Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine


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Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt Miramar

Staat: Kalifornien (CA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Szenenkamera: PH1 Terry C. Mitchell

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes Ein Midshipman benutzt seinen mit Schaumstoff ausgekleideten Flughelm als Flotationsgerät während des Überlebenstrainings im Wasser an der Aviation Physiology Training Unit.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Die Hebammen nehmen an einem einwöchigen Flugtraining für Studenten des Marine Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) teil.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt Miramar

Staat: Kalifornien (CA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Szenenkamera: PH1 Terry C. Mitchell

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes Hebamme Cindy Mason zieht ihren Staunässe-Fluganzug aus, nachdem sie ein Überlebenstraining im Pool der Aviation Physiology Training Unit absolviert hat.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Mason nimmt an einer einwöchigen Flugausbildung für Studenten des Marine Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) teil.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt Miramar

Staat: Kalifornien (CA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Szenenkamera: PH1 Terry C. Mitchell

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes Pat Corey, Midshipman 2. Klasse, links, und Cindy Mason, Midshipman ziehen Staunässe-Flugstiefel an, bevor sie mit dem Überlebenstraining im Pool der Aviation Physiology Training Unit beginnen.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Mason nimmt an einem einwöchigen Flugtraining für Studenten des Marine Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) teil.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt Miramar

Staat: Kalifornien (CA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Szenenkamera: PH1 Terry C. Mitchell

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes Hebamme Cindy Mason wartet darauf, mit dem Überlebenstraining im Pool der Flugphysiologie zu beginnen.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Mason nimmt an einem einwöchigen Flugtraining für Studenten des Marine Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) teil.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk

Staat: Virginia (VA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Auf der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station wird eine CWU-23 / P-Unterleggarnitur ausgestellt.

Eine Innenansicht des mehrplatzigen Unterwasser-Ausstiegstrainers 9D5 in der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station

Eine Innenansicht des mehrplatzigen Unterwasser-Ausstiegstrainers 9D5 ...

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk Staat: Virginia (VA) Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure ... Mehr

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk

Staat: Virginia (VA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Ein Student übt auf dem dynamischen Schleudersitz-Trainer an der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk

Staat: Virginia (VA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

Ein Student übt am Fallschirmspringer an der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station

Das Cockpit einer F-4 Phantom II wird auf der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station gezeigt.

Das Cockpit einer F-4 Phantom II wird auf der Flugphysiologie-Training...

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk Staat: Virginia (VA) Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure ... Mehr

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt:

Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk

Staat: Virginia (VA)

Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)

Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure

Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentlicht an die Öffentlichkeit
Kombinierte digitale Fotodateien des Militärischen Dienstes

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: S...

LPU-30P, LPU-23 und FLU-8 Survival Kits werden auf der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station ausgestellt.

Ein Student übt auf dem dynamischen Schleudersitz-Trainer an der Flugphysiologie-Trainingseinheit der Station

Ein Student übt auf dem dynamischen Schleudersitz-Trainer an der Flugp...

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: Stützpunkt: Marinestützpunkt, Norfolk Staat: Virginia (VA) Land: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA) Bediener der Kamera: PH3 D. Mcclure ... Mehr

MAJ William White, Leiter der Luft- und Raumfahrtphysiologie der Physiological Support Division des 17. Aufklärungsgeschwaders, steht neben der Druckkammer, einem Gerät zur Behandlung von Dekompressionskrankheiten, die die Piloten des taktischen Höhenaufklärungsflugzeugs TR-1 erleiden.

MAJ William White, Leiter der Luft- und Raumfahrtphysiologie der Physi...

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dieses Foto wie folgt: Stützpunkt: Raf Alconburg Land: England / Großbritannien (ENG) Szenenkameramann: CMSGT Don Sutherland Veröffentlichungsstatus: Veröffentli... Mehr

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt:

Beschreibung: Missionskommandant Ron Grabe inspiziert im Mitteldeck das Life Sciences Physiological Systems Experiment (PSE), um die lange Phase der Wundheilung in der Schwerelosigkeit des Weltraums zu untersuchen.

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschrei...

Betreff: STS-57, ENDEAVOUR (ORBITER), MIDDECK, LIFE SCIENCES, PHYSIOLOGY, RATS WOUND HEALING, REDUCED GRAVITY Aufnahmedatum: 1 / 7 / 1993 Kategorien: Onboard Operations Interieur _ Exterieur: Interieur Grou... Mehr

STS055-23-008 - STS-055 - Besatzungsmitglied im D-2 Spacelab im Labor für Humanphysiologie

STS055-23-008 - STS-055 - Besatzungsmitglied im D-2 Spacelab im Labor ...

Die ursprüngliche Auffindungshilfe beschrieb dies wie folgt: Beschreibung: Nutzlastspezialist Hans Schlegel im D-2 Spacelab am Materialwissenschaftlichen Labor (Rack "C"). Betreff: STS-55, KOLUMBIEN (ORBITER),... Mehr

Die STS-89 Missionsspezialistin Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D., lächelt, als sie im Operations and Checkout (O & C) Building ihren Start- / Eintrittsanzug anlegt. Dr. Dunbar promovierte an der University of Houston in Texas. In ihrer multidisziplinären Dissertation (Materialwissenschaft und Physiologie) untersuchte sie die Auswirkungen eines simulierten Raumflugs auf die Knochenfestigkeit und Bruchzähigkeit. Sie und sechs weitere Besatzungsmitglieder werden in Kürze die O & C verlassen und zum Startrampe 39A aufbrechen, wo das Space Shuttle Endeavour während eines Startfensters abheben wird, das sich am 22. Januar um 21: 43 Uhr EST öffnet. STS-89 ist die achte von neun geplanten Missionen zur Andockung des Space Shuttle an die russische Mir-Raumstation KSC-98pc207

Die STS-89 Missionsspezialistin Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D., lächelt, als sie...

Die STS-89 Missionsspezialistin Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D., lächelt, als sie im Operations and Checkout (O & C) Building ihren Start- / Eintrittsanzug anlegt. Dr. Dunbar promovierte an der University of Houston in Te... Mehr

Mosso's ergograph in Verdin's catalog, 1904

Mosso's ergograph in Verdin's catalog, 1904

Mosso’s ergograph, device for measuring human muscles, depicted in Charles Verdin’s catalogs (Verdin, 1890, p. 61; 1904, p. 36)

A text-book of animal physiology (microform) - with introductory chapters on general biology and a full treatment of reproduction, for students of human and comparative (veterinary) medicine and of (20641554291)

A text-book of animal physiology (microform) - with introductory chapt...

Title: A text-book of animal physiology (microform) : with introductory chapters on general biology and a full treatment of reproduction, for students of human and comparative (veterinary) medicine and of gener... Mehr

The physiology of reproduction (1910) (20109123283)

The physiology of reproduction (1910) (20109123283)

Title: The physiology of reproduction Identifier: cu31924000889661 (find matches) Year: 1910 (1910s) Authors: Marshall, F. H. A. (Francis Hugh Adam), 1878-1949; Cramer, William, 1878-1945; Lochhead, James Sub... Mehr

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology (1911) (14598162539)

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physi...

Identifier: animansmanelemen00kell (find matches) Title: The animans and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937 M... Mehr

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology (1911) (14598135410)

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physi...

Identifier: animansmanelemen00kell (find matches) Title: The animans and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937 M... Mehr

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology (1911) (14598298047)

The animals and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physi...

Identifier: animansmanelemen00kell (find matches) Title: The animans and man; an elementary textbook of zoology and human physiology Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Kellogg, Vernon L. (Vernon Lyman), 1867-1937 M... Mehr

Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici - quorum primus agit de sal-nitro, et spiritu nitro-aereo. Secundus de respiratione. Tertius de respiratione foetus in utero, et ovo. Quartus de mot - DPLA - a87ede0b5fcdeff3559bf02642a6bd6a (page 8)

Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici - quorum primus agit de sal-nitro, et...

John Mayow (1643–1679) was an early researcher of respiration and the nature of air. Mayow published tracts on respiration and rickets while studying at Oxford in 1668; in 1674 these were edited and reprinted w... Mehr

A beautiful life - memoir of Mrs. Eliza Nelson Fryer, 1847-1910 (1912) (14802267803)

A beautiful life - memoir of Mrs. Eliza Nelson Fryer, 1847-1910 (1912)...

Identifier: beautifullifemem00eyst (find matches) Title: A beautiful life : memoir of Mrs. Eliza Nelson Fryer, 1847-1910 Year: 1912 (1910s) Authors: Eyster, Nellie Blessing, d. 1922 Fryer, John, 1839-1928 Su... Mehr

A manual of human physiology, including histology and microscopical anatomy, with special reference to the requirements of practical medicine (1885) (14594877707)

A manual of human physiology, including histology and microscopical an...

Identifier: manualofhumanphy01land (find matches) Title: A manual of human physiology, including histology and microscopical anatomy, with special reference to the requirements of practical medicine Year: 188... Mehr

A natural system of elocution and oratory - founded on an analysis of human constitution, considered in its three-fold nature-mental, physiological and expressional (1886) (14744003636)

A natural system of elocution and oratory - founded on an analysis of ...

Identifier: naturalsystemofe00hyde (find matches) Title: A natural system of elocution and oratory : founded on an analysis of human constitution, considered in its three-fold nature--mental, physiological an... Mehr

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and technical schools and colleges as well as by the working entomologist (14778139024)

A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryolo...

Identifier: textbookofentomo00pack (find matches) Title: A text-book of entomology, including the anatomy, physiology, embryology and metamorphoses of insects, for use in agricultural and technical schools an... Mehr

A text-book of physiology (1893) (14597258799)

A text-book of physiology (1893) (14597258799)

Identifier: textbookofphysio18931fost (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Foster, M. (Michael), Sir, 1836-1907 Lea, Arthur Sheridan. Chemical basis .. Subjects: Physi... Mehr

A text-book of physiology (1893) (14597396227)

A text-book of physiology (1893) (14597396227)

Identifier: textbookofphysio18931fost (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology Year: 1893 (1890s) Authors: Foster, M. (Michael), Sir, 1836-1907 Lea, Arthur Sheridan. Chemical basis .. Subjects: Physi... Mehr

A text-book of physiology - for medical students and physicians (1916) (14583685729)

A text-book of physiology - for medical students and physicians (1916)...

Identifier: textbookofphysio1916howe (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology : for medical students and physicians Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Subjects: ... Mehr

A text-book of physiology - for medical students and physicians (1916) (14767828014)

A text-book of physiology - for medical students and physicians (1916)...

Identifier: textbookofphysio1916howe (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology : for medical students and physicians Year: 1916 (1910s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Subjects: ... Mehr

A text-book of human physiology (1906) (14768040724)

A text-book of human physiology (1906) (14768040724)

Identifier: textbookofhumanp00tige (find matches) Title: A text-book of human physiology Year: 1906 (1900s) Authors: Tigerstedt, Robert, 1853-1923 Murlin, John R. (John Raymond), b. 1874, tr Subjects: Physi... Mehr

A text-book of physiology for medical students and physicians (1911) (14592183549)

A text-book of physiology for medical students and physicians (1911) (...

Identifier: textbookofphysio1911howe (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology for medical students and physicians Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Subjects: P... Mehr

A text-book of physiology, for medical students and physicians (1907) (14591620578)

A text-book of physiology, for medical students and physicians (1907) ...

Identifier: textbookofphysio1907howe (find matches) Title: A text-book of physiology, for medical students and physicians Year: 1907 (1900s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Subjects: ... Mehr

A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene - designed for colleges, academies and families (1850) (14598278067)

A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene - designed for colleges,...

Identifier: treatiseonanatom00cutt (find matches) Title: A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene : designed for colleges, academies and families Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: Cutter, Calvin, 1807-1873? S... Mehr

A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene - designed for colleges, academies and families (1850) (14781657391)

A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene - designed for colleges,...

Identifier: treatiseonanatom00cutt (find matches) Title: A treatise on anatomy, physiology and hygiene : designed for colleges, academies and families Year: 1850 (1850s) Authors: Cutter, Calvin, 1807-1873? S... Mehr

A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene - designed for colleges, academies, and families (1849) (14781801204)

A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene - designed for colleges...

Identifier: 61410660R.nlm.nih.gov Title: A treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene : designed for colleges, academies, and families Year: 1849 (1840s) Authors: Cutter, Calvin, 1807-1873? Subjects: Anat... Mehr

A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers (1887) (14783143455)

A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and ...

Identifier: treatiseonphy00hutc (find matches) Title: A treatise on physiology and hygiene for educational institutions and general readers .. Year: 1887 (1880s) Authors: Hutchison, Joseph C. (Joseph Chrisma... Mehr

Abdominal surgery (1889) (14779389081)

Abdominal surgery (1889) (14779389081)

Identifier: abdominalsurgery1889smit (find matches) Title: Abdominal surgery Year: 1889 (1880s) Authors: Smith, James Greig, 1834-1897 Subjects: Abdomen Abdomen Publisher: London : Churchill Bristol : Arr... Mehr

Agricultural writers from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800. Reproductions in facsimile and extracts from their actual writings, enlarged and revised from articles which have appeared in (14760011151)

Agricultural writers from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1...

Identifier: agriculturalwrit00mcdorich (find matches) Title: Agricultural writers from Sir Walter of Henley to Arthur Young, 1200-1800. Reproductions in facsimile and extracts from their actual writings, enla... Mehr

American journal of pharmacy (1878) (14584057688)

American journal of pharmacy (1878) (14584057688)

Identifier: americanjourn50481878phil (find matches) Title: American journal of pharmacy Year: 1835 (1830s) Authors: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science Subjects: P... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (14595612200)

American journal of physiology (1898) (14595612200)

Identifier: americanjourn01ameruoft (find matches) Title: American journal of physiology Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstracts... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (14596611127)

American journal of physiology (1898) (14596611127)

Identifier: americanjourna33ameruoft (find matches) Title: American journal of physiology Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstract... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (14779957994)

American journal of physiology (1898) (14779957994)

Identifier: americanjourn01ameruoft (find matches) Title: American journal of physiology Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstracts... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (14781988822)

American journal of physiology (1898) (14781988822)

Identifier: americanjourn01ameruoft (find matches) Title: American journal of physiology Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstracts... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (17527488064)

American journal of physiology (1898) (17527488064)

Title: American journal of physiology Identifier: americanjourna32ameruoft (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ); American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstract... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (17529516673)

American journal of physiology (1898) (17529516673)

Title: American journal of physiology Identifier: americanjourna37ameruoft (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ); American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstract... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (17962388698)

American journal of physiology (1898) (17962388698)

Title: American journal of physiology Identifier: americanjourna38ameruoft (find matches) Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ); American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstract... Mehr

American journal of physiology (1898) (14780745114)

American journal of physiology (1898) (14780745114)

Identifier: americanjourna33ameruoft (find matches) Title: American journal of physiology Year: 1898 (1890s) Authors: American Physiological Society (1887- ) American Physiological Society (1887- ). Abstract... Mehr

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies - their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. (1887) (18130357646)

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to t...

Title: American medicinal plants; : an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies : their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. Identifier: amer... Mehr

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies - their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. (1887) (17968691928)

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to t...

Title: American medicinal plants; : an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies : their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. Identifier: amer... Mehr

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies - their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. (1887) (18130203336)

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to t...

Title: American medicinal plants; : an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies : their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. Identifier: amer... Mehr

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies - their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. (1887) (18157899621)

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to t...

Title: American medicinal plants; : an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies : their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. Identifier: amer... Mehr

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies - their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. (1887) (18156697325)

American medicinal plants; - an illustrated and descriptive guide to t...

Title: American medicinal plants; : an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies : their history, preparation, chemistry, and physiological effects. Identifier: amer... Mehr

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies- their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects (1887) (17968967588)

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the...

Title: American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies: their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects Identifier: americanm... Mehr

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies- their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects (1887) (18130499526)

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the...

Title: American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies: their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects Identifier: americanm... Mehr

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies- their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects (1887) (17536129223)

American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the...

Title: American medicinal plants; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homopathic remedies: their history, preparation, chemistry and physiological effects Identifier: americanm... Mehr

An academic physiology and hygiene (1903) (14800992873)

An academic physiology and hygiene (1903) (14800992873)

Identifier: academicphysio00bran (find matches) Title: An academic physiology and hygiene .. Year: 1903 (1900s) Authors: Brands, Orestes M. (from old catalog) Van Gieson, Henry C., (from old catalog) joint a... Mehr

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14782866552)

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14782866552)

Identifier: americantextbook00howe (find matches) Title: An American text-book of physiology Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Bowditch, H. P. (Henry Pickering), 1840-... Mehr

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14780915864)

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14780915864)

Identifier: americantextbook00howe (find matches) Title: An American text-book of physiology Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Bowditch, H. P. (Henry Pickering), 1840-... Mehr

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14782895052)

An American text-book of physiology (1897) (14782895052)

Identifier: americantextbook00howe (find matches) Title: An American text-book of physiology Year: 1897 (1890s) Authors: Howell, William H. (William Henry), 1860-1945 Bowditch, H. P. (Henry Pickering), 1840-... Mehr

An analytical compendium of the various branches of medical science, for the use and examination of students (1848) (18167254602)

An analytical compendium of the various branches of medical science, f...

Heurteloup's instrument for lithotomy Title: An analytical compendium of the various branches of medical science, for the use and examination of students Identifier: analyticalcompen00neil (find matches) Year:... Mehr

An original and illustrated physiological and physiognomical chart (1873) (14776638184)

An original and illustrated physiological and physiognomical chart (18...

Examples of "physiovalorosity", "material and corporeal courage, resistance to every species of physical force"left: Physiovalorosity large, John Broughton, a base pugilist of England, right: Physiovalorosity ... Mehr

An original and illustrated physiological and physiognomical chart (1873) (14778970622)

An original and illustrated physiological and physiognomical chart (18...

Identifier: originalillustra00simm (find matches) Title: An original and illustrated physiological and physiognomical chart Year: 1873 (1870s) Authors: Simms, Joseph, 1833-1920 Alfred Whital Stern Collection... Mehr

Anatomie und physiologie der holzpflanzen. Dargestellt in der entstehungsweise und im entwickelungsverlaufe der einzelzelle, der zellsysteme, der pflanzenglieder und der gesammtpflanze (1878) (17548713134)

Anatomie und physiologie der holzpflanzen. Dargestellt in der entstehu...

Title: Anatomie und physiologie der holzpflanzen. Dargestellt in der entstehungsweise und im entwickelungsverlaufe der einzelzelle, der zellsysteme, der pflanzenglieder und der gesammtpflanze Identifier: anat... Mehr

Anatomy, physiology and hygiene (1900) (14592707937)

Anatomy, physiology and hygiene (1900) (14592707937)

Identifier: anatomyphysiolog00walk (find matches) Title: Anatomy, physiology and hygiene Year: 1900 (1900s) Authors: Walker, Jerome, 1845- Subjects: Physiology Health Publisher: Boston, Allyn and Bacon Con... Mehr

Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural theology, by Peter Mark Roget (1834) (14592348798)

Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural ...

Identifier: animalandvegetab01roge (find matches) Title: Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural theology, by Peter Mark Roget .. Year: 1834 (1830s) Authors: Roget, Peter Mark, ... Mehr

Animal castration (1902) (17575346043)

Animal castration (1902) (17575346043)

Title: Animal castration Identifier: animalcastration00liau (find matches) Year: 1902 (1900s) Authors: Liautard, Alexandre François Augustin, 1835-1918 Subjects: Castration Publisher: New York, W. R. Jenkins;... Mehr

Animal biology (1938) (18009842230)

Animal biology (1938) (18009842230)

Title: Animal biology Identifier: animalbiology00wood (find matches) Year: 1938 (1930s) Authors: Woodruff, Lorande Loss, 1879-1947 Subjects: Biology; Zoology; Physiology Publisher: New York The Macmillan comp... Mehr

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (1914) (14783610302)

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (...

Identifier: animalcastration00whit (find matches) Title: Animal castration : a book for the use of students and practitioners Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: White, George Ransom, 1874- Subjects: Castration Spa... Mehr

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (1914) (14597418937)

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (...

Identifier: animalcastration00whit (find matches) Title: Animal castration : a book for the use of students and practitioners Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: White, George Ransom, 1874- Subjects: Castration Spa... Mehr

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (1914) (14783976455)

Animal castration - a book for the use of students and practitioners (...

Identifier: animalcastration00whit (find matches) Title: Animal castration : a book for the use of students and practitioners Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: White, George Ransom, 1874- Subjects: Castration Spa... Mehr

Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; (1914) (14761514784)

Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; (...

Identifier: animalcastration01whit (find matches) Title: Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: White, George Ransom, 1874- (from old catalog) Subjec... Mehr

Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; (1914) (14740883226)

Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; (...

Identifier: animalcastration01whit (find matches) Title: Animal castration, a book for the use of students and practitioners; Year: 1914 (1910s) Authors: White, George Ransom, 1874- (from old catalog) Subjec... Mehr

Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners (1920) (18008366670)

Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners (1...

Title: Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners Identifier: animalcastration02whit (find matches) Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: White, George R. (George Ransom), 1874- Subjects: Castr... Mehr

Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners (1920) (17573708324)

Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners (1...

Title: Animal castration; a book for the use of students and practitioners Identifier: animalcastration02whit (find matches) Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: White, George R. (George Ransom), 1874- Subjects: Castr... Mehr

Announcement (1920) (14584496347)

Announcement (1920) (14584496347)

Identifier: announcement1920phil (find matches) Title: Announcement Year: 1920 (1920s) Authors: Philadelphia College of Osteopathy and Osteopathic Hospital of Philadelphia Subjects: Osteopathic Medicine Cur... Mehr

Annual catalog St. Viator College (1903) (14802911153)

Annual catalog St. Viator College (1903) (14802911153)

Identifier: annualcatalogstv1903stvi_0 (find matches) Title: Annual catalog St. Viator College Year: 1871 (1870s) Authors: St. Viator College (Bourbonnais, Ill.) Subjects: St. Viator College (Bourbonnais, I... Mehr

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and (19125398774)

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural...

Title: Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and physiolog... Mehr

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and (19126956853)

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural...

Title: Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and physiolog... Mehr

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and (19559277228)

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural...

Title: Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and physiolog... Mehr

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and (19561307049)

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural...

Title: Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and physiolog... Mehr

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and (19561015719)

Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural...

Title: Applied and economic botany for students in technical and agricultural schools, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, for chemists, food analysts and for those engaged in the morphological and physiolog... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19559883318)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19559956098)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19560539168)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19740208182)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19751901511)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19722171856)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food (19741274942)

Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of student...

Title: Applied and economic botany, especially adapted for the use of students in technical schools, agricultural, pharmaceutical and medical colleges, and also as a book of reference for chemists, food analy... Mehr

Archiv für Physiologie (1918) (20143733230)

Archiv für Physiologie (1918) (20143733230)

Title: Archiv für Physiologie Identifier: archivfrphysio1918phys (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Verhandlungen der Physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin Sub... Mehr

Archiv für Physiologie (1915) (20331783025)

Archiv für Physiologie (1915) (20331783025)

Title: Archiv für Physiologie Identifier: archivfrphysio1915phys (find matches) Year: 1877 (1870s) Authors: Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Verhandlungen der Physiologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin Subj... Mehr

Catalogs (1912) (14791698703) - Public domain book illustration

Catalogs (1912) (14791698703) - Public domain book illustration

Identifier: catalogs19121916fair (find matches) Title: Catalogs Year: 1915 (1910s) Authors: Fairmont State Normal School Subjects: Fairmont State Normal School -- West Virginia -- Catalogs Fairmont State No... Mehr

Catalogue and circular of information of the New Jersey State Normal School at Montclair (1910) (14761980011)

Catalogue and circular of information of the New Jersey State Normal S...

Identifier: cataloguecircula191011191516newj (find matches) Title: Catalogue and circular of information of the New Jersey State Normal School at Montclair Year: 1911 (1910s) Authors: New Jersey State Normal... Mehr

Catalogue of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, at Hampton, Virginia, for the academical year (1910) (14592804608)

Catalogue of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, at Hampton...

Identifier: catalogueofham1014hamp (find matches) Title: Catalogue of the Hampton Normal & Agricultural Institute, at Hampton, Virginia, for the academical year .. Year: 1869 (1860s) Authors: Hampton Normal ... Mehr