Elsie Leslie, von Otto Sarony
Elsie Leslie, von Otto Sarony.
Sammlung Harvard Theatre - David Montgomery TCS 1.718
Kabinettskartenbild des amerikanischen Schauspielers und Tänzers David Montgomery (1870-1917). Foto von Otto Sarony (gest. 1903). TCS 1.718, Harvard Theatre Collection, Harvard University
Cissy Fitzgerald von Otto Sarony
Cissy Fitzgerald by Otto Sarony. Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Minnie Maddern Fiske, Bühnendarstellerin Themen: Schauspielerinnen
Minnie Maddern Fiske, stage actress Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph related to Russian history, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Pauline Frederick 001
Pauline Frederick by Sarony ca. 1909
Mary Anderson 002
Mary Anderson in 1909
Schauspielerin Maude Adams (SAYRE 1125)
Schauspielerin Maude Adams. Themen: Schauspielerinnen
Bühnendarstellerin Minnie Maddern Fiske (SAYRE 104)
Bühnendarstellerin Minnie Maddern Fiske. Themen: Schauspielerinnen
Marie Booth Russell (Mrs. Robert B. Mantell) (cropped)
Marie Booth Russell (Mrs. Robert B. Mantell)
Julia Sanderson 001
Julia Sanderson (née Julia Ellen Sackett) (August 27, 1887 – January 27, 1975) was a Broadway actress and singer.
Marguerite Clark
Actress Marguerite Clark
Blanche Walsh 002
Blanche Walsh (January 4, 1873 - October 31, 1915) was a highly regarded American stage actress.
Adams Peter Pan - Public domain scenic print
American Actress Maude Adams (1872-1953) as Peter Pan in the 1905 production. עברית: השחקנית האמריקנית מוד אדמס (1872-1953) בתפקיד פיטר פן, 1905.
Eleanor Kent (SAYRE 11198) - Victorian era public domain image
Eleanor Kent Subjects: singers Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Jack Johnson cph.3b19117 (edit)
Jack Johnson, American boxer Public domain photograph related to the history of France, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Alessandro Salvini by Alexander Sarony 001
Tommaso Salvini's son Alessandro (aka Alexander) (1861-1896), also an actor, had several notable successes in America, particularly as d'Artagnan in The Three Guardsmen.
Ethel Barrymore 002
Ethel Barrymore in1908
Bruce McRae 002
Bruce McRae in The Flag Lieutenant 1909
Alice Johnson 001
Alice Johnson was a Broadway actress, active at the turn of the 20th century (1888–1922)
Bühnenschauspieler John Harvey (SAYRE 3981)
Bühnenschauspieler John Harvey. Themen: Akteure
William B. Mack, Bühnenschauspieler Themen: Akteure
William B Mack, Bühnenschauspieler (SAYRE 5135)
Mlle Dazie 001
Mlle. Dazie was a Vaudeville and Ziegfeld Follies dancer at the turn of the 20th century.
Carrie Sterling (1898)
Portrait of Carrie Sterling by Otto Sarony, c 1898.
Maxine Elliott 001
Maxine Elliott by Otto Sarony 1909
Camille Darville 001 (cropped)
Camille d'Arville was a musical theatre actress in the first decade of the 20th century
Bühnendarstellerin Elsie Herbert (SAYRE 3346)
Stage actress Elsie Herbert. Subjects: actors Public domain photograph - 1900s actress, female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Ruth St. Denis in Egypta, 1910 - Public domain print
Digital ID: DEN_0237V. Sarony, Otto -- Photographer. 1910 Notes: National Endowment for the Arts Millennium Project. Source: Denishawn Collection (...col_id=216" more info</a>) Repository: The New York Public... Mehr
Porträt von Viola Allen, die in "Twelfth Night" (SAYRE 11081) auftrat
Porträt von Viola Allen, die in "Twelfth Night" im The Grand _ Opera House, Seattle, 20. Juni 1907. Themen: Theaterstücke, Schauspielerinnen
Bühnendarstellerin Viola Allen (SAYRE 1010)
Bühnendarstellerin Viola Allen. Themen: Schauspielerinnen, Theaterstücke
Bühnendarstellerin Viola Allen (SAYRE 1782)
Stage actress Viola Allen. Subjects: actresses, plays Public domain photograph - 1900s actress, female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bühnendarstellerin Clara Bloodgood (SAYRE 8530)
Stage actress Clara Bloodgood. Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Camille Darville 001
Camille d'Arville was a musical theatre actress in the first decade of the 20th century
Robert Mantell, Bühnenschauspieler (SAYRE 1991)
Robert Mantell, Bühnenschauspieler Themen: Akteure
Marie Booth Russell (Mrs. Robert B. Mantell)
Marie Booth Russell (Mrs. Robert B. Mantell)
Bühnenjuvenile Percy Helton (SAYRE 3843)
Stage juvenile Percy Helton. Subjects: children as actors Public domain photograph - actress, female portrait, 1910s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Sarong ruth St. Denis - Egypt
Ruth St Denis in Egypta, Dancer Ruth St Denis in Ancient Egyptian style costume, photographed by Otto Sarony, 1910. en:Otto Sarony.
Bühnendarstellerin Minnie Maddern Fiske (SAYRE 353)
Stage actress Minnie Maddern Fiske. Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph - actress, female portrait, 1910s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Harvard Theatre Collection - Hobart Bosworth TCS 1.3202 01
Kabinettskartenbild des amerikanischen Schauspielers und Produzenten Hobart Bosworth (1867-1943) im Kostüm. Das Datum 1914 wurde von der Quelle zur Verfügung gestellt. TCS 1.3202, Harvard Theatre Collection, Ha... Mehr
Bühnenschauspieler Charles Cherry (SAYRE 21827)
Bühnenschauspieler Charles Cherry. Themen: Akteure
Maude Adams L'Aiglon - Black and White Portrait Photograph
Maude Adams as Napoleon II in L'Aiglon by Edmond Rostand
Minnie Maddern Fiske, Bühnendarstellerin (SAYRE 1967)
Minnie Maddern Fiske, Bühnendarstellerin Themen: Schauspielerinnen, Theaterstücke
Bühnenschauspieler John Harvey (SAYRE 3732)
Bühnenschauspieler John Harvey. Themen: Akteure
Bühnendarstellerin Minnie Maddern Fiske (SAYRE 415)
Stage actress Minnie Maddern Fiske. Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Marie Booth Russell 001
Marie Booth Russell was a Broadway actress, active with the Garden Theatre
Elizabeth Bacon Custer in Mourning Clothes and Veil (9798e4f4be1548379...
LIBI_00019_00451; This item is an original albumen print of Elizabeth B. Custer in three-quarter view. The photograph is 3 1/2 x 5 1/2" (6 x 9" mounted) and was produced in 1886 by Otto Sarony of New York. A... Mehr
Madeleine Louis, Bühnendarstellerin Themen: Schauspielerinnen
Madeleine Louis, stage actress Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph - female portrait, the 1900s, aristocracy, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bühnenschauspieler Edward Foley (SAYRE 37)
Bühnenschauspieler Edward Foley. Themen: Akteure
Bühnendarstellerin Minnie Maddern Fiske (SAYRE 813)
Stage actress Minnie Maddern Fiske. Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph of 19th-century female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Bühnenmagierin Adelaide Herrmann (SAYRE 3369)
Stage magician Adelaide Herrmann. Subjects: entertainers Public domain photograph - 1900s actress, female portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Josef Lhévinne by Otto Sarony (BPL Hale Coll)
Portrait of Russian pianist Josef Lhévinne (1874–1944) in New York before the First World War
Otto Hegner by Otto Sarony (BPL Hale Coll)
Portrait of the Swiss pianist Otto Hegner (1876–1907) at age 12
Eine Szene aus George Ades Komödie "Just out of College" (SAYRE 13007)
Eine Szene aus George Ades Komödie "Just out of College". Datiert vom November 1908. Themen: Theaterstücke
Bühnendarstellerin Anna Held (SAYRE 3939)
Stage actress Anna Held. Subjects: actresses Public domain photograph - actress, female portrait, 1910s, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Minnie Maddern Fiske, Bühnendarstellerin Themen: Schauspielerinnen, Th...
Minnie Maddern Fiske, stage actress Subjects: actresses, plays Public domain photograph of a female model, beautiful woman, actress, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Porträt des Varieté-Teams Wellington Cross und Lois Josephine (SAYRE 1...
Porträt des Varieté-Teams Wellington Cross und Lois Josephine. Eingeschrieben im Oktober 1911. Themen: Varieté