丁敬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:丁敬(1695年-1765年),字敬身,一号钝丁[1],清代篆刻家,清代浙派篆刻的开山鼻祖,浙江钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。丁敬同时也是画家和书法家。English: Ding Jing, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
周濟, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:周濟,清朝學者。Zhou Ji Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
惠棟, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:惠栋,清代学者。HUI Dong Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
李塨, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Li Gong Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
李文藻, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李文藻,清代学者。li Wenzao
汪由敦 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體 - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chai...
Wang Youdun, poitician of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:汪由敦(1692年-1758年),初名汪良金,字师苕,号谨堂,又号松泉居士,安徽休宁人,清朝大臣。
莊存與, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:庄存与,清代学者。Zhuang Cunyu
莊有恭, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:庄有恭(1713年-1767年),字容可,号淳夫、滋圃,祖籍福建省晋江,后落籍广东广州府番禺县(今属广州市黄埔区文冲)。清朝状元、政治人物。Français : Zhuang Yougong
錢載, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:钱载(1708年-1793年),清朝诗人、文学家。字坤一,号滓石,浙江嘉兴人。English: Qian Zai, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
魯一同, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:鲁一同(1805~1863年)字兰岑,一字通甫,安东(今江苏涟水)人。清代道光、咸丰年间古文家、诗人。English: Lu Yitong, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
吴锡麒, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吴锡麒(1746年-1818年),字圣征,号谷人。钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。清代文学家。English: Wu Qilin
劉喜海, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:刘喜海(1793年-1852年),字燕庭,一作燕亭,又字吉甫,山东诸城人。清朝官员。English: Liu Xihai, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
孫星衍, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:孙星衍(1753年-1818年),字伯渊,一字渊如。号季述。阳湖(今江苏省常州)人。 清代经史学家,考据学者,金石学家。清乾隆五十二年(1787年) 榜眼。曾任翰林院编修、刑部郎中、山东督粮道、钟山书院主讲等。English: SUN Xingyan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
张鹏翀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Zhang Pengchong, politician and painter of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:张鹏翀(1688年-1745年),字天飞,又字天扉,一字抑斋,号南华散仙。江苏嘉定(今属上海市)人。清朝官員,書畫家。
張履祥, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:张履祥,清朝学者。Zhang Lvxiang
李葆恂, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李葆恂(1859年—1915年),原名恂,字宝卿,号文石,辛亥革命后还名理,字寒石,号凫翁,清代学者。直隶易县(今属河北)人。官至江苏候补道。精于鉴别,能诗,工书画。English: LI Baoxun, poet and scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
江湜, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wang Yuanqi - 王原祁, China, people of the Qing dynasty
王頌蔚, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:王颂蔚,字芾卿,号蒿隐。晚清进士,政治人物。江苏长洲县(今苏州市)人。English: Wang Songwei, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
钱坫, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:钱坫,字献之,号十兰。嘉定(原属江苏)人,清代书法家。English: QIAN Zhan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
阮元, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:阮元(1764年-1849年),字伯元,号芸台,江苏仪征人。清朝政治人物,经学家。English: RUAN Yuan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
凌廷堪, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:凌廷堪(1757年-1809年),字次仲,又号仲子先生,安徽歙县人。清代经学家、音律学家。English: LING Tingkan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
朱次琦, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。ZHU Ciqi Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
朱用純, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:朱用纯,清朝学者。Zhu Yongchun
李兆洛, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Li Zhaoluo, Chinese scholar of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:李兆洛(1769年-1841年),字申耆,阳湖(江苏武进)人,清朝地理学家、文学家。嘉庆十年乙丑科进士,殿试高居二甲第二名。曾任凤台知县。后主讲江阴书院。精通音韵、史地、历算之学,颇推崇对桐城派的文章。有《养一斋集》、《历代地理志韵编今释》、《历代地理沿革图》、《皇朝舆地韵编》、《皇朝一统舆图》等,文选有《骈体文钞》。
焦循, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:焦循,清朝學者。Jiao Xun Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
盛昱, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:盛昱(1850年-1899年),字伯希,一作伯熙,号韵莳,清朝宗室,官员、学者。满洲镶黄旗人。English: SHENG Yi, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
罗聘, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:罗聘(1733~1799)字遯夫,号两峰,别号花之寺僧、金牛山人、衣运道人、蓼州渔父。清代画家。English: LUO Pin, painter and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
陳維崧, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:(1625年-1682年),字其年,号迦陵,江苏宜兴人。明末清初词r人,“阳羡词派”领袖。English: Chen Weisong, poet of the Qing Dynasty.
改琦 - A drawing of a man holding a sword
中文:改琦(1773年-1828年)字伯韫,号香白,又号七芗、玉壶山人、玉壶外史、玉壶仙叟等。清代画家。回族。English: GAI Qi, painter and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
張鳴珂, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Zhang Mingke Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
徐繼畬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:徐继畬(1795年-1873年),字松龛,又字健男,号牧田、松龛先生,室名退密斋,山西代州五台县人。生于乾隆六十年,卒于同治十二年,中国清朝学者,是中国近代开眼看世界的先驱之一。English: Xu Jiyu, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
方成珪, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:方成珪(1785—1850年)名一作成圭,字国宪,号雪斋,又号宝斋,清代学者。浙江瑞安人。English: FANG Chenggui, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
李文田像傳, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李文田,清朝學者。Li Wentian
林紓, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:林纾(1852年11月8日-1924年10月9日),原名群玉,字琴南,号畏庐,别署冷红生,福建闽县(福州)人,古文家,翻译家。English: LIN Shu, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
楊芳燦, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:杨芳灿(1753年-1815年),字才叔,号蓉裳,常州江苏金匮人,清文学家。English: YANG Fangcan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
汪琬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:汪琬(1624年-1691年),字苕文,号钝翁,江南长洲(今江苏省苏州市)人,曾结庐居于太湖尧峰,学者称尧峰先生。明末清初散文家。康熙时举博学鸿词科,授翰林编修。与侯方域、魏禧合称“清初三大家”,亦能诗,唯成就不及其文。English: Wang Wan, writer of the Qing Dynasty.
郭尚先, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:郭尚先(1785—1832)字元闻,又字兰石,福建莆田人。清朝书法家。English: GUO Shangxian, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
徐乾学 - A painting of an old man with a blue glove
中文:徐乾学(1631年-1694年),字原一,号健庵,清江苏昆山人。清初政治人物,著名学者顾炎武的外甥。English: Xu Qianxue
周星詒, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。Zhou Xingyi Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
姚振宗, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:姚振宗,字海槎、金生,清代会稽(绍兴陶家堰)人。 藏书家姚仰云之子。其先世出自吴兴。道光二十二年(1842年)生于会稽,自幼好学,终生隐居著述,对历代正史《艺文志》和《经籍志》加以补撰、补注。光绪三十二年七月六日卒。著有《汉书艺文志拾补》、《汉书艺文志条理》、《后汉艺文志》等。English: Yao Zhenzong, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
張佩綸 - Public domain portrait engraving
中文:张佩纶(1848年11月24日-1903年2月4日),字幼樵,号蒉斋,直隶丰润县齐家坨人(今河北唐山丰润),晚清名臣。English: ZHANG Peilun, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
曾燠, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:曾燠(1760年-1831年),字庶蕃,一字宾谷,南城(今属江西)人。清代官员,学者。English: ZENG Ao, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
桂文燿, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:桂文燿,清代學者。Gui Wenyao
王苹 - A drawing of a man with a beard
中文:王苹(1661—1720),字秋史。号蓼谷。自称七十二泉主人。历城(今山东济南)人。清代文学家,康熙进士。English: Wang Ping, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
陳沆, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:陳沆,清朝學者。Chen Hang Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
顧貞觀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:顾贞观(1637年-1714年),原名华文,字远平、华峰,号梁汾,无锡人,东林党人顾宪成曾孙。English: Gu Zhenguan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
任启运, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:任启运,清代学者。Ren Qiyun
吳歷, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吴历(1632年-1718年),本名启历,号渔山,桃溪居士,又号墨井道人。江苏常熟人,清代画家English: Wu Li, painter of the Qing Dynasty.
姚元之 - A drawing of a man sitting on a chair
中文:姚元之(1776年-1852年),字伯昂,号荐青。清代官员、书画家。安徽桐城人。English: YAO Yuanzhi, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
康有为, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:康有为(1858年3月19日-1927年3月31日),又名祖诒,字广厦,号长素,又号明夷、更甡、西樵山人、游存叟、天游化人,广东省南海县丹灶苏村人,人称康南海,中国政治家、思想家、教育家,光绪廿一年(1895年)进士,曾与弟子梁启超合作戊戌变法,后事败,出逃。他信奉孔子的儒家学说,并致力于将儒家学说改造为可以适应现代社会的国教,曾担任孔教会会长。English: KANG Youwei, politician... Mehr
李澄中, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:李澄中,清代學者English: LI Chengzhong
梁鼎芬, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:梁鼎芬(1859年-1919年),字星海,号节庵,中国广东番禺人。清末民初官员、学者。English: LIANG Dingfen, politician and scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
毕沅, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:毕沅(1730年-1797年),字纕蘅,号秋帆。江苏镇洋县(今太仓市)人。自号灵岩山人。清朝状元、学者、政治人物。English: BI Yuan, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
潘奕雋, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:潘奕隽,字守愚,号榕皋,一号水云漫士。江苏吴县人。清朝官员、学者、书法家。English: PAN Yijun, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
王學浩 - A drawing of a man holding a knife
中文:王学浩(1754—1832),字孟养,号椒畦,江苏昆山人。English: WANG Xuehao, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
瞿中溶, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:瞿中溶,清朝學者。Qu Zhongrong
萬斯同, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:万斯同,清代学者。Wan Sitong
譚獻, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
呂留良, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吕留良,清朝学者。Lv Liuliang
張問陶, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:张问陶(1764~1814) 清代官员、诗人。字仲冶,一字柳门,遂寧人。English: ZHANG Wentao, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
張裕釗, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
杭世駿, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:杭世骏(1695年-1772年),字大宗,号堇浦,浙江仁和(今杭州)人。清朝官员、学者。English: Hang Shijun, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
汪中, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:汪中(1745年-1794年),原名秉中,字容甫,号颂父。扬州人。清朝學者。English: WANG Zhong, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
繆荃孫 - A drawing of a man sitting in a chair
中文:缪荃孙(1844年9月20日-1919年12月22日),中国近代教育家、目录学家、史学家、方志学家、金石家,中国近代图书馆事业的奠基人,中国近代教育事业的先驱者,字炎之,一字筱珊,晚号艺风。江苏江阴申港镇缪家村人。English: MIAO Quansun, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
萬言, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:清代学者。 Wan Nian Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
顾嗣立 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體 - A drawing of a man in a robe
Gu Sili 中文:顾嗣立(1669年-1722年),字侠君,又字闾丘,江苏长洲(今江苏省吴县)人。清朝诗人。
高詠, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:高咏,清朝学者。Gao Yong Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Wei Yuan, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Wei Yuan (Chinese: 魏源; pinyin: Wèi Yuán; Wade–Giles: Wei Yüan, April 23, 1794—August 26, 1856), born Wei Yuanda (魏远达), courtesy names Moshen (默深) and Hanshi (汉士), was a Chinese scholar from Shaoyang, Hunan. He... Mehr
Ye Yanlan, China, people of the Qing dynasty
姚燮, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:姚燮(1805年-1864年),晚清文学巨匠。字梅伯,号复庄,又号大梅山民,另号上湖生、某伯、大某山民、复翁、复道人、野桥、东海生等。浙江镇海(今宁波北仑)人。English: YAO Xie, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
姜宸英, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:姜宸英(1628年-1699年),明末清初书法家、史学家。字西溟,号淇园,又号韦间,浙江慈溪人。English: Jiang Chenuying, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
孔廣林, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:孔广森,清代学者。Kong Guangsen
徐壽, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:徐壽,清朝學者。Xu Shou Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
易順鼎, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:易顺鼎(1858年—1920年),字实甫、实父、中硕,号眉伽,晚号哭庵。湖南龙阳(今汉寿)人。清末官吏、诗人。光绪举人,历官广西右江道、云南临安开广道、广东钦廉道。1913年任铸印局参事,工诗、词及骈文,尤以诗名,与樊增祥并称“樊易”。有《石遗室诗话》等。English: YI Shunding, scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
樊增祥, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:樊增祥(1846年-1931年),清代官员,文学家。字嘉父,号云门,一号樊山,别署天琴老人,湖北省恩施市六角亭西正街梓潼巷人。English: FAN Zengxiang, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
王夫之, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:王夫之,清朝学者。Wang Fuzhi
皮錫瑞, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:皮锡瑞(1850年-1908年),字鹿门,一字麓云,湖南善化人。景仰西汉初年传授《尚书》的儒者伏生,故名其书斋曰“师伏堂”,学者因称“师伏先生”。English: PI Xirui, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
秦瀛, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:秦瀛(1743—1821)字凌沧,一字小岘,号遂庵,江苏无锡人,清朝大臣。English: QIN Ying, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
齐召南, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Qi Zhaonan, scholar of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:齐召南(1703年-1768年),字次风,号琼台,晚号息园。浙江天台人。清代地理学家。
吳嘉紀, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吳嘉紀,清代學者English: WU Jiaji
張穆, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:張穆,清朝學者。Zhang Mu Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
朱珪, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:朱圭(1731年-1806年),字石君,顺天府大兴县(今北京市)人,中国清朝官员。English: Zhu Gui, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
查昇, China, people of the Qing dynasty
Zha Sheng, politician and poet of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:查升(1650年-1707年),字仲韦,号声山,又号汉中。浙江海宁县人,籍属钱塘县。清朝翰林、书法家。
石濤 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體 - A painting of a man sitting on a rug
中文:石涛(1642年-1707年),清初画家,原姓朱,名若极,广西全州人,小字阿长,别号很多,如大涤子、清湘老人、苦瓜和尚、瞎尊者,法号有元济、原济等。Français : Shitao (Vague de pierre, 石濤, Shí Tāo ou Shih-t’ao) (1642- vers 1707) fut un peintre chinois de la dynastie Qing. Il fut a... Mehr
程恩澤, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:程恩泽(1785年-1837年),字云芬,号春海。安徽歙县人。清代学者、诗人。English: CHENG Enze, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
袁昶像傳, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:袁昶,清朝學者。Yuan Chang Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
鄭文焯, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:郑文焯(1856年-1918年),字俊臣,号小坡,又号叔问,别号瘦碧,大鹤山人。奉天铁岭(今属辽宁)人。清末詞人。English: ZHENG Wenchao, scholar of the late Qing Dynasty.
金農, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:金农(1687年-1764年),清书画家,扬州八怪之一。字寿门、司农、吉金,号冬心先生、稽留山民、曲江外史、昔耶居士等。浙江仁和(今杭州)人,好游历,久居扬州。English: Jin Nong, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
馮煦, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:馮煦,清朝學者。Feng Xu Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
黎簡, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:黎简(1747~1799),清诗人。字简民,一字未裁,号二樵。广东顺德人,诗书画三绝才士。English: LI Jian, scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
蔣士銓 - 中國歷史圖片,維基媒體 - A drawing of a man in a white robe
中文:蒋士铨(1725年-1784年),字心余,苕生,号藏园,又号清容居士。江西铅山人,清代翰林、诗人。English: JIANG Shiquan, poet and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
徐秉義, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:徐秉义(1633年-1711年),字彦和,号果亭。清江南昆山(今江苏昆山市)人。English: Xu Bingyi
Yuan Mei
Yuan Mei (袁枚 pinyin: Yuán Méi, 1716 – 1797) was a well-known poet, scholar and artist of the Qing Dynasty. 中文:袁枚(1716年-1797年),清代诗人,散文家。字子才,号简斋,别号随园老人,时称随园先生,钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。
Zheng Xie, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:郑燮(1693年11月22日-1765年),字克柔,号板桥、板桥道人。清朝官员、学者、书法家。江苏兴化大垛人。 English: Zheng Xie (simplified Chinese: 郑燮; traditional Chinese: 鄭燮; pinyin: Zhèng Xiè)(1693–1765), commonly known as Zheng Banqiao (simplified Chines... Mehr
吳之振, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:吴之振(1640年-1717年),字孟举,号橙斋,别号竹洲居上,浙江石门人。清朝诗人。English: Wu Zhizhen, poet of the Qing Dynasty.
唐仲冕, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:唐仲冕(1753—1827)清代官员、学者。字云枳,号陶山居士。English: TANG Zhongmian, politician and scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
嚴復, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:嚴復,清朝學者。YAN Fu Public domain image related to Chinese history, government, and politics, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
施閏章, China, people of the Qing dynasty
中文:施闰章(1618年-1683年),字尚白,一字屺云,号愚山,又号蠖斋,晚号矩斋。江南宣城县(今属安徽省)人。中国清代官员、诗人。English: Shi Runzhang, politician and poet of the Qing Dynasty.