Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

public domain images from the los angeles county museum of art

24,686 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 247
Frankreich, 1876-1884
Buch: Galerie Contemporaine
Band, Zahl, Seite: Band 3
Die Sammlung Audrey und Sydney Irmas (AC1992.229.43)
Eugene Lavielle LACMA AC1992.229.129

Eugene Lavielle LACMA AC1992.229.129

Frankreich, 1876-1884 Buch: Galerie Contemporaine Band, Zahl, Seite: Band 8 Fotografien Holzart Die Sammlung Audrey und Sydney Irmas (AC1992.229.129) Fotografie

Public Domain Images - Guillemet LACMA AC1992.229.124
Frankreich, 1876-1884
Buch: Galerie Contemporaine
Band, Anzahl, Seite: Band 1
Die Sammlung Audrey und Sydney Irmas (AC1992.229.16)
Ägypten, 1879, gedruckt 1879
Abbildung: 6 1 / 2 x 9; Mat: 16 x 20
Die Sammlung Marjorie und Leonard Vernon, Schenkung der Annenberg Foundation, erworben von Carol Vernon und Robert Turbin (M.2008.40.852)

Ägypten, 1879, gedruckt 1879 Fotografien Albumdruck Abbildung: 6 1 /...

Gräber auf dem Südfriedhof, Kairo LACMA M.2008.40.852

Eye of Ra Amulet LACMA

Eye of Ra Amulet LACMA

Egypt, Late Period - Ptolemaic Period (724 - 31 BCE) Jewelry and Adornments; amulets Faience William Randolph Hearst Foundation ( Egyptian Art

Public Domain Images - Revati Hindu Lady

Public Domain Images - Revati Hindu Lady

Revati Public domain photograph of 19th-century Indian painting, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Endo Musha Morito nähert sich Kesas Schlafzimmer LACMA M.84.31.94

Endo Musha Morito nähert sich Kesas Schlafzimmer LACMA M.84.31.94

日本語: 大蘇芳年畫「芳年武者旡類」より「遠藤武者盛遠」、木版画 English: Japan, 1883, 12th month Series: Yoshitoshi's Warriors Trembling with Courage Prints; woodcuts Color woodblock Herbert R. Cole Collection (M.84.31.94) Japanese Art 渡辺渡... Mehr

Hamamatsu LACMA M.66.35.11. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Hamamatsu LACMA M.66.35.11. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

(22,0 x 34,7 cm) Geschenk von Dr. Harvey Eagleson (M.66.35.11) Japanische Kunst Hamamatsu LACMA M.66.35.11 (22,0 x 34,7 cm); Blatt: 8 5 / 8 x 13 5 / 8 Zoll

Maisaka LACMA M.84.31.108. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Maisaka LACMA M.84.31.108. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.

Japan, 1863, 4. Monat Reihe: Berühmte Orte am Tokaido Druckgrafik; Holzschnitte Farbholzschnitt Sammlung Herbert R. Cole (M.84.31.108) Japanische Kunst

Japan, 1889
Druckgrafik; Holzschnitte
Triptychon; Farbholzschnitte
a) Rechtes Bild: 13 7 / 8 x 9 7 / 16 in.

Japan, 1889 Druckgrafik; Holzschnitte Triptychon; Farbholzschnitte a...

(35,24 x 23,97 cm) Schenkung von Chuck Bowdlear, Ph.D., und John Borozan, M.A. (M.2000.105.101a-c) Japanische Kunst Bild von Koto, Spiel und Malerei LACMA M.2000.105.101a-c (35,24 x 23,97 cm); a) Rechtes Blatt:... Mehr

Aber das ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es soweit ist.
Japan, 1897
Reihe: Alte Muster
Druckgrafik; Holzschnitte
Triptychon; Farbholzschnitte
Schenkung von Carl Holmes (M.71.100.58a-c)
Japanische Kunst

Aber das ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es soweit ist. Englisch: Jap...

Der Tänzer Hotoke Gozen im Gioji LACMA M.71.100.58a-c (2 von 3)

A black and white photo of two people standing on top of a building Untitled (Cesare -Conrad Veidt- Carrying Jane -Lil Dagover- across Rooftops) LACMA M.82.287.1e

A black and white photo of two people standing on top of a building Un...

Untitled (Cesare [Conrad Veidt] Carrying Jane [Lil Dagover] across Rooftops) Anonymous Germany, 1919 Photographs Gelatin silver print Sheet: 9 15/16 x 13 in. (25.24 x 33.02 cm) The Robert Gore Rifkind Center f... Mehr

Mill-Race LACMA M.2003.171

Mill-Race LACMA M.2003.171

Public domain photograph of a canal, water landscape, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Marchand Abat-Jours LACMA M.2008.40.154.8

Marchand Abat-Jours LACMA M.2008.40.154.8

France, 1956 Photographs Silver (gold-toned) Mount: 13 x 10 The Marjorie and Leonard Vernon Collection, gift of The Annenberg Foundation, acquired from Carol Vernon and Robert Turbin (M.2008.40.154.8) Photogr... Mehr

An Iroha Diary of the Tokaido LACMA 16.19.2 (3 of 5)

An Iroha Diary of the Tokaido LACMA 16.19.2 (3 of 5)

Japan, 19th century Alternate Title: T¯okaid¯o iroha nikki Books Woodblock illustrated book Overall: 7 x 4 5/8 x 5/8 in. (17.8 x 11.7 x 1.6 cm) Gift of N. J. Sargent (16.19.2) Japanese Art

Sonning Bank LACMA 19.4.86 - Public domain scenic drawing

Sonning Bank LACMA 19.4.86 - Public domain scenic drawing

England, 1865 Prints; etchings Etching Image: 5 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. (13.34 x 22.23 cm) Gift of Wallace L. De Wolf (19.4.86) Prints and Drawings

Tea Service LACMA (3 of 7)

Tea Service LACMA (3 of 7)

England, circa 1800 Furnishings; Serviceware Porcelain, paint Gift of Col. and Mrs. George J. Denis ( Decorative Arts and Design

California Pines LACMA 29.19 (1 of 2)

California Pines LACMA 29.19 (1 of 2)

United States, 1878 Paintings Oil on canvas Gift of Museum Patrons Association and Mira Hershey Memorial Collection (29.19) American Art Currently on public view: Art of the Americas Building, floor 3

Man and Woman Conversing LACMA 31.21.103

Man and Woman Conversing LACMA 31.21.103

Holland, 1673 (?) Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mrs. Mary B. Regan (31.21.103) Prints and Drawings

The Smoker Leaning on the Back of a Chair LACMA 31.21.104

The Smoker Leaning on the Back of a Chair LACMA 31.21.104

Holland, 1672 (?) Alternate Title: Le Fumeur accoude au dossier de sa chaise Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mrs. Mary B. Regan (31.21.104) Prints and Drawings

Portrait of Anthony Van Dyck LACMA 31.21.150

Portrait of Anthony Van Dyck LACMA 31.21.150

England, 1757 Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mrs. Mary B. Regan (31.21.150) Prints and Drawings

Slap in the Face LACMA 31.21.183

Slap in the Face LACMA 31.21.183

France, 1774 Alternate Title: Le Soufflet Book: Rousseau's Nouvelle Héloise Prints; engravings Engraving Gift of Mrs. Mary B. Regan (31.21.183) Prints and Drawings

Il en est navre je l'entraine avec peine LACMA 31.21.175

Il en est navre je l'entraine avec peine LACMA 31.21.175

France, 1779 Book: Rousseau's Emile Prints; engravings Engraving Gift of Mrs. Mary B. Regan (31.21.175) Prints and Drawings

Pair of Woman's Slippers LACMA 33.29.2a-b

Pair of Woman's Slippers LACMA 33.29.2a-b

Bohemia, circa 1850 Costumes; Accessories Boarded leather, leather, cotton twill, kid leather Length: 9 5/8 in. (24.45 cm) each Gift of Mrs. Barbara Douglas (33.29.2a-b) Costume and Textiles

Woman's Collar and Pair of Cuffs LACMA 33.6.24a-c (3 of 3)

Woman's Collar and Pair of Cuffs LACMA 33.6.24a-c (3 of 3)

United States, mid to late 19th century Costumes; ensembles Linen plain weave, cotton embroidery Gift of Miss May Reynolds (33.6.24a-c) Costume and Textiles

Public Domain Images - Handkerchief LACMA 33.8.24

Public Domain Images - Handkerchief LACMA 33.8.24

United States, lace made probably Belgium or England, 1837 Costumes; Accessories Linen plain weave, cotton embroidery, cotton Lille-type bobbin lace Gift of Mrs. E. H. Studniczka (33.8.24) Costume and Textiles

Ama, or Diving Girl LACMA 34.13.395

Ama, or Diving Girl LACMA 34.13.395

Japan, late 18th century Costumes; Accessories Ivory with sumi 2 5/8 x 1 1/16 x 5/8 in. (6.7 x 2.7 x 1.6 cm) Gift of Albert G. Wassenich (34.13.395) Japanese Art

Snuff Bottle (Biyanhu) with Mock Mask Handles LACMA 34.13.770a-b

Snuff Bottle (Biyanhu) with Mock Mask Handles LACMA 34.13.770a-b

China, Chinese, middle Qing dynasty, about 1700-1800 Tools and Equipment; bottles Abraded jade Overall: 1 3/4 x 1/4 x 7/8 in. (4.45 x .64 x 2.22 cm); .a) Cover: 5/8 x 3/4 in. (1.59 x 1.91 cm); .b) Bottle: ... Mehr

Man's Miser's Purse LACMA 34.2.23

Man's Miser's Purse LACMA 34.2.23

United States or England, mid-19th century Costumes; Accessories Cut steel beads, metal Mrs. Lottie Pottle Clark Bequest (34.2.23) Costume and Textiles

Man Wearing Laurels LACMA 40.12.10

Man Wearing Laurels LACMA 40.12.10

United States, 1874-1880 Paintings Oil on canvas Mary D. Keeler Bequest (40.12.10) American Art

Parasol Handle LACMA 41.7.5 - Public domain dedication image

Parasol Handle LACMA 41.7.5 - Public domain dedication image

India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai (Madras), circa 1875-1900 Tools and Equipment; handles Repoussé silver and sheet silver Collection of Colonel and Mrs. George J. Denis (41.7.5) South and Southeast Asian Art

Cup (Guang) with Figures in a Landscape LACMA 44.8.4 (2 of 4)

Cup (Guang) with Figures in a Landscape LACMA 44.8.4 (2 of 4)

China, Chinese, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, 1662-1722 Furnishings; Serviceware Carved rhinoceros horn Gift of Mrs. Marion I. Carlson (44.8.4) Chinese Art

Heraldic Panel- Arms of Balthasar and Sagesser LACMA 45.21.29 (2 of 2)

Heraldic Panel- Arms of Balthasar and Sagesser LACMA 45.21.29 (2 of 2)

Switzerland, Lucerne, 1662 Architecture; Architectural Elements White glass with silver stain and enamel 26 1/2 x 20 in. (67.31 x 50.8 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (45.21.29) Decorative Arts and Design

Heraldic Panel- Arms of Lucerne LACMA 45.21.27 (1 of 2)

Heraldic Panel- Arms of Lucerne LACMA 45.21.27 (1 of 2)

Switzerland, Lucerne, circa 1485 Architecture; Architectural Elements Pot metal; white glass with silver stain 17 3/4 x 13 1/2 in. (45.09 x 34.29 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (45.21.27) Decorative A... Mehr

Figurine of a Cobra Uraeus on a Papyrus Standard LACMA 45.23.26

Figurine of a Cobra Uraeus on a Papyrus Standard LACMA 45.23.26

Late Period - Ptolemaic Period (664 - 30 BCE) Sculpture Bronze Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.26) Egyptian Art Currently on public view: Hammer Building, floor 3

Figurine of a Human Worshipping LACMA 45.23.33

Figurine of a Human Worshipping LACMA 45.23.33

probably Late Period (664 - 332 BCE) Sculpture Bronze Height: 1 1/2 in. (3.81 cm); Width: 11/16 in. (1.8 cm) Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.33) Egyptian Art

Figurine of Horus the Child on the Stylized Legs of His Mother Isis LACMA 45.23.30

Figurine of Horus the Child on the Stylized Legs of His Mother Isis LA...

Late Period - Ptolemaic Period (664 - 30 BCE) Sculpture Bronze Height: 1 3/4 in. (4.4 cm); Width: 1 5/16 in. (3.3 cm) Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.30) Egyptian Art

Public Domain Images - Shabti LACMA 45.23.44

Public Domain Images - Shabti LACMA 45.23.44

Egypt, Middle Kingdom - Ptolemaic Period (2061 - 31 BCE) Sculpture Faience, green glaze Height: 3 3/8 in. (8.57 cm) Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.44) Egyptian Art

Winged Scarab from a Mummy Bead Net LACMA 45.23.69 (1 of 3)

Winged Scarab from a Mummy Bead Net LACMA 45.23.69 (1 of 3)

Egypt, 25th - 26th Dynasty Late Period (circa 755 - 525 BCE) Jewelry and Adornments; beads Ceramic, blue glaze 1 3/8 x 1 in. (3.49 x 2.54 cm) Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.69) Egyptian Art

Design for a Fan LACMA 46.51.2 - Public domain print

Design for a Fan LACMA 46.51.2 - Public domain print

France, 18th century Drawings Red chalk Gift of Oscar and Maria Salzer (46.51.2) Prints and Drawings

Flower in a Glass LACMA 47.31.65

Flower in a Glass LACMA 47.31.65

United States, 1886 Prints; engravings Wood engraving Estate of Howard de Forest (47.31.65) Prints and Drawings

Six Turquoise Plates LACMA

Six Turquoise Plates LACMA

France, 1767-1768 Alternate Title: Cardinal d'Amerique Furnishings; Serviceware Porcelain with enamel, gilding, and glaze William Randolph Hearst Collection ( Decorative Arts and Design Currently on... Mehr

Six Turquoise Plates LACMA

Six Turquoise Plates LACMA

France, 1767-1768 Alternate Title: Canard des Isles Furnishings; Serviceware Porcelain with enamel, gilding, and glaze William Randolph Hearst Collection ( Decorative Arts and Design Currently on pu... Mehr

Head Fragment LACMA 47.8.6 - Egypt

Head Fragment LACMA 47.8.6 - Egypt

Egypt, 2061 - 31 BCE Sculpture Pink granite William Randolph Hearst Collection (47.8.6) Egyptian Art

Small Parian Head LACMA 47.8.8 - Egypt

Small Parian Head LACMA 47.8.8 - Egypt

Egypt, probably Alexandria, late 3rd century BCE Sculpture Stone and stucco with traces of polychrome William Randolph Hearst Collection (47.8.8) Egyptian Art

Calendar Plate for June (Sheepshearing) LACMA

Calendar Plate for June (Sheepshearing) LACMA

France, Limoges, circa 1565-1575 Series: The Labors of the Months Furnishings; Serviceware Grisaille enamel, flesh tones, touches of color, and gold on copper William Randolph Hearst Collection ( De... Mehr

Platter with Scene of the Rape of Europa LACMA 48.2.17 (cropped)

Platter with Scene of the Rape of Europa LACMA 48.2.17 (cropped)

France, Limoges, circa 1560 Furnishings; Serviceware Grisaille enamel, flesh tones, touches of color, and gold on copper William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.2.17) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on pu... Mehr

Ewer Stand with Scenes from the Book of Genesis LACMA 48.2.19

Ewer Stand with Scenes from the Book of Genesis LACMA 48.2.19

France, Limoges, circa 1558 Furnishings; Serviceware Grisaille enamel, flesh tones, touches of color, and gold on copper William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.2.19) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on pu... Mehr

Bottle with Crucifixion LACMA 48.24.149 (1 of 2)

Bottle with Crucifixion LACMA 48.24.149 (1 of 2)

Germany, 1620 Furnishings; Accessories Glass, enamel, pewter cap William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.24.149) Decorative Arts and Design

Stag Hunt Goblet (Jagdglas) LACMA 48.24.231

Stag Hunt Goblet (Jagdglas) LACMA 48.24.231

Bohemia (now Czech Republic), 1594 Furnishings; Serviceware Glass, enamel, gilt William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.24.231) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on public view: Ahmanson Building, floor 3

Beaker with Brawl Scene LACMA 48.24.49

Beaker with Brawl Scene LACMA 48.24.49

Northwestern Bohemia, circa 1730-1750 Furnishings; Serviceware Glass, gold leaf Height: 3 3/8 in. (8.57 cm); Diameter: 2 3/4 in. (6.99 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.24.49) Decorative Arts and Design

Jug with Cover LACMA 48.24.72a-b

Jug with Cover LACMA 48.24.72a-b

probably Germany, 18th century Furnishings; Serviceware Glass, enamel Height: 6 1/2 in. (16.51 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (48.24.72a-b) Decorative Arts and Design

The Methuen Cup LACMA 49.14.6a-b (2 of 3)

The Methuen Cup LACMA 49.14.6a-b (2 of 3)

Scotland, circa 1550 Furnishings; Serviceware Silver gilt, rock crystal William Randolph Hearst Collection (49.14.6a-b) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on public view: Ahmanson Building, floor 3

Toby Jug LACMA 49.15.7 - A ceramic figurine of a man sitting on a stool

Toby Jug LACMA 49.15.7 - A ceramic figurine of a man sitting on a stoo...

United States, Vermont, Bennington, 19th century Furnishings; Serviceware Earthenware, glaze Gift of Mr. F. Mack Moore (49.15.7) Decorative Arts and Design

Head of Apollo (from the Lansdowne Artemis) LACMA 49.23.5b

Head of Apollo (from the Lansdowne Artemis) LACMA 49.23.5b

Italy, Rome, Roman, 1st- or 2nd- century copy after a Greek original of the early 4th century B.C. Sculpture Marble William Randolph Hearst Collection (49.23.5b) Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art Currently on pub... Mehr

Two Figures, called 'Indians' LACMA 49.27.41

Two Figures, called 'Indians' LACMA 49.27.41

Germany, published 1486 Book: Sanctae Peregrinationes by Breydenbach (Mainz, 1486) Prints; woodcuts Woodcut Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salzer (49.27.41) Prints and Drawings

Length of Lace LACMA 49.45.11

Length of Lace LACMA 49.45.11

Mechlin lace, early 19th century Textiles; textile lengths Silk Lille bobbin lace Gift of Mrs. Margaret Isabel Fairfax MacKnight (49.45.11) Costume and Textiles

Twelve Plates from a Calendar Set LACMA (6 of 11)

Twelve Plates from a Calendar Set LACMA (6 of 11)

Holland, 1739-1775 Furnishings; Serviceware Earthenware with tin glaze and enamel (Delft) Diameter: 10 in. (25.4 cm) each William Randolph Hearst Collection ( Decorative Arts and Design

Twelve Plates from a Calendar Set LACMA (7 of 11)

Twelve Plates from a Calendar Set LACMA (7 of 11)

Holland, 1739-1775 Furnishings; Serviceware Earthenware with tin glaze and enamel (Delft) Diameter: 10 in. (25.4 cm) each William Randolph Hearst Collection ( Decorative Arts and Design

The Lansdowne Throne of Apollo LACMA 50.33.14

The Lansdowne Throne of Apollo LACMA 50.33.14

Unknown, Roman, late 1st century Sculpture Marble William Randolph Hearst Collection (50.33.14) Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art

Scarab Depicting King Worshipping the Solar Boat LACMA (2 of 2)

Scarab Depicting King Worshipping the Solar Boat LACMA (2 of...

Egypt, New Kingdom to Late Period, 18th–26th dynasties (1569–525 BCE) Sculpture Blue-green glazed steatite William Randolph Hearst Foundation ( Egyptian Art

Head of Hathor LACMA 50.4.9 - Egypt

Head of Hathor LACMA 50.4.9 - Egypt

Egypt, 16th Dynasty (circa 1665 - 1600 BCE) Sculpture Cedar, carved Height: 5 3/4 in. (14.61 cm) William Randolph Hearst Foundation (50.4.9) Egyptian Art

Attic Black-Figure Lekythos with Achilles and Ajax Playing a Board-Game in the Presence of Athena LACMA 50.8.12

Attic Black-Figure Lekythos with Achilles and Ajax Playing a Board-Gam...

Greece, Athens, 500-475 B.C. Furnishings; Serviceware Ceramic Height: 8 1/4 in. William Randolph Hearst Collection (50.8.12) Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art

Bucchero Oinochoe with Feline and Palmettes LACMA 50.8.8 (2 of 2)

Bucchero Oinochoe with Feline and Palmettes LACMA 50.8.8 (2 of 2)

Italy, Etruscan, 6th century. B.C. Furnishings; Serviceware Ceramic Height: 11 in. (27.94 cm) William Randolph Hearst Collection (50.8.8) Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art

Deep Plate with Woman in a Turban LACMA 50.9.22

Deep Plate with Woman in a Turban LACMA 50.9.22

Italy, Deruta, circa 1530-1550 Furnishings; Serviceware Tin-glazed earthenware (maiolica) William Randolph Hearst Collection (50.9.22) Decorative Arts and Design

Three Deep Dishes with Landscapes and Arms of the Salviati Family LACMA (3 of 4)

Three Deep Dishes with Landscapes and Arms of the Salviati Family LACM...

Italy, Urbino, circa 1560-1570 Furnishings; Serviceware Tin-glazed earthenware (maiolica) Diameter: 10 3/4 in. (27.31 cm) each William Randolph Hearst Collection ( Decorative Arts and Design

Globe Cup LACMA 51.13.9a-b (2 of 17)

Globe Cup LACMA 51.13.9a-b (2 of 17)

Switzerland, circa 1600 Furnishings; Serviceware Silver, parcel-gilt William Randolph Hearst Collection (51.13.9a-b) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on public view: Ahmanson Building, floor 3

Globe Cup LACMA 51.13.9a-b (6 of 17)

Globe Cup LACMA 51.13.9a-b (6 of 17)

Switzerland, circa 1600 Furnishings; Serviceware Silver, parcel-gilt William Randolph Hearst Collection (51.13.9a-b) Decorative Arts and Design Currently on public view: Ahmanson Building, floor 3

The Stowe Vase LACMA 51.18.8

The Stowe Vase LACMA 51.18.8

Unknown, Roman, Hadrianic period, 117-138 Furnishings; Accessories Marble William Randolph Hearst Collection (51.18.8) Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art

Landscape with Armed Men LACMA 51.44.2

Landscape with Armed Men LACMA 51.44.2

Italy, circa 1640 Paintings Oil on canvas William Randolph Hearst Collection (51.44.2) European Painting Currently on public view: Ahmanson Building, floor 3

Bacchus and Ariadne LACMA 52.32

Bacchus and Ariadne LACMA 52.32

France, Beauvais, 1747-1766 Textiles; tapestries Tapestry-woven wool and silk Gift of J. Paul Getty (52.32) Costume and Textiles

Ten Ornamental Letters (E, C, Q) LACMA (5 of 10)

Ten Ornamental Letters (E, C, Q) LACMA (5 of 10)

France, 16th century Book: M. Tullii Ciceronis. Opera et Orationes (Paris, 1522) Prints; engravings Engraving, dotted manner 2 7/16 x 2 7/16 in. (6.19 x 6.19 cm) each Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salzer (53.31.... Mehr

Sixteen Ornamental Letters (M, P, Q) LACMA (15 of 16)

Sixteen Ornamental Letters (M, P, Q) LACMA (15 of 16)

Germany, 16th century Prints; woodcuts Woodcut Sheet: 1 1/4 x 1 1/4 in. (3.18 x 3.18 cm) each Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salzer ( Prints and Drawings

Ornamental Letters LACMA (4 of 12)

Ornamental Letters LACMA (4 of 12)

Germany, published 1489 Book: Versehung leib sel er und gull (eines menschen) (Nürnberg: 1489) Prints; engravings Engraving and letterpress Sheet: 2 x 2 3/4 in. (5.08 x 6.99 cm) each Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Osca... Mehr

Nineteen Ornamental Letters (A, C, D, M, P, S) LACMA (2 of 19)

Nineteen Ornamental Letters (A, C, D, M, P, S) LACMA (2 o...

France, 16th century Book: Francesco Patrizi , Le institut reipub (Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1520) Prints; engravings Engraving, dotted manner 1 3/8 x 1 3/8 in. (3.49 x 3.49 cm) each Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S... Mehr

Virgin and Child with Adoring Saint LACMA 53.31.5

Virgin and Child with Adoring Saint LACMA 53.31.5

Italy, Rome (?), 1580 - 1720 Drawings Black ink and gray wash, squared in black chalk Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salzer (53.31.5) Prints and Drawings

Woman's Reticule LACMA 53.84.3

Woman's Reticule LACMA 53.84.3

United States, late 19th century Costumes; Accessories Glass beads, kid leather Gift of Mrs. L. O. Teach (53.84.3) Costume and Textiles

Border of Valenciennes Lace LACMA 54.104.130 (2 of 2)

Border of Valenciennes Lace LACMA 54.104.130 (2 of 2)

France, Valenciennes, 1745-1750 Textiles; borders Linen Valenciennes bobbin lace Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her Father, Adolph Stern (54.104.130) Costume and Textiles

The Nativity LACMA 54.106 - Public domain scenic drawing

The Nativity LACMA 54.106 - Public domain scenic drawing

Italy, 16th century Drawings Brown ink and wash Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Anthon (54.106) Prints and Drawings

Pair of Side Chairs LACMA 54.141.5a-b

Pair of Side Chairs LACMA 54.141.5a-b

United States, Massachusetts, Salem, circa 1800-1810 Furnishings; Furniture Mahogany, upholstery (replaced) Col. and Mrs. George J. Denis Fund (54.141.5a-b) Decorative Arts and Design

Illustration for Gellert's 'Six Fables and Six Stories' LACMA 54.67.135

Illustration for Gellert's 'Six Fables and Six Stories' LACMA 54.67.13...

Germany, 1775 Alternate Title: Sechs Fabeln und Sechs Erzahlungen Prints; etchings Etching, laid down Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunwald (54.67.135) Prints and Drawings

Plate 3 for Schiller's 'Intrigue and Love' LACMA 54.67.227

Plate 3 for Schiller's 'Intrigue and Love' LACMA 54.67.227

Germany, 1785 Alternate Title: Kabale und Liebe Almanac: Genealogischer Kalender aus das Jahr 1786 Prints; etchings Etching, laid down Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunwald (54.67.227) Prints and Drawings

Plate 6 for Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Vicar of Wakefield' LACMA 54.67.242

Plate 6 for Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Vicar of Wakefield' LACMA 54.67.24...

Germany, 1776 Prints; etchings Etching, laid down Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunwald (54.67.242) Prints and Drawings

Plate 7 for Thomas Smollett's 'The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle' LACMA 54.67.255

Plate 7 for Thomas Smollett's 'The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle' LAC...

Germany, 1785 Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grunwald (54.67.255) Prints and Drawings

Gulliver und die Partei-Liliputaner 1885 (Henry Ward Beecher)

Gulliver und die Partei-Liliputaner 1885 (Henry Ward Beecher)

Illustration shows w:Henry Ward Beecher as Gulliver holding on his knee a small building labeled "Plymouth Church" and reaching his left hand out, in a friendly gesture, toward a crowd of "Liliputians" who are... Mehr

The Rape of Europa LACMA 54.70.1r

The Rape of Europa LACMA 54.70.1r

Holland, published 1590 Book: Metamorphoses by Ovid, book 2, plate 20 Prints; engravings Engraving Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern (54.70.1r) Prints and Drawings

Phaeton Driving the Chariot to the Sun LACMA 54.70.1n

Phaeton Driving the Chariot to the Sun LACMA 54.70.1n

Holland, published 1590 Book: Metamorphoses by Ovid, book 2, plate 3 Prints; engravings Engraving Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern (54.70.1n) Prints and Drawings

Ein falscher Freund der Arbeiter - James G Blaine

Ein falscher Freund der Arbeiter - James G Blaine

United States, 1880-1889 Prints; lithographs Color lithograph Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern ( Prints and Drawings

Cartoon from Puck LACMA

Cartoon from Puck LACMA

United States, 1880-1889 Prints; lithographs Color lithograph Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern ( Prints and Drawings

Monsieur, je souscris pour le tremblement de terre des Batignoles... LACMA 54.71.106

Monsieur, je souscris pour le tremblement de terre des Batignoles... L...

France, 1844 Series: Les Philantropes du jour Periodical: Le Charivari, 1 October 1844 Prints; lithographs Lithograph Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talpis (54.71.106) Prints and Drawings

Ah! Il est frais...Ah! Il est frais... LACMA 54.71.116

Ah! Il est frais...Ah! Il est frais... LACMA 54.71.116

France, 1846 Series: Les Bons bourgeois Periodical: Le Charivari, 30 November 1846 Prints; lithographs Lithograph Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talpis (54.71.116) Prints and Drawings

Un coup de feu! LACMA 54.71.54 - Public domain portrait drawing

Un coup de feu! LACMA 54.71.54 - Public domain portrait drawing

France, 1839 Series: Types Parisiens, plate 35 Periodical: Le Charivari, 27 October 1839 Prints; lithographs Lithograph Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talpis (54.71.54) Prints and Drawings

Windsor Arm Chair LACMA 54.80

Windsor Arm Chair LACMA 54.80

United States, 1790-1820 Furnishings; Furniture Hickory, oak, maple, chestnut, leather Col. and Mrs. George J. Denis Fund (54.80) Decorative Arts and Design

Angels Surrounding a Royal Personage in Bed LACMA 54.89.147

Angels Surrounding a Royal Personage in Bed LACMA 54.89.147

18th century Prints; engravings Engraving, laid down Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern (54.89.147) Prints and Drawings

Nymphs Bathing LACMA 54.89.84 - Public domain scenic drawing

Nymphs Bathing LACMA 54.89.84 - Public domain scenic drawing

Germany, 18th century Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mrs. Irene Salinger in memory of her father, Adolph Stern (54.89.84) Prints and Drawings

Two Cups and Saucers and Cream Jug LACMA

Two Cups and Saucers and Cream Jug LACMA

England, circa 1800 Furnishings; Serviceware Porcelain, gilding Gift of Mr. Walter T. Wells ( Decorative Arts and Design

Plate 1 for 'Moral and Satiric Content' LACMA 55.102.122

Plate 1 for 'Moral and Satiric Content' LACMA 55.102.122

Germany, 1778 Alternate Title: Moralischen und Satyrischen Inhalts Prints; etchings Etching, laid down Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talpis (55.102.122) Prints and Drawings

Plate with Arms of Barry-Barry LACMA 55.101.27

Plate with Arms of Barry-Barry LACMA 55.101.27

England, circa 1800 Furnishings; Serviceware Porcelain, gilding Gift of Mr. Walter T. Wells (55.101.27) Decorative Arts and Design

Illustration for the 'Works of J.P.C. Florian' LACMA 55.102.183

Illustration for the 'Works of J.P.C. Florian' LACMA 55.102.183

Germany, 1796 Alternate Title: Oeuvres of J.P.C. Florian Volume, number, page: Tome VII Prints; etchings Etching Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talpis (55.102.183) Prints and Drawings


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