Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine


59 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 1
James V bronze cannon, The Peel of Castle Semple, East Renfrewshire

James V bronze cannon, The Peel of Castle Semple, East Renfrewshire

A James V of Scotland octagonal bronze cannon. Found in Castle Semple Loch of the Peel of Castle Semple, East Renfrewshire, Scotland

Old Abbey Bridge, Paisley

Old Abbey Bridge, Paisley

Old Abbey Bridge, Paisley, Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L".

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestoche...

Dieses Bild stammt von Scan 000210 aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten des Flusses Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L". Titel un... Mehr

Évariste Vital Luminais (1821-1896) - Getting Impatient - A0016 - Paisley Museum and Art Galleries

Évariste Vital Luminais (1821-1896) - Getting Impatient - A0016 - Pais...

Luminais, Evariste Vital; Getting Impatient; Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/getting-impatient-190275

Crofthead Mills, Neilston

Crofthead Mills, Neilston

A photograph of Crofthead Mills at Neilston, in (East) Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Monticelli - Figure Group, A0347. Painting, National Gallery of Art

Monticelli - Figure Group, A0347. Painting, National Gallery of Art

Monticelli, Adolphe Joseph Thomas; Figure Group; Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/figure-group-190335

Gun ports and interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

Gun ports and interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East R...

Detail of the gun ports from the outside, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

Caldwell house, renfrewshire - Victorian era public domain image

Caldwell house, renfrewshire - Victorian era public domain image

A photograph of Caldwell House Public domain photograph of Victorian style building, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Caldwell place or tower

Caldwell place or tower

Caldwell Place Tower, Renfrewshire, Scotland. All that remains of the original Caldwell castle of the Mure family.

Crofthead Mills, Neilston

Crofthead Mills, Neilston

A photograph of Crofthead Mills at Neilston, in (East) Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14785181275)

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelft...

Identifier: castellateddomes03macg (find matches) Title: The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: MacGibbon, David, d. 190... Mehr

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan. No. 1

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan. No. 1

Public domain photograph related to Boston, Massachusetts, New England history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L".

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestoche...

Dieses Bild stammt von Scan 000194 aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten des Flusses Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L". Titel un... Mehr

Jacobite broadside - Auldhouse, Renfrewshire

Jacobite broadside - Auldhouse, Renfrewshire

Auldhouse, Renfrewshire Public domain image of 17th-18th-century architecture, palace, castle, historical city building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

William M. Pratt - Feuerholz sammeln

William M. Pratt - Feuerholz sammeln

(c) Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections, einschließlich der mit dem Paisley Art Institute assoziierten Sammlungen; bereitgestellt von der Public Catalogue Foundation

Town of Inchinnan Farm, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Town of Inchinnan Farm, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Town of Inchinnan Farm, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Carved stones, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire

Carved stones, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire

Carved stones once at the site, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire aus "Modern Athens", gezeigt in einer Reihe von Ansichten; oder, Edinburgh im 19. Jahrhundert; gezeigt werden die gesamten neuen Gebäude, modernen Verbesserungen, Antiquitäten und malerischen Landschaften der schottischen Metropole und ihrer Umgebung, nach Originalzeichnungen von Mr. T. H. Shepherd. Mit historischen, topographischen & kritischen Illustrationen [von John Britton] "

Renfrewshire aus "Modern Athens", gezeigt in einer Reihe von Ansichten...

Dieses Bild stammt aus dem Scan 000280 aus dem "modernen Athen", das in einer Reihe von Ansichten gezeigt wird, oder aus Edinburgh im 19. Jahrhundert, in dem die Gesamtheit der neuen Gebäude, modernen Verbesser... Mehr

Darnley Lime Works on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire Sheet XII.SE (incl. Eastwood; Neilston; Paisley). Publication date 1898

Darnley Lime Works on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire Sh...

Darnley Lime Works on 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire Sheet XII.SE (incl. Eastwood; Neilston; Paisley). Veröffentlichungsdatum: 1898

Storm Approaching Wm Glover

Storm Approaching Wm Glover

'Storm Approaching' by William Glover; (photo credit: Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections, Paisley Museum and Art Galleries).

Alice Fulton (38519019136) - Public domain portrait painting

Alice Fulton (38519019136) - Public domain portrait painting

Lavery, John; Alice Fulton; Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/alice-fulton-190249

Darroch Mausoleum, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance detail

Darroch Mausoleum, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance detail

The Darroch family mausoleum, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance detail. 1841. Public domain photograph of sculpture relief, decorative panel, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Neale (1818) p6.186 - Ardgowan, Renfrewshire

Neale (1818) p6.186 - Ardgowan, Renfrewshire

Public domain scan of portrait print, aristocracy, politician, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Hall of caldwell - A black and white photo of a house and trees

Hall of caldwell - A black and white photo of a house and trees

The old Hall of Caldwell, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L".

Renfrewshire aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten über den Fluss Clyde, gestoche...

Dieses Bild stammt von Scan 000166 aus "Ausgewählte Ansichten des Flusses Clyde, gestochen von J. Swan, nach Zeichnungen von J. Fleming, mit historischen und beschreibenden Illustrationen von J. M. L". Titel un... Mehr

Renfrewshire aus "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock. [Mit Platten.] "

Renfrewshire aus "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock. [Mit Platten.] "

Dieses Bild wurde dem Scan 000032 aus der "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock" entnommen. [Mit Tellern.] ". Titel und Betreff dieses Bildes wurden aus Tags generiert, die von Benutzern des Flickr-Fotostreams der Bri... Mehr

FERGUSLIE PARK, PAISLEy Renfrewshire Postkarte (C23826)

FERGUSLIE PARK, PAISLEy Renfrewshire Postkarte (C23826)

Mark Crombie, Flickr vintage topographical postcards collection. Public domain photograph of Victorian style building, 19th century, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Antony Paul Emile Morlon (1845-1905) - The Hunt - A0027 - Paisley Museum and Art Galleries

Antony Paul Emile Morlon (1845-1905) - The Hunt - A0027 - Paisley Muse...

Morlon, Antony Paul Emile; The Hunt; Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/the-hunt-190336

Bargarron House - A black and white drawing of a castle

Bargarron House - A black and white drawing of a castle

Frontispiece to the 1839 edition of A Philosophy of Witchcraft, published by Murray and Stewart of Paisley.

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan. No. 1

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan. No. 1

Public domain photograph related to Boston, Massachusetts, New England history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Crofthead Mills at Neilston

Crofthead Mills at Neilston

A photograph of Crofthead Mills at Neilston, in (East) Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.

The Peel of Castle Semple, plan of ruins, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

The Peel of Castle Semple, plan of ruins, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshi...

The Peel of Castle Semple, plan of ruins showing the original shape, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire aus "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock. [Mit Platten.] "

Renfrewshire aus "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock. [Mit Platten.] "

Dieses Bild wurde dem Scan 000132 aus der "Geschichte der Stadt Greenock" entnommen. [Mit Tellern.] ". Titel und Betreff dieses Bildes wurden aus Tags generiert, die von Benutzern des Flickr-Fotostreams der Bri... Mehr

The spiral stair and interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

The spiral stair and interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch,...

The spiral stair and interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

William M. Pratt - Mädchen auf einem Feld mit Blüten (1888)

William M. Pratt - Mädchen auf einem Feld mit Blüten (1888)

(c) Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections, einschließlich der mit dem Paisley Art Institute assoziierten Sammlungen; bereitgestellt von der Public Catalogue Foundation

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt (1921) (14759988971)

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt (1921) (14759988971)

Identifier: recordsoflanarks00judd (find matches) Title: Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Judd, H Tantivy Subjects: Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Fox-Hounds (Assoc... Mehr

Torhaus aus "Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire... With notes... and... facsimiles of old documents"

Torhaus aus "Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire... W...

Dieses Bild wurde dem Scan 000269 aus Band 02 von "Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire... With notes... and... facsimiles of old documents" entnommen. Titel und Betreff dieses Bildes wurden aus... Mehr

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14595834468)

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelft...

North Barr, Renfrewshire Identifier: castellateddomes05macg (find matches) Title: The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: ... Mehr

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt BHL24346683

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt BHL24346683

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt / compiled by "Tantivy."

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan, No. 2

Sir David Young Cameron - Barochan, No. 2

Picryl description: Public domain image of a tower, column, chimney, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Die königliche Marine während des Zweiten Weltkriegs A13866

Die königliche Marine während des Zweiten Weltkriegs A13866

Die königliche Marine während des Zweiten Weltkriegs HMS BRIGADIER in den Küstengewässern vor Greenock, Renfrewshire, Schottland, Großbritannien.

The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castles (1900) (14763792122)

The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castl...

Identifier: storyofbothwellcshel (find matches) Title: The Story of Bothwell Castle, Tillietudlem, Crookston, and Other Castles Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Shelley, Henry Charles Subjects: Castles Publisher... Mehr

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14785153085)

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelft...

Identifier: castellateddomes03macg (find matches) Title: The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: MacGibbon, David, d. 190... Mehr

Renfrewshire aus "England, Schottland und Irland. Ein malerischer Überblick über das Vereinigte Königreich und seine Institutionen. ... Übersetzt von H. Frith. Mit... Illustrationen "

Renfrewshire aus "England, Schottland und Irland. Ein malerischer Über...

Dieses Bild stammt aus dem Scan 000588 aus "England, Schottland und Irland. Ein malerischer Überblick über das Vereinigte Königreich und seine Institutionen. ... Übersetzt von H. Frith. Mit... Illustrationen ".... Mehr

Charles Louis Mozin (1806-1862) - Shore Scene with Figures - A0484 - Paisley Museum and Art Galleries

Charles Louis Mozin (1806-1862) - Shore Scene with Figures - A0484 - P...

Mozin, Charles Louis; Shore Scene with Figures; Paisley Museum and Art Galleries, Renfrewshire Council Collections; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/shore-scene-with-figures-190340

Darroch Family Mausoleum, Gourock House, Gourock. 1841

Darroch Family Mausoleum, Gourock House, Gourock. 1841

Darroch Family Mausoleum, Gourock House, Gourock, Renfrewshire. 1841.

Gun ports and the interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

Gun ports and the interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, Ea...

Gun ports and the ground floor interior, The Peel of Castle Semple, Lochwinnoch, East Renfrewshire

Ardgowan, Renfrewshire. Book illustration from Library of Congress

Ardgowan, Renfrewshire. Book illustration from Library of Congress

(list of plates). Illus. in: Scottish gardens: being a representative selection of different types, old and new / by Herbert Maxwell ; illustrated by Mary G. W. Wilson. New York: Longmans, Green ; London: Edwa... Mehr

Darnley Mill (Corn) on Renfrewshire, Sheet XII (incl. Eastwood, Neilston, Paisley). Publication date 1864

Darnley Mill (Corn) on Renfrewshire, Sheet XII (incl. Eastwood, Neilst...

Darnley Mill (Corn) on Renfrewshire, Blatt XII (inkl. Eastwood, Neilston, Paisley). Veröffentlichungsdatum 1864

Caldwellhouse - A drawing of a large building in a field

Caldwellhouse - A drawing of a large building in a field

Public domain image of a historic building, 16th, 17th, 18th century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description.

Constable's Miscellany vol LIII - Public domain scenic engraving

Constable's Miscellany vol LIII - Public domain scenic engraving

Wallace's Tree - Torwood, engraved by William Miller after A Nasmyth from "Constable's Miscellany of Original and Selected Publications in the Various Departments of Literature, the Sciences & the Arts: Volume ... Mehr

Darroch Mausoleum, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance area

Darroch Mausoleum, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance area

The Darroch Family Mausoleum in 1841, Gourock Park, Inverclyde. Entrance area.

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt (1921) (14783042063)

Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt (1921) (14783042063)

Identifier: recordsoflanarks00judd (find matches) Title: Records of the Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt Year: 1921 (1920s) Authors: Judd, H Tantivy Subjects: Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Fox-Hounds (Assoc... Mehr

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) (14779631544)

The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelft...

Identifier: castellateddomes05macg (find matches) Title: The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland, from the twelfth to the eighteenth century Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: MacGibbon, David, d. 190... Mehr

[Reproduktion einer Illustration: "Ardgowan, Renfrewshire", Schottland, zeigt den antiken Bergfried von Inverkip mit Schneeglöckchen]

[Reproduktion einer Illustration: "Ardgowan, Renfrewshire", Schottland...

Foto einer Illustration eines Aquarells von Mary G. W. Wilson, veröffentlicht in dem Buch von Sir Herbert Maxwell, Scottish Gardens: Being a Representative Selection of Different Types, Old and New, London and ... Mehr

Darnley Lime Works on 1915 edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire Sheet XII.SE (incl. Eastwood; Neilston; Paisley). Publication date 1915

Darnley Lime Works on 1915 edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire S...

Englisch: Darnley Lime Works on 1915 edition Ordnance Survey map, Renfrewshire Sheet XII.SE (incl. Eastwood; Neilston; Paisley). Erscheinungsdatum: 1915

Neale (1826) p3.234 - Blytheswood, Renfrewshire

Neale (1826) p3.234 - Blytheswood, Renfrewshire

Picryl description: Public domain image of a castle, view, free to use, no copyright restrictions.

Arthurlie stone - A large stone monument sitting in the middle of a field

Arthurlie stone - A large stone monument sitting in the middle of a fi...

Arthurlie Celtic Cross. Arthulie in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Public domain photograph of a column monument, city square, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

RENFREWSHIRE Civil Parish map - Public domain map

RENFREWSHIRE Civil Parish map - Public domain map

RENFREWSHIRE Civil Parish map. The Imperial gazetteer of Scotland. Vol.II. by Rev. John Marius Wilson. stream/imperialgazettee02wilsuoft#page/n704/mode/1up

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