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photographs of people by frank scholten

1,136 Medien nach Themenseite 1 von 12
Boy with fez. Ships in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 803

Boy with fez. Ships in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic pr...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy with fez. Ships in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 803 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 1... Mehr

Boy wearing fez sits in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 45

Boy wearing fez sits in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 ...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy wearing fez sits in front of a building, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 45 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 45 Subject (topic... Mehr

Boy with a backpack. Men and carts behind him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15 309

Boy with a backpack. Men and carts behind him, NINO F Scholten photogr...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy with a backpack. Men and carts behind him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 309 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic... Mehr

Boy on top of a rock formation, NINO F Scholten Kalonieh 7

Boy on top of a rock formation, NINO F Scholten Kalonieh 7

Extent electronic resource Title Boy on top of a rock formation, NINO F Scholten Kalonieh 7 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Kalonieh 7 Subject (topical) Cellulose ni... Mehr

Boy and girl playing checkers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03 421

Boy and girl playing checkers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03 4...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and girl playing checkers, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03: 421 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 03: 421 ... Mehr

Boy and girl standing next to a bicycle for children, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 181

Boy and girl standing next to a bicycle for children, NINO F Scholten ...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and girl standing next to a bicycle for children, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 181 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photo... Mehr

Boy and girl posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08 50

Boy and girl posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08 50

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and girl posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08: 50 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 08: 50 Subject (topical) Cellulose nit... Mehr

Apiaries, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22 81

Apiaries, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22 81

Extent electronic resource Title Apiaries, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22: 81 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22: 81 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscap... Mehr

Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem Musulman 1 43

Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem Musulman 1 43

Extent electronic resource Title Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem Musulman 1: 43 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem Musulman 1: 43 Subject ... Mehr

Boy in a vineyard, leaning against a horse drawn cart, NINO F Scholten Colonies juives Judee 4 27

Boy in a vineyard, leaning against a horse drawn cart, NINO F Scholten...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy in a vineyard, leaning against a horse drawn cart, NINO F Scholten Colonies juives Judee 4: 27 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Col... Mehr

Boy playing a horn. Sheet music in front of him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 14 372

Boy playing a horn. Sheet music in front of him, NINO F Scholten photo...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy playing a horn. Sheet music in front of him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 14: 372 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photograph... Mehr

Boy operating a fishing net hanging from a pier, NINO F Scholten Flandres occidental 1 03

Boy operating a fishing net hanging from a pier, NINO F Scholten Fland...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy operating a fishing net hanging from a pier, NINO F Scholten Flandres occidental 1: 03 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Flandres oc... Mehr

Boy scout on a chair, smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250 03

Boy scout on a chair, smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Ent...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy scout on a chair, smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250: 03 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201... Mehr

Boy standing in a field with two trees, holding his hat, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 03 45

Boy standing in a field with two trees, holding his hat, NINO F Scholt...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy standing in a field with two trees, holding his hat, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 03: 45 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 03: ... Mehr

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5 38

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5 38

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5: 38 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5: 38 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmSingle-s... Mehr

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 1707

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic p...

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1707 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 1707 Subject (topical) Black-... Mehr

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5 27

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5 27

Amin al-Husseini looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5: 27 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem 5: 27 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmSingle-s... Mehr

Barber shaving the beard of a man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150 47

Barber shaving the beard of a man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-...

Barber shaving the beard of a man, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150: 47 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150: 47 Subject (topical) Cellulose nit... Mehr

Boy and a girl posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Zeeland 16

Boy and a girl posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Zeeland 16

Boy and a girl posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Zeeland 16 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Zeeland 16 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmTownscapes (represent... Mehr

Boy in a doorway, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 583

Boy in a doorway, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 583

Boy in a doorway, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 583 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 583 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prints (photog... Mehr

Boy leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 384

Boy leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 384

Boy leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 384 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 384 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prin... Mehr

Boy looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250 06

Boy looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250 06

Boy looking at the camera, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250: 06 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 201-250: 06 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmStr... Mehr

Boy lying down in the sand, posing, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 315

Boy lying down in the sand, posing, NINO F Scholten photographic print...

Boy lying down in the sand, posing, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 315 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 315 Subject (topical) Black-and-wh... Mehr

Boy sitting on a bench, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550 64

Boy sitting on a bench, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550 64

Boy sitting on a bench, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550: 64 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 501-550: 64 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmBuildings (str... Mehr

Boy sitting on a table on a balcony, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 596

Boy sitting on a table on a balcony, NINO F Scholten photographic prin...

Boy sitting on a table on a balcony, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 596 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 596 Subject (topical) Black-and-w... Mehr

Boy standing on a stair on the side of the street, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18 28

Boy standing on a stair on the side of the street, NINO F Scholten Jaf...

Boy standing on a stair on the side of the street, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 28 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 28 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmTow... Mehr

Boy wearing a beret, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08 077

Boy wearing a beret, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08 077

Boy wearing a beret, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08: 077 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08: 077 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate fil... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 426

Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06 426

Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 426 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 06: 426 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prints (photographs)BoysPos... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 2 70

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 2 70

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 2: 70 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 2: 70 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmStreet scenesBoysArches Subject ... Mehr

Boy wearing fez poses on stairs, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 243

Boy wearing fez poses on stairs, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy wearing fez poses on stairs, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 243 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 243... Mehr

Boy wearing fez poses in a garden, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 86

Boy wearing fez poses in a garden, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 86

Extent electronic resource Title Boy wearing fez poses in a garden, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 86 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 86 Subject (topical) Cellu... Mehr

Boy working in the orchard, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 23 08

Boy working in the orchard, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 23 08

Extent electronic resource Title Boy working in the orchard, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 23: 08 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 23: 08 Subject (topical) Cellulose ni... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 12 90

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 12 90

Extent electronic resource Title Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 12: 90 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 12: 90 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmBoysPoseStree... Mehr

Boy working with agricultural equipment, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 71

Boy working with agricultural equipment, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1 71

Extent electronic resource Title Boy working with agricultural equipment, NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 71 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 1: 71 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Boy sitting in a garden, looking straight at the camera, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 01 70

Boy sitting in a garden, looking straight at the camera, NINO F Scholt...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy sitting in a garden, looking straight at the camera, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 01: 70 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 01: ... Mehr

Boy sitting in the sand with a camel and a calf, with buildings and palm trees in the background, NINO F Scholten Alexandrie 14

Boy sitting in the sand with a camel and a calf, with buildings and pa...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy sitting in the sand with a camel and a calf, with buildings and palm trees in the background, NINO F Scholten Alexandrie 14 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) S... Mehr

Child in a street, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08 076

Child in a street, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08 076

Extent electronic resource Title Child in a street, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08: 076 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 08: 076 Subjec... Mehr

Boy and his bike posing. Two boys on bikes in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 049

Boy and his bike posing. Two boys on bikes in the background, NINO F S...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and his bike posing. Two boys on bikes in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 049 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholt... Mehr

Boys holding branches, backs against a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0297

Boys holding branches, backs against a fence, NINO F Scholten photogra...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys holding branches, backs against a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0297 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic... Mehr

Boys on donkeys on the beach. People and a boat in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15 002

Boys on donkeys on the beach. People and a boat in the background, NIN...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys on donkeys on the beach. People and a boat in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 002 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F S... Mehr

Boy carrying a basket on his back, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24 78

Boy carrying a basket on his back, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24 78

Extent electronic resource Title Boy carrying a basket on his back, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24: 78 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 24: 78 Subject (topical) Cellu... Mehr

Boy carrying branches in the street. Busy street behind him, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 19 89

Boy carrying branches in the street. Busy street behind him, NINO F Sc...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy carrying branches in the street. Busy street behind him, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 19: 89 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 19: 89... Mehr

Boy reading a book, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 151-200 03

Boy reading a book, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 151-200 03

Extent electronic resource Title Boy reading a book, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 151-200: 03 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 151-200: 03 Subject (topical) Cell... Mehr

Boy scout posing, nature behind him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 903

Boy scout posing, nature behind him, NINO F Scholten photographic prin...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy scout posing, nature behind him, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 903 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18:... Mehr

Boy standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 51

Boy standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 51

Extent electronic resource Title Boy standing against a wall, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 51 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 51 Subject (topic... Mehr

Boy wearing a large hat, NINO F Scholten Waar 1 50

Boy wearing a large hat, NINO F Scholten Waar 1 50

Extent electronic resource Title Boy wearing a large hat, NINO F Scholten Waar 1: 50 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Waar 1: 50 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate f... Mehr

Boys and men. Buildings behind them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 03 44

Boys and men. Buildings behind them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sa...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys and men. Buildings behind them, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 03: 44 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Saron... Mehr

Beggar in the street, NINO F Scholten 08 Jerusalem musulm 1

Beggar in the street, NINO F Scholten 08 Jerusalem musulm 1

Extent electronic resource Title Beggar in the street, NINO F Scholten 08 Jerusalem musulm 1 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten 08 Jerusalem musulm 1 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Boy holding a book, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 143

Boy holding a book, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 143

Boy holding a book, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 143 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 143 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prints (phot... Mehr

Boy in uniform sitting down, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07 166

Boy in uniform sitting down, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07 166

Boy in uniform sitting down, NINO F Scholten photographic print 07: 166 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 07: 166 Subject (topical) Black-and-white pri... Mehr

Boy sitting on rocks, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 866

Boy sitting on rocks, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 866

Boy sitting on rocks, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 866 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 866 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prints (ph... Mehr

Boy scout posing, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18 26

Boy scout posing, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18 26

Boy scout posing, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 26 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 26 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes (representations)Men (mal... Mehr

Boy standing on a roof, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07 076

Boy standing on a roof, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07 076

Boy standing on a roof, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: 076 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 07: 076 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate ... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 29 33

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 29 33

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 29: 33 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 29: 33 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmPoseBoysStairs Subject (geographic) Palestine (... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 3 75

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 3 75

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 3: 75 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem juif 3: 75 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmStreet scenesBoysPoseFences (site... Mehr

Brick factory, machinery and workers, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 06 91

Brick factory, machinery and workers, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 06 91

Brick factory, machinery and workers, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 06: 91 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 06: 91 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmWorkshops ... Mehr

Carriage in the street. People walking in the street, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 267

Carriage in the street. People walking in the street, NINO F Scholten ...

Carriage in the street. People walking in the street, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 267 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 267 Subject (topi... Mehr

Boy sitting down, leaning against a door, NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 71

Boy sitting down, leaning against a door, NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 7...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy sitting down, leaning against a door, NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 71 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 71 Subject (topica... Mehr

Child holding lemons, NINO F Scholten photographic print 09 151

Child holding lemons, NINO F Scholten photographic print 09 151

Extent electronic resource Title Child holding lemons, NINO F Scholten photographic print 09: 151 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 09: 151 Subject (... Mehr

Boy and man at a cigarette shop, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100 48

Boy and man at a cigarette shop, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-10...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and man at a cigarette shop, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100: 48 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100: 48... Mehr

Boy holding a basket, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0132

Boy holding a basket, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19 0132

Extent electronic resource Title Boy holding a basket, NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0132 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 19: 0132 Subject... Mehr

Boy posing on a boat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 496

Boy posing on a boat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 496

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing on a boat, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 496 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 496 Subject (... Mehr

Boy posing on a hill, the village downhill behind him, NINO F Scholten Es Salt 70

Boy posing on a hill, the village downhill behind him, NINO F Scholten...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing on a hill, the village downhill behind him, NINO F Scholten Es Salt 70 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Es Salt 70 Subject ... Mehr

Boy posing, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem chretiens 2 58

Boy posing, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem chretiens 2 58

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing, NINO F Scholten Jerusalem chretiens 2: 58 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jerusalem chretiens 2: 58 Subject (topical) Ce... Mehr

Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03 525

Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03 525

Extent electronic resource Title Boy smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 03: 525 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 03: 525 Subj... Mehr

Boy smiling at the camera. Tent in the background, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 251-300 41

Boy smiling at the camera. Tent in the background, NINO F Scholten Por...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy smiling at the camera. Tent in the background, NINO F Scholten Porte Entree 251-300: 41 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Porte Entr... Mehr

Boys and young men posing with tents in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 106

Boys and young men posing with tents in the background, NINO F Scholte...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys and young men posing with tents in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 106 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten pho... Mehr

Boys gathered underneath the banner, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01 275

Boys gathered underneath the banner, NINO F Scholten photographic prin...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys gathered underneath the banner, NINO F Scholten photographic print 01: 275 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 01:... Mehr

Boys in school sitting behind school benches, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09 44

Boys in school sitting behind school benches, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09...

Extent electronic resource Title Boys in school sitting behind school benches, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 44 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 09: 44 Subject (topi... Mehr

Cart filled with people in the street, NINO F Scholten Colonies juives Judee 2 35

Cart filled with people in the street, NINO F Scholten Colonies juives...

Extent electronic resource Title Cart filled with people in the street, NINO F Scholten Colonies juives Judee 2: 35 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Colonies juives Jud... Mehr

Boy by a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 177

Boy by a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 177

Extent electronic resource Title Boy by a fence, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 177 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 177 Subject (topica... Mehr

Boy filling bucket with water, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 140

Boy filling bucket with water, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11 1...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy filling bucket with water, NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 140 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 11: 140 ... Mehr

Boy posing , NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 034

Boy posing , NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 034

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing , NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 034 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 034 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Boy posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Bethlehem 2 03

Boy posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Bethlehem 2 03

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing in the street, NINO F Scholten Bethlehem 2: 03 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Bethlehem 2: 03 Subject (topical) Cellulos... Mehr

Boy posing in the street, with people and buildings in the background, NINO F Scholten Griekenland 06

Boy posing in the street, with people and buildings in the background,...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy posing in the street, with people and buildings in the background, NINO F Scholten Griekenland 06 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten ... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 63

Boy, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250 63

Extent electronic resource Title Boy, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 63 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 201-250: 63 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate f... Mehr

108776 tel aviv - group photo in 1920 PikiWiki Israel

108776 tel aviv - group photo in 1920 PikiWiki Israel

Name: Tel Aviv - group photo in 1920Description: Group photo in 1920עברית: שם: תל אביב - תמונה קבוצתית ב 1920תיאור: תמונה קבוצתית ב 1920מיקום: תל אביבמעלה הצילום: ישראל פרקרמקור הצילום: ארכיון אוניברסיטת LEID... Mehr

108941 tel aviv PikiWiki Israel

108941 tel aviv PikiWiki Israel

Name: Tel AvivDescription: Tel Avivעברית: שם: תל אביבתיאור: תל אביבמיקום: תל אביבמעלה הצילום: ישראל פרקרמקור הצילום: ארכיון אוניברסיטת LEIDENקובץ מקורי: 1921-1923-110.jpg

A man and three cows in a rocky field with building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15 533

A man and three cows in a rocky field with building in the background,...

A man and three cows in a rocky field with building in the background, NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 533 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 15: 5... Mehr

Alley behind buildings. People and trees. NINO F Scholten Jaffa 05 014

Alley behind buildings. People and trees. NINO F Scholten Jaffa 05 014

Alley behind buildings. People and trees., NINO F Scholten Jaffa 05: 014 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 05: 014 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscape... Mehr

Alley with men and timber, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100 29

Alley with men and timber, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100 29

Alley with men and timber, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100: 29 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 051-100: 29 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate fil... Mehr

Band sitting on chairs in a semi-circle, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 098

Band sitting on chairs in a semi-circle, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5 098

Band sitting on chairs in a semi-circle, NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 098 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Sarona 5: 098 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmTownscapes ... Mehr

Bazaar with people walking the streets and a large building in the back, NINO F Scholten Akka 42

Bazaar with people walking the streets and a large building in the bac...

Bazaar with people walking the streets and a large building in the back, NINO F Scholten Akka 42 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Akka 42 Subject (topical) Cellulose nit... Mehr

Boy and a packed camel on a road, NINO F Scholten Judee 1 61

Boy and a packed camel on a road, NINO F Scholten Judee 1 61

Boy and a packed camel on a road, NINO F Scholten Judee 1: 61 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Judee 1: 61 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes (representa... Mehr

Boy holding a flag, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 074

Boy holding a flag, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13 074

Boy holding a flag, NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 074 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 13: 074 Subject (topical) Black-and-white prints (phot... Mehr

Boy holding a kite in a cemetery, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 01 001

Boy holding a kite in a cemetery, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Saron...

Boy holding a kite in a cemetery, NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 01: 001 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa Tel Aviv Sarona 01: 001 Subject (topical) Cellulos... Mehr

Boy in traditional outfit smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04 277

Boy in traditional outfit smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photo...

Boy in traditional outfit smiling at the camera, NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 277 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 04: 277 Subject (topical) ... Mehr

Boy leaning against a tree, posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 13 079

Boy leaning against a tree, posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 13 079

Boy leaning against a tree, posing, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 13: 079 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 13: 079 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes... Mehr

Boy looking at the camera. Hill and a building behind him, NINO F Scholten Siloah 27

Boy looking at the camera. Hill and a building behind him, NINO F Scho...

Boy looking at the camera. Hill and a building behind him, NINO F Scholten Siloah 27 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Siloah 27 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmL... Mehr

Boy in traditional clothes, trees and another boy in the background, NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 54

Boy in traditional clothes, trees and another boy in the background, N...

Boy in traditional clothes, trees and another boy in the background, NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 54 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Beit Sahur 54 Subject (topical) Cellu... Mehr

Boy scouts posing around a firepit, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17 106

Boy scouts posing around a firepit, NINO F Scholten photographic print...

Boy scouts posing around a firepit, NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 106 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 17: 106 Subject (topical) Black-and-wh... Mehr

Boy sitting on a roof next to a tower. Buildings, sea and boats in the background, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06 058

Boy sitting on a roof next to a tower. Buildings, sea and boats in the...

Boy sitting on a roof next to a tower. Buildings, sea and boats in the background, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 058 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 06: 058 Subject (t... Mehr

Boy sitting on a chair, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 007

Boy sitting on a chair, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02 007

Boy sitting on a chair, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 007 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 02: 007 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmRooms (interior spaces... Mehr

Boy scout sitting on a chair in a field, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18 27

Boy scout sitting on a chair in a field, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18 27

Boy scout sitting on a chair in a field, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 27 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 18: 27 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmSingle-sitter... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22 85

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22 85

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22: 85 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 22: 85 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes (representations)VegetationBoys Subje... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 21 017

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 21 017

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa 21: 017 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa 21: 017 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmLandscapes (representations)Boys Subject (geog... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150 38

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150 38

Boy, NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150: 38 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Jaffa la Belle 101-150: 38 Subject (topical) Cellulose nitrate filmStreet scenesBoys Su... Mehr

Boy with a cane standing next to vegetation, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16 1141

Boy with a cane standing next to vegetation, NINO F Scholten photograp...

Extent electronic resource Title Boy with a cane standing next to vegetation, NINO F Scholten photographic print 16: 1141 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic ... Mehr

Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 748

Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18 748

Extent electronic resource Title Boy, NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 748 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten photographic print 18: 748 Subject (topical) Black-a... Mehr

Boy and girl leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 19 50

Boy and girl leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 19 50

Extent electronic resource Title Boy and girl leaning against a tree, NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 19: 50 Creator/other Scholten, Frank (1881-1942) Shelfmark NINO F Scholten Tel Aviv 19: 50 Subject (topical... Mehr