cookies and nuts next to a pine branch. Cookie cookies small cakes.

A table topped with cookies and nuts next to a pine branch. Cookie coo...

A table topped with cookies and nuts and a pine cone / Christmas cookies on a table / Public domain stock photo of a food.

A black and white photo of a flower. Black black and white botany.

A black and white photo of a flower. Black black and white botany.

Stock photography: Black and white tulip with water drops on a dark background / A black and white photo of a flower.


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