Jajang-monk - Public domain painting
Painting of Korean monk Jajang, who founded the Tongdosa temple in Korea in 646 CE. Artist unknown. 한국어: 자장율사진영(慈藏律師眞影), 경상남도 유형문화재 제276호
Portrait of Ikkyū by Bokusai - Public domain scan / painting
Portrait of Ikkyū by Bokusai Public domain photograph of Japanese painting, art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Mokuan Shuyu (Kyoto National Museum)
Mokuan Shuyu, Kyoto National Museum, Japan 日本語: 絹本著色黙庵周諭像
Portrait of Shun'oku Myoha - Public domain portrait painting
Porträt von Shun 'oku Myoha (1311- 1388), Hängende Schriftrolle, Farbe auf Seide Aber das ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es soweit ist.
Brooklyn Museum - Buddhistischer Mönch sitzt und hält Mitarbeiter
Public domain photograph Japanese art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
慈周 近世名家肖像, Poets from Japan - Public domain portrait painting
日本語: 慈周肖像『近世名家肖像』より
Sramana Zhiyi - Public domain portrait painting
Ancient painting of Sramana Zhiyi, founder of the Tiantai school of Buddhism.
Chinesischer Maler von 1238 001 - Song Dynasty
Public domain photograph of Chinese art, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description